Dear Readers

Dear Readers, each morning, I get up, get my children ready for school and on the school bus, see my husband off to work, and then with two little babies at my feet, I sit down and ask the Lord what do you want me to release today. Some readers suggested adding more writers to assist me. We do have writers, but in this season, God only wants me writing and releasing. It blesses me when I hear you say, “Wow! I needed that! Or, that was perfect timing!” To receive a right now message of encouragement requires checking in with the Lord to make sure I’m releasing what He tells me to release. I can’t rush just to please you. I have to wait for His peace and His love to direct me. Thank you so much for understanding. Love and blessings! Kesha Trippett

Posted in: Uncategorized

147 thoughts on “Dear Readers”

    1. Thank you Kesha for All of your devotionals. We need to hear the Lord speak to us through you so wait on His timing and I’ll be receptive to your purpose.

      1. Lead as the holy spirit directs my sister. You have been such a tremendous blessing in my life and to those I share your message with, and it has always been an on-time word. Continue to please the Masters’ heart. Bless you for your obedience ❀

    2. My dear sister you’re doing exactly what God has called you to do and it is He who is leading you to write those powerful but inspiring devotion. Don’t allow anyone to dictate to you but the Holy Spirit who is your guidance in God’s kingdom work. Love you and praying your strength in the LORD. You’re doing a great job. Keep bless.

    3. Keisha, I’ll wait…. Thank you for being obedient and seeking guys face. I appreciate that you don’t just throw any ol thing out….Let me tell you, your devotions have been straight talk to my heart ❀️. I always tell my friends God is using this girl, this app, to talk to be directly.. Thank you! God bless!

    4. God bless you you doing the right thing spending time with our Lord Jesus and yes I’m so engorged and I’m so bless with your massage everyday can’t wait to read it and share it with my other sister in Christ πŸ™πŸ’ž. Thank you very much God bless you πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸ’–

    5. Your words are always encouraging and uplifting. Continue to move as the holy spirit leads. 😊

    6. Thanks so much! I think you are doing a wonderful job on your own! I am pleased to just have you to continue to write! I’m never disappointed with the messages you send every morning even when they do not match my situation!

    7. Kesha I honestly have to say this…you have been a blessing..God has spoken to me many times, many times that I can’t count, ..I go to work, and I can’t wait to get home and read God’s message..I know He speaks to me through this devotional..praise be to God..Let Him use you. He has and He will continue to do it..stay blessed…and thank you for such a ministry..God bless you all my sisters

    8. I want to thank you for being the vessel of God. There has been many times that this Devotion as answered my prayers or confirmed something in my life. Thanks for listening to and for the voice of our Father

    9. Ms Trippet you are really blessed your words of encouragement save me so many times when i was feeling depressed but 5jrn then i was sure God gave you a message for me daily. I know you maybe tired at times but my sister God got you .I got you May Gos continue to give you wisdom and strenght

    10. Amen thank you so much for all of the beautiful devotions each day to bless others ~GOD bless you my dear Sister πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ˜‡

    11. Thankful for your obedience, humble, sensitive to the spirit, willing vessel continue to let GOD use you in His timing be encouraged and strengthed in this season

    12. Good morning, Woman Of God, I look forward to Reading your Daily messages, It’s surely THE Holy Spirit Speaking to me Each and Everyday!
      I thank God for You!
      Many Blessings To You and Your Family.

    13. Your Devotionals help me sooooo much. Often times I feel like you are talking right to me. God bless you and your family!! You are a light and a beautiful gift!!!!

    14. I didn’t know that what I would say in response to your daily thoughts and verse study could make a difference in your life.
      I look for your study every day.
      It amazes me how you are spot on your encouragement for me.
      I don’t know how I got this app.

    15. Thank you Mrs. Keisha, I’m thankful you seek the Lord before you post. Your words are always on time in my life!!! I have been on this app for 3 years I think. Its always a now word

    16. Please continue to do God. With tears in my eyes I can say he’s used you in a mighty way to reach my stubborn self. We tend to mess up a good thing when in reality God knows best! So please just follow his lead. Thanks for everything you do. You’re so awesome, God bless you! πŸ”₯πŸ™πŸΌ

    17. Yes! Sis Keisha, again I want to say God bless the day that you answered His call to write these devotions. They have encouraged me to get into the Bible for myself, as I go to Him about the topics you write on and the circumstances that life presents to me….I am learning in the process and in my journey for Truth. And still have tonnes more to learn. Your devotions played a huge part in that journey as many times God was either lovingly chastising me or showing me His beautiful Character. Continue to wait, listen, learn and grow by His Spirit and in His Word.

