Identify Yourself with God’s Grace

“But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” 1 Corinthians 15:10

In life, there are some people that won’t let you forget what you did and who you used to be. Whether you were addicted to pain pills, were an ex-convict, or a lesbian, or an alcoholic, there are some people who will remind you constantly of your old self. Paul had the same problem with people not forgetting who he used to be. He once persecuted the church and imprisoned many believers. He was a bad man, but God changed his life around. However, people around him weren’t so easily convinced of the change that had taken place within him. Sometimes all people can see is your mistakes, and not the grace of God on your life.

The only thing that can overcome the pain of people’s judgement is you learning to do the same thing Paul did. He identified himself with the grace of God. He stated, “By the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” God’s grace is more than undeserved favor. It is His divine influence upon your heart and it’s reflection in your life. When Paul looked in the mirror, he didn’t see his past, he saw God’s grace. And that’s what we must do as believers who have been saved and delivered from all sorts of problems.

You are not your past. You are not your failures. You are a testimony of God’s amazing grace! And God will fight for you. He will show Himself strong in you. He will remove all fear caused by the fears of others. He will give you a word of reconciliation that is specially tailored to reach those who are going through the same thing God delivered you from. So, you stay encouraged and keep your head up! You are a beautifully graced woman of God!

Challenge: Look in the mirror and say, “Goodbye old me. Goodbye to all fear. I identify myself with the grace of God. It is in full operation in my life. I am a new creature in Christ and I act like it. I walk like it. I talk like it. I am a beautifully graced woman of God!”

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35 thoughts on “Identify Yourself with God’s Grace”

  1. FATHER THANKING YOU FOR everything YOU have DONE FOR ME…THANKS for n e being a living TESTIMONY…

  2. Dear friends,
    Your devotions have been a channel of blessings, I have also shared it with many. Can I continue to do so?

    Please reply

  3. Thank you Father God Hallelujah to the highest praise the Lord Amen and Amen again My God is Awesome God

    1. AMEN!! ☺ I am also a woman saved by grace. Thank you Holy Father!!! How great You are!! I love you!!!!!

  4. Wow…oh my goodness. A devine message spoken to my heart. Wow.
    I’m in awe at the how God listens to my cry, and answers me in the most amazing, encouraging, and loving ways.
    Thank you Jesus ♡
    You are a Good Good Father!

    TY ~DOTK~

  5. This really touched home for me. I served 24 months in prison for a crime I committed and god gave me tremendous favor during this time. However, I have been home for 3 years and just 2 weeks ago my sister got very angry with me because I spoke the truth; and we all know how the truth can hurt sometime and she lashed back at me with my prison time. My response was through God’s tender grace and mercy and the blood of Jesus he saved me. …..
    God loves us so much.

    1. People will hurt you with their words. But keep a reminder somewhere, that you are saved by grace. Just like me I get to wake up to his grace and mercy every new morning. I am so thankful for God’s unconditional love. And I am thankful for you sister.

  6. Wow what a word!! My heart is always joyful when l hear such words as: grace and mercy. There will be no room for unhealthy competition in the body of Christ and by extention the world when we fully grasp the meaning of grace. What do l have that was not given to me by God? Is it beauty, intelligence, wealth, fame you name them. lord please let me forever be mindful of your grace; for man cannot achieve anything unless it be given him from above. Without your grace l wouldn’t be alife. Death wanted me but mercy and grace said no and that settled it. When you are conscious of the fact that what you are and what you will ever be is purely by grace you don’t boast. Dearest darling, may l always live in the consciousness of your grace in Jesus name l pray amen.

  7. I’m so sorry that this beautiful message was marred by putting two physical challenges and one state of being in a list with ex-convict as if they were sins. Just the same as a crime, these other struggles or victories are only hurtful in what one does with them. We Must continue to honor all persons as unique, valued creations of the Almighty! We each have challenges and can be renewed at any moment. React to the servant of God – not a perceived shortcoming. We have too much to be thankful for to miss the message of Grace for all!

