Choose Joy

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” Psalms 28:7, NIV.

My sister, I declare over you right now the joy of the Lord! No matter what challenges come your way, I declare you will stir up the joy of the Lord like never before through your praise, and you will be strengthened. You will rest in knowing you don’t have to have perfect circumstances to have joy. Joy is flowing like a river from your Father’s presence to you. Oh, you will walk in the joy of the Lord like never before. You will say by faith, “HA! HA! HA! Jesus has conquered all of my enemies! HA! HA! HA! Jesus has given me the victory!” Your Father in heaven loves you so very much, and He is wiping your tears and filling you with His joy right now. No one will be able to bring you down. The challenges you face are temporary, but your heavenly Father is eternal. He is a good Father, and He is working everything out for your advantage, my sister. This alone will give you joy, and this joy will be your abiding strength!

Prayer: Father, you are the center of my joy and my life. You are the reason I smile and the reason I sing. As you fill me with your joy, I ask that you let it bless everyone around me. Use me to brighten someone’s day, not cast a gloomy cloud over them. Use me to refresh others, not bring them down. Use me to shine for you and give people hope, all for your glory. Put a song in my heart and a pep in my step. Help me laugh more. Brighten my countenance because you are good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” John 15:11, NLT

11 thoughts on “Choose Joy”

  1. Dear Heavenly Father,
    Please continue to fill me with your joy. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

  2. Amen praise God Father continues to let your beautiful light shine through me that the people will see your work In me and all that I do show your self Father in me places that I may go in my surrounding Father allow your light to shine above to speak those inspiration words that you have birth in me in Jesus might name Amen again Thank you Sis Kesha truly you have been a blessing to me❤🙌🏽

  3. Amen Amen Amen!!! Please God help restore Joy to my spirit that only you can give and allow it to flow through me and my babygirl like a flowing river like never before and let us shine for your Glory. You deserve all the glory, honor and praise.

    In Jesus Holy and Precious Name. 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️

  4. Yes the joy of the Lord is most definitely my strength. Without the Lord on my side where would I be. Who would I be? A ship tossed going from side to side like the wind. I’m so anchored in God.

  5. I will declare by faith knowing Jesus have conquered all mine enemies!!! For I know the trials are for to help me take off those things that doesn’t look like my Father!! And to dress me with those things of His bride with learning how to help them remain within me until He come to receive me to Himself, to go to my eternal home to live with Him “FOREVER!!!” In Him I have peace. I choose “JOY!” Father, thank You for being Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank You for Your abundant love!!💗💗💗

    Sister Kesha, I pray this prayer over my life. Thank you for your support with encouragement!!! 💕💐💜💕💐💜💕💐💜

  6. Thank You Jesus for filling me with Your Joy 🤩 even through I am not working. I know You are working behind the scenes for me 😀👏👏I keep singing this song all morning “yes to Your Will and Your way Lord”🙏🏼Thank You sis Keisha for this word today 🌷🧡

  7. I thank you Father for the joy you given me the day you give me my husband George Padilla . I Will still stand in the joy not that you have tooken him home were he is praise you and any thing that comes my way I will Stacy and praise you ,,knowing that you will been holding my hand and walking with me Amen

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