      1. I think what you do is so wonderful I am a catechism teacher couple days a week thing is I have severe disability I have dropped head syndrome it’s a condition caused from Parkinson’s disease every morning it’s just difficulty getting up but I’m always excited to wake up 2 your beautiful messages every morning they encourage me make me feel empowered make me believe that no one can take that away from me even the people who turned their heads and look down on me but the Lord will remove anything that stands in my way and I will keep going to school I have children that depend on me thank you once again for all you do may God bless your ministry and you and your family

    18. Thank you for being obedient to the Spirit. You have blessed myself and my church team in ways that noone can imagine. I am grateful for you. I pray for you wisdom and strength daily. Keep allowing God to lead you because it is truly blessing me.

    19. Thank you for answering his calling and helping others through your words. I always feel as if you are speaking directly to me. You have a gift that God has given to you, thank you for using it and listening to him so please wait on him.πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    20. Thank you for your faithfulness to what God has called you to do. I have been so blessed by your messages just when I needed it. God Bless you!

    21. I Thank God for His using You And for your obedience in waiting to hear from Him And How His Word of Encouragement and timing are Soooooo perfect. Please continue to allow Him to flow through You. His perfect timing is worth the wait. Blessings to You And Your Family in All that you do in Jesus name Mighty Woman of God. You Are A Blessing From Heaven. Amen

    22. Yes! Thank you for praying and releasing what the Lord puts on your heart! It’s always perfect timing for me and my family! Yesterday’s message from God gave me peace and courage and made me understand that I am in the right place and just because I don’t have everything that others have, I can put God first in my family’s life without material things making a difference. Thank you!

    23. I am so thankful I get to start my day with your devotional. I rise at 5:00 am and start my day with reading a new devotional on your app. How do I do that? Simple. I’m one day behind. I don’t read Monday’s devotional on Monday. I read it on Tuesday. By staying one day behind, I am able to savor a new devotional in the early morning hours as part of my routine of waking with God. Blessings to you!

    24. Thank you God for using our sister, Kesha Trippett, in such a special and poweful way with these devotionals. Give her strength and discernment as you continue to fill her with the holy spirit. Continue to give her the words to uplift and inspire those of us desperately seeking you, your guidance and your blessings. Amen.

  1. I just want to say Thank You!! Thank You for being a willing vessel, an Obedient vessel, an a humble vessel. We are so blessed by the messages God gives you to impart in us. I pray that you and your family and bless a thousand times over.

  2. Thank you sister for being such an awesome messenger for our Father. I can appreciate the personal experiences you incorporate as a testimony that’s so relate able. I’m so inspired, encouraged and blessed to wake up to a message that can keep me grounded and focus. May God continue to use you to help us all. Have a blessed dayπŸ™ŒπŸ½

  3. Thank you so much for knowing your Season even as the sons of Issachar had underderstanding the times
    Thank you for your wisdom even as the sons of Issachar had and understanding to know what to do… I Chron. 12:32a. I so so appreciate your obedience and sensitivity to the Spirit of God to speak a word in Season…Isa.50:4.
    You are Always Spot On!!!
    Ps. 115:14-May the Lord increase you more and more… God bless❣️

  4. I have been using the DOTK amp going on to three years now. I cannot properly express in this message how the devotionals have impacted by life and how The Father has used them to speak live, encourage and love to me. This season of my life has been the most painful but he is seeing me through. You are being used by Our Father in an amazing way. I hope you will feel encouraged to know that he is using to bless so many and the impact is great. I look forward to each devotional and please take as much time as you need.

  5. Thank you so much for knowing your Season and leading of the Lord even as the sons of Issachar had understanding of the times
    to know what to do… I Chron. 12:32a. I so so appreciate your obedience and sensitivity to the Spirit of God to speak a word in Season…Isa.50:4. God blessβ£οΈπŸ™πŸ½
    You are Always Spot On!!!
    Ps. 115:14-May the Lord increase you more and more… God bless❣️

  6. We appreciate you more than you realize! We understand that you can’t move without the Holy Spirit leading you!! We will all be here waiting patiently on God’s word!

    Love you sister!!


