One Day

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words…” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, Berean Study Bible.

Years ago, I had a dream that I was standing outside in an open field, and as I looked up at the sky, I began to go up in the air. As I went up, I could sense my Father smiling at me. The only thing on my mind was I finally get to see face to face the One who had been with me all this time. Nothing else mattered.

I know you’ve been in the trenches, trying your hardest not to lose heart. You’re trying to hold on until the end, and it’s been an unbelievable fight. God knows, and He promises as we wait on Him, looking forward to His return, we will receive renewed strength, and we will mount up with wings as an eagle. Waiting on God causes us to run and not get weary; to walk and not faint (see Isaiah 40:31).

Take a moment each day to think about eternity with the Father. There will be no more tears and no more pain. One day, you will see Him face to face. You will enter into His rest and see His glory. My husband imagines that he will find a tree somewhere and sit down next to it–taking it all in. I imagine myself running into Jesus’ arms, talking with everyone, and making music with all of heaven’s instruments!

What do you imagine yourself doing? I want to know.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving me new strength as I wait on you. Spending eternity with you sometimes seem far away, but I know it’s closer than I think. Help me to finish the work you’ve given me to do on earth. And when life gets hard as it often does, help me to think about all that awaits me in eternity with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

35 thoughts on “One Day”

  1. When I get to heaven and meet my Jesus I imagine us dancing twirling in circles surrounded by beautiful gardens filled with colorful flowers never seen on earth before. Then I see my late husband and brother. They come to get me to show me around this beautiful place called heaven where I will live forevermore with my heavenly Father.

  2. I imagine my first day in Heaven meeting our Father for the first time and everyone standing with their hands lifted up and worshiping Him. Also sitting under a big tree by the still waters laying in Jesus’s arms while I talk with him about love.

  3. I will probably do prophetic dancing and waving a banner
    As well being at His feet worshipping Him. I would love to see my parents and the rest of family.

  4. I always imagined sitting on the Father’s lap and just talking to him. I’d also really like to pick fruit from the trees, I’m hoping that’s one of my jobs in heaven.

  5. I imagine just gazing at the face of God for a long time. And just holding his hand and talking to him. And seeing my husband, who will be waiting for me by a tree or our new beautiful place that God prepared for us. And seeing all my loved ones. What a beautiful day that will be.

  6. I can imagine myself just standing before Him in awe. Looking at his face and basking in all of His glory shining around Him! Being held in his arms and hearing what his physical voice is like. Then, laughing and talking with my loved ones and meeting up with them again; and my long time dream of meeting Paul. My absolute favorite Apostle! Talking with him about his experiences in the Bible and so much more!

  7. I have dreams about that day. I would look up and see Jesus coming and every dream I would say I’m not ready , I’m not ready and wake up and just lay there in bed.
    On that day I so want to be ready. I want to be happy and no pain ever again, no being sad, hurt, tears. I want to have him say welcome home my child well done. I want to walk around heaven all day. Sing and shout . I would love to be able to talk to him. Just being there in my heavenly home taking it all in. What a wonderful day that will be. I want to be ready so I know I got some things to work on.

  8. That day,I image to be magical,
    To be with my Father and walk around heaven on those road painted in gold.
    Everything will be new,eyes, new hands,new body ,new mind. Plenty of love, We will have walk around heaven fellowshipping one with another. Seeing our love ones who transitioned.

  9. I often imagine myself in the room Jesus has went to prepare for me. I am there in a gold four post bed and a high mattress and white cotton linen. The bed is on a pedestal, you have to step up on the platform. There is white roses layed on each night stand and fine jewels flat on the floor. Tbe room is nust beautifully prepared, everything is perfect. Jesus is the one who hugs me in guides me into this room. I lay down and rest. It is a sweet rest as I sleep. The is no fear or darkness just peace and soft music. Peace that surpasses all understanding, I can’t explain it.

    As I wake up, I finally see my mommy again smiling, she hugs me. I imagine Saints clapping as I transition and emter into the presence of Lord, Saints are all over singing, playing music, some are dancing and some are resting, walking around, eating and some are fellowshiping and tbe is perfect harmony on one accord.

    This is what I imagine often. It brings tears in my eyes and heart as I write this.

    Thank You for sharing.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  10. I imagine sitting in my Daddy God’s lap. With His arms around me as He sings me to sleep. With His hands He stroking my head as He says “hush my precious daughter, you can rest now I got you”.

