Stay true to who you are.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

Years ago, while making a life map, I began to write down the areas of my life that God had given me to be a blessing in the earth. I listed: women’s ministry, family, music, art, books, and business. Then my daughter came and sat next to me, “Mommy, you forgot to add ‘Friends’”, she said. “God wants us to spend time with our friends.” Then she instructed me to write it at the very top. Tears began to well up in my eyes because I knew she was right. What she didn’t know was that I didn’t forget. I excluded it on purpose. The Lord was using her to minister to my heart because I was beginning to give up on one of the most meaningful areas of my life—friendship.

When things happen, it can cause us to change into what we hate. Don’t let negative situations change who you are. You will be miserable if you do. Stay true to who you are.

I had to make a decision to stop trying to change myself based on experiences, and be who God made me to be—a gifted encourager and a friend.

No matter what the enemy has tried to do in distorting your views based on your experiences, take a firm stand against him and be who God made you to be.

Prayer: Father God, thank You. You always know how to minister to me right where I am. You see into my heart and know the hidden desires there. Thank You for caring for me as much as You do. I love You. Forgive me for trying to change who I am. You created me, formed and fashioned me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. I pray that You renew my mind and correct every distorted view I have on life. Help me stay true to who I am in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Posted in: Uncategorized

15 thoughts on “Stay true to who you are.”

  1. Thank you for this message DOTK , it made me see who i am in Jesus christ, that i may continue to love and care for others with the love of Jesus the way i should. And stop trying to change myself when only God does a true and complete change in our lifes that will last for ever. Only God is perfect in all his ways for our life’s. Amen.

  2. This was an ON TIME word for me…I have changed SOOOO many times for people, experiences and circumstances but now I am keeping my mind on GOD and who He say I am…I thank GOD for this word and thank you for all you do for GOD and others….

  3. Please Lord give me the grace to return back to who you made me to be. Never allow the circumstances or experiences I pass through stop me from fulfilling the purpose of you created me. Amen. Thank you sister for this eye opener devotion today.

  4. Thank you so much for these encouraging, and inspirational words. Sometimes so much negativity and adversity can hit you; one situation after another, or all at once; that I feel like just walking away from everything and everyone. Or become the very type of negative personality that I’ve never liked all of my life acting as if I could care less, and to keep people “away from my space.” But I sincerely thank God for His Faithfulness and Loving Kindness towards me; and for reminding me that I’m His Creation and He designed my personality to be the “complete opposite” of how I tried to become. I already know that I would have been so miserable trying to be “mean and distant!” May God’s continuous Blessings over your life be with you. With love and prayers for us all!

    1. Amen, thank you so much for this word because I’ve been hurt my an in-law and it has caused me to build up a wall between us and to stop being the listening ear and encourager she once had and needed and I’m very miserable within myself so I thank you for speaking this word. God bless.

      1. Thank You, Abba Father, for this awesome word.
        Glorious blessings to DOTK with lots of love ❤️ for💚💜💛❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  5. Praise God, Praise the Lord for who I am. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the name of Jesus. All of what I’ve gone through I can’t let people or experiences change who I am.Thank you God for this wonderful word today In Jesus Name Amen ✔🌷🌼🌻👌💖💙💛💜💞💕💕💕

    1. Yes Lord thank you for reminding me to stay true to who I am and you thank you Lord for your grace and your mercy thank you sister for this beautiful post praise glory be to God I thank God for using you as a minister of word in Jesus name amen

  6. Thank you dear sister for these word from our Lord. I do not want to change into a bitter wining women. I am who my Lord created. The word of our lord keeps me grounded in faith. I love you Jesus

  7. PRAISE THE LORD FOR Daughters of King!!

    Lord Bless Each Sister!!

    I needed to hear this…

    After many kife events starting from 4 accidents, not my fault. Almost dieying young. 5 different surgeries…
    A Divorce to a Man that I will always love, his family Christian family missions. Losing everything…but Not God!

    I have a lean do to choices & life events..

    God gave after 3 years & not a home my own place.

    I need direction on what to do with my life. I dated A Christian male he turn out to be a lieyer abusive etc…I’m broken due to the emotional part, not out love because my heart PRAISE God never bloom… I also find anger & bitterness, but it will only hurt me.

    I have a job as caregiver, love the home God gave me, God brings me people in n public places to minister, also when i have travel is incredible were few weeks ago a pastor getting in the car saw me & ge said that’s a gift. Then after ministering & asking their story of live to homeless , when im back in car I’m Full of the Sprit..

    PLEASE SISTERS i need to get back to closer to God, i love him so much, i need direction, protection, wisdom & open with finances & leans…. JESUS JESUS JESUS

    I know i love god so much because when im not doing right, my sprit feels it heavely…


    1. Oh my! Listening to your words were like listening to my thoughts yet to be put on paper. I too am grateful for all God has done in my life. Keep praying In The Lord Jesus Name, keep praising him. Keep your heart open to the Holy Spirit who will lead and guide you through life according to our Fathers Spirit. The blessings and the change areon the way. God bless you in The Name of Our Lord Jesus, Amen

  8. Your words mean so much to me and they always come at an appropriate time I know that God Ministers through you and that you are very Blessed my sister in Christ. I understand that people make us want to change for the worse and it has crossed my mind many many times Praise God for Angels like you I can truly say I am a child of God Almighty Thank You from the bottom of my heart Blessings

  9. I thank God for this word. Often times in my life I have tried to fit in for acceptance and felt like I was changing who I was to do so and to have friends. We all need them and want friends. I have also come to realize that God made me and He made me who I am and in His image. He accepts me and He loves me. I am praying for true friends that are sent by the Father and who have like spirits. They will accept me the way God made me. Thanks DOTK for this blessed word who God is.

  10. Hello All.
    Thank You DOTK.
    This Prayer is so Profound!!
    God always knows where we Are, and know just what we need. ‘For Real’ ☺

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