  7. God has so continuously amazed and blessed me through your devotions and I share with other sisters who are in the islands and states. May our God bless you and your family and the ministry that He has blessed you to expand His kingdom. Thank you so much.

  8. Every message is always right on time. I appreciate you allowing God to use you to minister to the world. You are truly an amazing woman of God & everyday I Him for you.❀

  9. I would like to say thank you! Your encouraging words have blessed myself and friends that I share it with. Thank you for writing what our Heavenly Father has instructed you to write. You are truly an example of what a woman of God is. May God continue to bless you and your family!

  10. I just want to say thank you sister, you’re doing a wonderful job and he’s giving you perfect timing and perfect messages. I use your devotional every day and it helps keep me going… You’re doing amazing things here in Chillicothe Ohio. Thank you and God bless ✝️

  11. This is soo refreshing to hear….see someone walk with the holy spirit and never seeking to go become him for her glory is humbling. I love you and I aspire to be like you

  12. I have never written in before but wanted to now to thank you for the service you do give us. I am sitting, journaling in tears how unworthy I feel to ask for help and forgiveness and I stopped so i could go back and re-read what was written on 11/10/19 to go boldly to His throne. I need the nuggets of Truth He gives you to get me through this moment and guide me to Him. Thank you for listening to Him and His prompt timings. In the time He gives it to you…work in His time. I still haven’t read today’s post or yesterday’s. For some reason, the Lord showed me to read Sunday’s today. I needed it 2hrs later, not 2 days ago when written, but today. I write to you now to thank you for abiding in His time and direction. …now i will go re-read the 11/10/19 post and return to my journaling. Appreciate you. Your sister in Christ in South Florida.

  13. Good evening woman of GOD
    Thank you so much for blessing me every single day with a message from you. I love all of them and most of the time I feel it’s especially for me! The special messages from GOD is so dear to my heart. It speak directly to my spirit. I love you my sister and please keep on doing what you are doing ! You are a huge blessing to me! May GOD bless you in abundance. May HIS favour alway’s be with you.
    Love you lots.
    Miekie Joubert
    South Africa

  14. I’m so glad you released this information. I have been praying lately that God would direct you and it would be from him and not just words of encouragement, but straight from his spirit to touch others. Thank you for being obedient to that, as a devotion about Jesus Christ his word and tracking others, is much different than a self-help or pep talk. You take whatever time you need, as it does bless us and has blessed me so much with God’s words through you.

  15. Thank you so Much Keisha!.. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated and on time no matter when you choose to release it. You truly are doing a mighty work for the Lord and I am absolutely blessed by it every single time sis. To God be the Glory!!!

  16. Thank God for you πŸ™ŒπŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ™πŸ½β™₯️ I truly appreciate you and your encouraging words πŸ™ŒπŸ½ You have filled my spirit with, LOVE ❀️, PEACE AND HAPPINESS β™₯️ JOY AND I KNOW IT IS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS WHO STRENGTHEN YOUπŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ™ŒπŸ½ THANK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ WE LOVE YOU, JEEP UP THE GREAT WORK πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ AMEN AND AMEN GREETING FROM OXFORD, MS.β™₯️ CHARLOTTE

  17. I do appreciate you my dear sister and what you are doing. Allow yourself to be used by God for his purpose, and Not to be used by people for their purpose. When the time comes, he’ll expand your Territory. ❀️

  18. God bless you!!! He wanted you to rest today. He wanted you to be the one to receive some encouragement todayπŸ’œ Thank you so much for EVERY SINGLE devotional! You have helped me tremendously! God uses you to speak to me, & every single person on here!!! Again, may God bless you & your familyπŸ’œ You are truly changing this world one person at a time!!!

  19. Sister your writing is only what is needed. Sometimes the time you need is also a time we need to receive a word that will touch at a later time.. I
    You Know God timing is right
    And he will allow for lapses of time in your writing
    Be blessed sister and sisters who read this post

  20. Oh, Kesha, I fully understand. I have been in ministry for years and I have learned that it is not just important to ease the work load, but to wait for The right workers and God’s perfect timing. I fully believe you are following His lead and listening to our ever-present Holy Spirit Guide. I pray the Lord continues to bless you and speak through you! πŸ™πŸ» He makes all things beautiful in His time! πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ»βœοΈπŸ™ŒπŸ»

  21. There is nothing I can add or say to all the other comments, except thank you and God bless you for being obedient and hearing the Holy Spirit, I’m so grateful to Jesus that I found you just a short time ago πŸ™

  22. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

    12 As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.

    13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.