  8. Wow. God is ultimatly the most powerful influence and he does Know everything Ladies. My morning was just as how Paul felt and it seemed to be every which way I turned but by the Grace of God one of my sisters sent me this script and not a more perfect time then this morning when I felt as I was being beaten down by the enemy so bad that I received his prayer and wow did it Romance me just as I needed it too. Thank you God and thank you Jennifer. I love you God and God is great. Amen… Candice

  9. My God, My God… It’s seems like people in the street that don’t even know me can see the spirit of the Lord all on me. And yes I’ve done all kind of bad things. Drugs, smoking, bank robbery, forgery, you name it because I dibbled and dabbed in it all! But through it all GOD kept me. I did 3 year on a 45 year sentence and through the power of my mother’s prayers, the prison system let me out after 18 months. I came out found me a church home and began to be who God said I was. Don’t get me wrong because it is no way easy. People and so called friends want you to continue to be that old person. They are not interested in the new and improved person. But there are people who love and adore the spirit of the Lord in you.

    If ever you want to evolve into that place of paradise, walk with God! He will show you in What path you should follow. “God Bless All who Read This”

  10. What an amazing wonderful truth! Our past does not exist anymore, God is I AM note He never mentions the past where forgiveness is given, He says He remembers our past no more, He has thrown it in the sea, it is as far removed from Him and us as the east is from the west. This is GRACE and MERCY. Now why should we live in the past? Only the devil will remind one of her past, who do you listen to and believe? Jesus Who paid the dear price or the devil who has a terrible future and hates you? He is constantly trying to trick the body of Christ by condemming them through accusations of their past, which does not exist anymore. We live in the now and by God’s grace, stand clean and righteous before Him through and in Christ. What a mighty awesome God we serve!

  11. My sister Angela you are a brave, beautiful,intelligent woman covered with the grace of God. Your past is your past.But God has your future. God continue you bless and keep you.Love you my sister.

  12. Father thank you for your word. Your grace is sufficient for me. Bless you Lord. Thank you for working in me. In Jesus name Amen

  13. Beautiful message as timely was mediating on the same word when I received it thank you and God blessyou .it is a pity cannot copy paste to share with others

  14. If it was not for God I do not no were I would be at this moment.. God has brought me a mighty mighty long way. From nothing to a beautiful woman of GOD. Thank you Jesus.

  15. I’m in agreement with you Zibi and Angela. This is indeed grace and mercy at work. Truly what we are and were and ever hope to be is really by His grace.

    1. Praise God! I am still learning to put the Word before me and after every experience in lift so that God can get the Glory and I the victory . I was told I offended someone and others by what I said not knowing I did and went to oppoligize and was hung up on not letting me. I left a voice mail asking forgiveness any way but felt condem till I went to God in prayer , the WORD His Grace ,His mercy,His love, His forgiveness overshadowed me to understand deeper “Jesus went to Calvary to save a ranch like me” that’s love and for giveness ,I to Must do the same toward others forgiveness Frees You up to understand when others come to minister to the Soul I been there God is good, Jesus is Real I am what the Word says , put on Grace and Mercy you have to forgive and let others ask forgiveness, and recieve forgiveness Jesus did Delivered Hallaluurrrrrrrr. Anna

  16. Amen!🙆🙏🙏🙏 GRACE WINS EVERYTIME!!!💯🎁💝💝💝🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎊🎇 DOTK💓💕💪💓💪I Love yall!!!🌹🌻🌺💐🌸🍃Thank you!💌💗👐👏💃💃💃 🌟SHINE4JESUS🌞👑🌞🌞😘

  17. When I was 17 I asked God into my heart 11times, and I do it all the time and I believe he’s the only way to heaven and I believe He loves me but I hate myself so much and I can’t get past it no matter what . I’ve been in therapy. I have wonderful Christian friends. I go to a wonderful Church. I just don’t know how to feel this way.

  18. Tonight this posting was a blessing . That I’m not alone God is always near by. I am blessed and highly favored. Never let the enemy trick you into thinking you are less. God has you high on a pedestal. . Thank you Lord for calming my heart. Doris

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