  11. 🌾 Sitting on my Heavenly Father’s Lap and talking and walking. And also can’t wait to see my sister and my biological father and stepfather and others who I have not met too. I can’t 😃wait to see you Papa.

  12. Amen imagine me set out on a beautiful ocean watching the Sun rise with the beautiful ocean waves 🌊 When I go on vacation to a beach I love waking up early before everyone else wake up and taking that walk looking out into the ocean what A beautiful thing my heavenly Father created.That what I imagine myself walking watching the Sun rise on ocean. My God give us so much Love and joy ❤🙏🏽

  13. When I get to heaven I’ma hold on to Jesus and never let go just like he held onto me and never let me go. I’m a dance just like my brother David right outside my clothes with joy I going to sing like Minnie riperton but Imma have my own angelic voice I would sing to the Lord with Thanksgiving and appreciation just a heart full of thankfulness He just been so good to me!!!

  14. When that beautiful day comes, I imagine running into my Father’s arms and telling me “Well done my daughter, I am so proud of you!. ” Then being greeted by my grandparents and all my ancestors. Taking long walks & sitting under a huge oak tree, just to sit there and take it all in. What a beautiful day it’s going to be. ♥️

  15. I know that there’s going to be a looooong line waiting to talk with Jesus soo I’m going to go find the lady at the well. I love her, and the lady that Jesus didn’t let them cast stones at. Those two. Let’s chat. My God. The stories of jesus’s saving grace and mercy.

    1. I am going to see Jesus and just thank him. I wonder if I would remember all the questions I have for him. I am going sing too. I love to sing.

  16. I Will feel the Full Love And Presence And Joy of My Father And My Saior …I will be with Loved ones ..My children and All Family And Friends….No More pain or saddeness …I will Be with Lord In His Love

  17. Inspiring devotional as always! In heaven I see myself eagerly walking around in excitement, taking in the beauty and wonder. I will be looking for friends and loved ones to hear how it has been since they left. I’m also looking forward to asking the Lord all the questions I need answers for, and enjoying His beautiful presence.

  18. I imagine I will dance with him like a little ballerina girl, twirling and spinning and cradled in his arms, safe and whole and loved, on wooden floor boards with fairy lights and gentle peaceful acoustic music 🥰

  19. Meeting Jesus face to face😃❣️👑then meeting all my loved ones who had make it into heaven ❤️🌷👑

  20. I think I will fall at his feet in awe of his mercy that he loved this daughter into heaven to be with him! I can’t imagine anything beyond that

  21. I imargine having everlasting joy from singing in praise to my Lord surrounded by family and friends.

  22. One day. When I see my father sitting with him in glory and just want to thank and appreciate him for his grace. I will join the heavenly host to sing songs of praises to him. I will like to ask him for those good thing he still has for me.

  23. I imagine meeting all the great Bible characters. But most of all just meeting Jesus face to face and thanking him for his unconditional love. Singing praises along withbthe elders and host of angels. Enjoying the presence of Jesus in a total new way.

  24. My sister I imagine sitting at the feet of Jesus, talking with Him and listening. Then going along with Him to visit other planets, meeting, greeting all the redeemed of earth. Halleujah! what. a glorious day that will be. Let us keep this hope alive. Jesus is coming soon.

  25. When I get to Heaven, I’m going to embrace the presence of my Heavenly Father. I just want for Him to hold me in His loving arms and tell me all about me, as I so desire this day ❣️

  26. I imagine just breathing a sigh of relief and feeling the joy of finally entering into His rest. To talk with the Host. To meet up with family and friends again. What a day that will be

  27. Run up to God and giving him a BIG BEAR HUG with a sigh of relief that everything I went thur is done! Talk with Him, Jesus, and everyone in the bible, and family and friends!!!

  28. Heaven! What a place of unimaginable hope. Sometimes I wish it were sooner, but whenever it happens, Lord keep me strong in You! Help me to serve You faithfully until that day of great rejoicing. To see the face of my Saviour Jesus and behold His glory, love and mercy. I dont think I can describe the overwhelming joy I feel now, just thinking about it. I want to stay worshipping God in His presence, gazing on His beauty and holiness. A place of perfect peace!! Aah Lord God, You are so awesome. See my beloved late husband Davey and my parents and siblings gone before, what a day that will be. Understanding each other perfectly. No discord, hallelujah!!

  29. I want to laugh with Jesus! And not just a little chuckle. I want to laugh so hard that we snort which makes us laugh even harder!

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