    14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.

    Proverbs 25:11-14
    Thank you for not forging GOD’S Signature and forcing GOD but waiting on GOD.

  23. That should be the only thing that comes out of your mouth with what God wants you to put on the computer we have to be patient enough to wait tI o see what he has for all of us you are a blessing not very grateful that got you to do and you’re allowed God to use you in that way you have a blessed day thank you again.

  24. I love you and this is a daily must read in my life your words bless me and the Lord truly uses you as an instrument in my life!!!!

  25. God’s favor and His word is all over this platform you are sharing with us. I’ve been reading your content for YEARS. God has used you to speak to me in depth. I could not even begin to describe that at length. Thank you. Very. Very. Much. Through coming to Christ, mental health, being a mom, a wife and now going through divorce and financial ruin. These are all situations but God doesn’t change and again, he has used you to speak to me time and time again. Daily for years. I have faltered in my faith in God. having your devotional has been vital to me for a long time. Thank you

    1. I personally love you and covet the Grace upon you. I wouldn’t have you anyway else. You always bring words in season. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Much love from Nigeria.πŸ₯°

  26. Thank you Jesus for not rushing. Your devotions speak to my heart daily and I love to share with my children. This is Gods perfect timing. Be blessed

  27. Sister Kesha,
    I so appreciate you listening to the Lord! I can’t tell you how many times I open up DOTK and thank the Lord for His faithfulness and for your faithfulness to hear Him and share His heart! I send the DOTK devotion to 7 women everyday! It blesses them as well! God’s continued blessings on you, your family and the ministry He has called you to! Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you Sister Kesha,
      For your obedience, allowing God to use you for His purpose. A vessel of honor. My prayer is that God will continue to bless you and your family with His heavenly gifts.
      Thank you for the on time messages.

  28. That ‘s what i was think this morning May God continue to guide u &right direction Am praying for u “Be Bless always my in Sister in Christ Amen

  29. Please keep doing what you are doing!! Let me tell you that God has repeatedly, almost on the daily, used your messages to speak to me about the exact thing I’m going through!! No coincidence my friend!! God is using you sister in ways you cant imagine! Thanks for seeking Him and in return encouragement us to do the same!

  30. Thank you for your Godly gift. I think as daughters of the king we have to remember to be God dependent and not Kesha dependent. As great as her writings are we have to remember his writings and words are greater. Read his word first put him first and watch him move and I believe that is what Kesha is doing. Take care of God’s work first- his Kingdom and every thing else will fall in place. His word for me is first (keeping my head in the bible) and then I am reminded of how much He loves me even more through your writing, Kesha. Take your time in his presence that’s where you belong. There is a song that is like a lullaby by William McDowell called in your presence and it makes you fall in love with God all over again. Be of good cheer. Love you and thank God for you. He has many good gifts for you and your family. Xoxo

  31. Glory to God. And that’s what you’re doing. Giving all of the Glory to our God. Thanks for sharing with us Daily and God bless You.

  32. It takes time to hear from God. I believe that sometimes He just wants us to sit in His presence and breathe.We should never be afraid of silence.

  33. God bless you Miss Kesha!!! Continue to follow the Lord and do what He tells you to do. We trust Him, so we’ll wait on YOU!! Thank you for being a vessel. You have blessed me greatly!!! May the Lord continuously shine down upon you and your family.

  34. God bless you Miss Kesha!!! Continue to follow the Lord and do what He tells you to do. We trust Him, so we’ll wait on YOU!! Thank you for being a vessel. You have blessed me greatly!!! May the Lord continuously shine down upon you and your family. THANK YOU!!! πŸ™πŸΎβ€

  35. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to follow God the way He leads not the way the world is comfortable with.
    Much love and blessings beyond measure to you and your family.

  36. Thank you so much. I believe God has spoken to me through your devotions. They came at a time when I really needed them. You are blessed, and may the good Lord continue to use you to inspire others.

  37. I will wait…Thanks for being attentive to the voice of GOD through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
    ISAIAH 50:4-5
    Thanks to you and your staff for all you do to bless the lives of his children.

