Sow mercy.

“Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit” Galatians 6:8, NLT.

Through the years, I have learned mercy is a powerful seed. It can be planted, and it can be harvested. When we give mercy away by forgiving those who have wronged us, we plant a seed that is sure to bring a harvest of mercy our way. My sister, scatter mercy seed everywhere, and in the day when you need mercy, you will reap an abundance of mercy in your life when you need it most.

Say out loud from your heart: My Father God is rich in mercy. He has forgiven me more times than I can count. Because I have received mercy from Him freely, I choose to give it away freely to those who have wronged me. I choose to sow this powerful seed of mercy because God has lavished mercy on me.”

(Read Psalms 103:1-5)

14 thoughts on “Sow mercy.”

  1. Father God Thank you for your mercy on me giving you all the glory and Christ Jesus name Amen 🙏🏽

  2. Your words really touched my spirit. Thank you for explaining that verse deeper than what I thought I knew I have a better interpretation now. This pandemic has me reading my Bible more and wanting a closer relationship more personal with God and a deeper understanding of the Bible.

  3. Awesome word this morning! Thank you God for having mercy on me. I will show more mercy. In Jesus’name. Amen! ✝️

  4. Awesome word this morning! Thank you God for having mercy on me. I will sow more mercy. In Jesus’name. Amen! ✝️

  5. Yes, Lord. Thank You for Your Mercy and Grace that You have shown me. Help me to remember that Mercy that You give me daily that I may pour the same unto others. Strengthen me. For my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape

  6. AMEN!! That’s what I am committed to do, to sow seeds of mercy. It has been freely given to me and I want put God on display by being merciful to others. Thank you for this Anointed Word!
    God bless you ❤️❤️

  7. Amen & Thank You Lord for having mercy on this sinner! May I be as merciful to others as You have been to me ❤✝🕊🙏

  8. Thank you Keisha for this AWESOME affirmation.
    I was recently instructed by God to extend Mercy to my abusive husband (as we are awaiting our divorce court date) and I’m STANDING IN FAITH that this “olive branch” will multiply blessings on me both physically & mentally as I HEAL from that experience🙏🏼

  9. Yea and amen. This word ministered to me. GOD has been merciful towards me. He said freely received, freely give, so I will sow seeds of mercy everyday. Shalom 🙏

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