  38. I’m so thankful you are obedient and listen. I can say every morning when I read the devotional it’s perfect timing and just what I’m needing. We truly serve an amazing god. Thank you again

  39. Honestly I never give feedback to nothing, it just takes time, so I just don’t do it. I know I should but I don’t. The past couple months I been dealing with anxiety/stress my health has me worried and your words keep me focused on God, gives me faith, hope and remindes me of Gods promises to me✝️
    God speaks to me so much through your devotion.
    Thank you so much for everything you do, it really helps me.
    Thank you.

  40. Thank you so much for sharing what God gives you to share!! These readings lift my spirit daily. Thank You!!!

  41. Thankful for your obedience, humble, sensitive to the spirit, willing vessel continue to let GOD use you in His timing be encouraged and strengthed in this season

  42. God bless you so much Kesha, been reading your devotions for over a year now, and though we are millions of miles apart I feel like I do ministry with you. Am in Nairobi Kenya. I am one of those who always feel like whatever you shared is like I shared with you before…like we know each other personally. God bless you girl.

    On Friday you shared about God providing for us according to His riches in Glory, I was going through financial turmoil, after reading your devotions titled “God will provide” the storm in my heart was stilled and was filled with so much peace….on Saturday God came through for me in a miraculous way, in terms of finances, on Sunday a sister in church blessed me with foodstuffs, that same Sunday got a favour in one of the groups I am in, where we have a table banking, I got a waiver and and dint have to pay my subscription….and the list is endless. He is still doing it even now.

  43. Kesha, I want you to know that January 28th ,2020 will make four years of God holding my hand and helping me grow as I walk this Valley. I always knew of Jesus, for I grew up in church but I never knew him On a personal level Like I do now. Kesha what you don’t know is that you have been holding the other hand helping me though all of it and I thank you soo much .Every day that you was/are obedient to God, you were/are allowing him to flow through you an I receive the strength,and the word that I so dearly needed/need to start my day. I am so greatful that I have the opportunity to read Daughters of a King everyday because of your love for God and your obedience towards him.Thank you so much and may God bless you for the wounderful works you are doing for his daughters. Also know That I will be up early in the morning every morning talking with our God and waiting To see what the good Lord has to say . I know that you do not know me But I pray right now that if there is ever A-day that you need extra strength or if you are in any need, I pray that God puts it upon my heart so that I can pray for you so I could maybe help you like you have helped me. Thank you and God Bless

  44. Let God carry you at his speed, dont try to rush it, the word is coming to those that’s its intended for at that right moment. You lean on Jesus and stay in the word and his Holy Spirit will guide your heart, mind and spirit on what to release .
    You have been a true blessing to me.

  45. I’ve been reading your devotionals for a little over a year now, and I have to say my sister, that your words are ALWAYS on point and on time. My beloved sister, Almighty God is using you in a way so mightily, that you, yourself can not even fathom it! You are an absolute blessing in my life and I praise the Father for your obedience to His will. I am in a situation where I’m working but haven’t been paid from December, 2018! That’s right, myself nor my staff have received a paycheck for the past 11 months! We were contracted by our government in 2017 and it’s been a REAL REAL STRUGGLE EVER SINCE! But our God is FAITHFUL, He has consistently kept us and provided for us! A few weeks ago, you did a devotional entitled, “It’s about to rain in your life!” I cannot tell you what that did for my spirit, how much that uplifted me! I was literally on the precipice of ‘throwing in the towel’, but God used you mightily with that Word! Another, just last week, “He’s called you and He’s sure”, has kept me grounded in what I KNOW He has called me to do! Keep up the AWESOME work my sister, you may or may not know it, but YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!! God bless and keep you and yours, Pastor Kesha, He WILL reward you, down to your seventh and eighth generations! I LOVE YOU!

      1. Thank u sis … God is indeed using you to bless us as women in a time when wer need it most… may u continue to be the blessing you are.. again thank you

  46. Dear Sister,
    I appreciate your obedience to our Father, who directs our every step. He has used you to minister to me everyday for the past 4 years when I found myself in a difficult time in my life. He used you to lead me in His Word every day beginning a new journey of trusting Him in every area of my life.

    Where God guides, He provides. Even with two little ones at your feet. He called YOU to start this devotional.

    Thank you for your devotion, obedience and sacrifice. God Bless You and Your family β™₯️

  47. God has you in the right place at the right time as this. Everyday your message has given me the encouragement,hope and comformation I needed for that day. It seems that you’re always speaking to me. Keep listening to God he called you man didn’t. Be blessed.

  48. Thank you for following the voice of the Holy Spirit. Everything you have been saying has been right on time and target for my life. You won’t ever understand how just yesterday’s alone reading really spoke to my heart. I really needed that. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! Whatever you do please don’t allow this devotional site to turn into something that’s the isn’t guiding it to be

  49. Thank you for Daily Devotionals it has been a huge blessing to me.God use you to speak to me everyday. Yes this is a everyday for me ..God bless you

  50. Hi Kesha,

    Hi Kesha,

    I am so grateful to the Lord, my God and Heavenly Father for finding your ministry.
    My name is SΓ΄nia Mara and I’m Brazilian. I want you to know how much each devotional her has helped me to walk toward the Kingdom of God.
    Please continue to be obedient to God and go ahead ….

  51. I’ve never left a comment, but sis I thank you for allowing God to use you in such an extraordinary way. That’s right, you take your time and let God speak to you, we’re on his timing. Don’t want you messing around rushing and have us all jacked up lol I love you and thank you again.

  52. Hi Kesha,

    I am so grateful to the Lord, my God and Heavenly Father for finding out your ministry.
    My name is SΓ΄nia Mara and I’m Brazilian. I want you to know how much each devotional from you has helped me to walk toward the Kingdom of God.
    Please continue being obedient to God and go ahead ….

  53. Hello Kesha,

    Thank you for sharing letting us know exactly what the Lord wants you to include each morning when you send the devotional. Your devotions are truly heaven sent. I will wake up and read them on my way to work they are always so timely. Continue to act in your calling and allow him to always speak to you. You are more then enough. You are amazing and we appreciate you so much for it. You touch many lives around the world that you might not even know about. I love that relationship you have with the Lord its truly so inspiring. I need to dig more deeper into reading his world. I pray you have a blessed day. Love your sister in Christ

  54. My beautiful sister, you surely are anointed and gifted. Thank you that even in your busy schedule, you love people enough to be obedient to the Lord and always share a word in season. This devotional has saved my life literally. Rest in the lord! I was in an accident and almost fatally killed. Years of Rehab. I had head injuries and thought I would never get better depression and wanting to take my life everyday. I did not have the concentration to read the Bible. Reading your devotional got me through everyday. Remembering who I am and what I am. I am the daughter of the king. When the rest of the world walked out. God used you to walk in. Thank you sister:)

  55. I go to see your devotion every morning and I am encouraged by it. My sister you are a blessing to me. God has His hand on you. Thank you for being obedient to our Father. Your devotions are full of truth. May God continue to bless you abundantly. I thank God for you. ❀️

  56. Good morning,

    I read your devotionals in amazement because I always wonder if its just me you be speaking to. Everyone of your messages so far hits the point where Im at in life. To say they are always on point is an understatement. Please continue to be obedient and move at God’s pace. Many of us are depending on you. You’re doing a remarkable job. Love you from the Turks and Caicos!

  57. Although I look forward to your devotionals and sometimes I get antsy waiting for it, there’s nothing I respect more than someone who takes good care of their family. So you just keep doing what you’re doing, you’re doing great! And just on a side note, I have the most amazing, Christ loving cousin who desires nothing more than reaching others for Jesus and her favorite way to do that is through the power of words. So if you do change your mind or if God leads you to, Raven would love an opportunity like that. She is the most humble and kind person ever! πŸ™‚

  58. Keep doing what your doing, you are a blessing to all of us. Take your time, We all understand and We will be here waiting for you. God Bless You and Your Beautiful Family. πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’œ

  59. Thank you for following the Lord instructions. I’ll wait all is needed to hear from the Lord. Thru you.

    I also have a testimony!!
    I was told 2yrs ago the Lord was going to raise my salary. This year my finance was terrible and instead of having extra in my purse, i was in red. And in red the Lord remind me 3 months ago, that I say I was going to donate monthly to DOTK ministry. So I started giving my monthly donation, and just a month ago. The word I was giving 2yrs ago of a salary increase happen. And the Lord make me remember that 2 months ago I started giving to DOTK, in other words that word didnt come to life until I give out of what I didn’t have and fulfill my promise of giving to the channel the Lord is using to bless me everyday.
    Thank you Kesha and team for blessing my life.

    This is why I dont matter wait to hear from him, thru you.

    Blessings from Panama City Panama
    JC Smith

  60. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you because this is a vision God has given to you, now if the Holy Spirit gives you a ship load of word for days to come you can have your assistance to help out, even if he lead you to share something you’ve shared in the pass the word never grows. Thank You, so much for sharing your heart.

  61. I didn’t know that what I would say in response to your daily thoughts and verse study could make a difference in your life.
    I look for your study every day.
    It amazes me how you are spot on your encouragement for me.
    I don’t know how I got this app.

  62. Well spoken. Wait on The Lord also means have patience with those who are Minister vessels for Him. Many should desire the patience of Job. Thanking God for your Faithfulness my sister in Christ Jesus. Blessings to All.

  63. Yes! Sis Keisha, again I want to say God bless the day that you answered His call to write these devotions. They have encouraged me to get into the Bible for myself, as I go to Him about the topics you write on and the circumstances that life presents to me….I am learning in the process and in my journey for Truth. And still have tonnes more to learn. Your devotions played a huge part in that journey as many times God was either lovingly chastising me or showing me His beautiful Character. Continue to wait, listen, learn and grow by His Spirit and in His Word.

  64. I woke up to your message this morning. I must tell you. You are amazing I found your devotional at a really hard season in my life. And you know it’s always the hardest at the end n beginning of new. If it wasn’t for your words that spoke right to my heart thru this past 4 weeks. I not sure how I would of made it thru! There were days I re read the devotional over n over n over!!! Just to make it thru….thank you for your blessed words!!!!!

  65. LOVE and GOD BLESS You my Sister Kesha when You minister a word to me i hear our LORD ministering to me. Glory to GOD.” Always on time i am ever so humbly Greatful that HE has put You Dot-k Ministrie in my life, for HE has pulled me through so many times through out the years, through this Ministrie. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD.” Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD.” LOVE and GOD BLESS You All ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i United States Thank YOU my LORD JESUS Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah GLORY GLORY GLORY to GOD.”πŸ˜™βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜βš˜πŸ’œπŸ”₯πŸ•Š

  66. Yes dear sister. Wait on the Lord the word says, and unless the Lord builds the house those who labor, labor in vain. Thank you my dear sister for waiting to hear His still small voice πŸ’œ

  67. My faith has changed because it started with you! May God continue to bless you so that you may have the strength to bring others to his word!

  68. β€β€β€β€β€β€β€β£πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  69. Omgosh, I found this devo thread at a low time in my life. I had several devos, and books, including my bible, available. I was feeling so low one day that I searched the ap store for another devo link, longing to hear God’s Word and encouragement. My point, it might just be a blessing for those who seek more, to do so, with God. It may be right where He needs them, where we each are at times, desparate for the Source of any devo or book. Thank you for the way you serve Him. What a blessing it is to us all!

  70. Dear sister,
    Thank you so much for wait on God. I believe and declare that He uses you to make a difference in many lives.
    If you were to try to rush God to meet some kind of deadline instead of waiting on Him, it would be done in your strength not His power. Keep doing what your doing, it makes an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Many blessings,
    Pastor Patricia Less

  71. Thank you so much for allowing the Holy Spirit use you to speak to our hearts. I am blessed and so many others are as I pay the blessing forward. I pray that you continue to be enriched, encouraged, refreshed and rejuvenated. Blessings to you πŸ™πŸΎ

  72. Dearest Sister Kesha,
    I have been a reader for about a year now and up until now didnt realize I could comment. I am so happy that I figured it out because now I Have the opportunity to let you know how much your ministry has blessed me immensely. Every morning I look forward to your anointed words. I am so grateful and thankful for your obedience to God and your faithfulness to do what God has called you to do. As I write this, I am overwhelmed with tears of joy because of the ministry you are doing. I have shared your devotional on numerous occasion’s with patients of mine that I care for on a daily basis. I have shared the app with a number of girlfriends and told them how spirit filled you are. Every day the fresh word of God and his heart pours out through you! It encourages me, corrects me, and gives me hope and confidence in my walk with Jesus. I pray God continues to anoint you and give you strength as you continue his work here on earth. Through you and your faithful obedience I am winning the spiritual battle everyday in my life.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    God Bless You!

  73. Thank you so much for these daily words of encouragement. At my greatest need they answer a prayer prayer or a thought in my mind just to let me know God heard my request. Continue to walk out his destiny and plan for you and your family You are his servant mighty Woman of God and he knows who we need to hear what from and when always. Be blessed and Shalom.

    1. Thank you so much for the word. One thing I know when God speaks he speak through his word and he speaks through people.

  74. I do believe each devotional is for me and there is days when I’m in morning prayer speaking to the Lord. Exactly what he says to me in private I will say Lord what are you saying on today and open the app. Boom confirmation of what Jesus is speaking to me and Others at the same time. I will be praying that the Lord keeps speaking to you and overflowing in your life that you will be able to pour into others. Jesus has already put each day of ours on the cross and we are walking it out on Earth may Jesus will be some in your life on Esrth as it is in Heaven. Been going strong with this app for two years and it’s what I read each morning.
    God Bless

  75. Listen! Wait on God and write, I will wait on you. Your devotionals have spoken to me directly especially in this season. I was telling my church mom who introduced me to and continues to send me this devotional, that you are all up in my business because you have not missed a beat. I know it is the Holy Spirit. May He replenish you and keep you and your family covered. Bless you always!

  76. Thank you Keesha for this explanation but by no means do you owe us anything. We are always blessed by your obedience and timeliness and I thank God for you. Yes, you a mighty woman of God who the Lord uses as His vessel to pour out His word but your a wife, mom and woman first and for that we’re even more grateful and thankful. Continue to be blessed beyond measure and hear what thus says the Lord.

  77. My dear Sister,
    I am so grateful to the Lord for you, so often the message from God’s heart to your heart brings confirmation and comfort to my spirit. Thank youπŸ’

  78. I would rather receive 3 words that are anointed and sent by the Holy Spirit than receive message after message from a writing team. Your messages have got me through very hard times, some days I couldn’t hardly wait to see if God had a word for me. You know when its for you, you know when its for as someone else and you share it with them. Message after message, they touch the one who needs it the most, directed by the Holy Spirit. There were times when I didn’t know how to face the day, but through your message and the confirmation of the Word of God, I was encouraged. It helped me encourage others. I can go to the internet anytime to find messages from writing teams but I rejoice in knowing your messages are anointed and directed by the Holy Spirit. God bless you richly. Continue to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Your words from God have got me through some really hard times during sickness and pain and stressful days. Thank You! Well Done!

  79. Thank you for your daily devotionals and continue to allow the Lord to use you and speak to you. It is encouraging and needed. You are teaching me and showing me how to prepare to write and spend time with Lord. This is the ministry the Lord gave you! Continue to fulfill your assignment and calling it is a blessing to many.

  80. Amen….You Continue To Wait To Hear From GOD….That’s Why We’re Here To Hear What HE Has Spoken To You. I Know I Was Divinely Connected To This Devotional And It Blesses Me Immensely…

  81. πŸ¦‹ Hello Kesha. Every morning when I wake up with Excitement, asking what word does God have for me today from our daughters of the King devotional? I believe in my spirit that there are some devotionals messages that God has spoken to me through you. I give him the glory for this. And he is using you Mrs. Trippett. . You have been a blessing to me, and I Thank you so much for it. Praise God πŸ¦‹

  82. β€β€β€πŸ‘‘ amen !! My sister I wouldn’t have it any other way 😌 wait on the Lord…..cause I need to know what my King is saying in regards to all my situations πŸ’–

  83. Thank YOU for obeying our FATHER. I TRULY am BLESSED by the DOTK. Even when i read it a day or 2 late, GOD knew I would need it at that moment. Blessings to you and your family. Keep giving us HIS message through. I greatly appreciate them and YOU.

  84. Continue to stand and have your being in our God. You’re blessing to all of us. I thank our God for your obedience and moving in Holy Spirit’s anointing. I can say this, for over five years, I’ve read your devotional. They’ve been on point. I heard, applied and follow the leading of Holy Spirit. I’m having an awesome journey of where our God is taking me. Forever in your grace. Forever loving to be your sister in our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you. Praying as well for you. Peace, Jamilla.πŸ’žβ€πŸ’žπŸ˜‡

  85. Dear Kesha I`m a reader from Germany and I want you to know how often God uses you to speek directly in my current situation – most of the time I`m breatheless and speechless and soooo thankful for your ministry – may God bless you!!!

    Greetings from Christine

  86. Hello! I am in a very dark place in life right now. Today, I am feeling depressed because of several issues, and no amount of rest can actually make me stand up again.

    But every time I open this app, I feel like God is speaking to me. It did today. I have had this app for 5 years already, and God always speaks to me through you. Please trust what God leads you to do, and everything will fall into place. Thank you, Kesha. β™₯️

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