Step to the Podium of Life

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

I remember a public speaking class I took while in college over 20 years ago. The course was going to help me get over the fear of talking in front of people. I was so determined that on the first day of class, I told the professor, “I’m going to make an A in your class, and you’re going to challenge me like no other!” She looked at me with a smile and said, “Challenge you, I will!”

My first speech was on the importance of laughter. I knocked it out of the park. The professor then challenged me for my next speech to share something more personal. I shared about Jesus. I remember stepping to the podium—my heart full and thoughts clear. “Some of us are walking around covering our lights,” I started. “We don’t want to stand out; we’re just blending in, hoping no one sees that we are a Christian.” As I spoke, I saw a mixture of smiles, teary eyes, angry looks, and blank stares. I continued to share what I believed God wanted me to say and then sat down. After class, one by one, students came to me and thanked me.

I thought I had a fear of speaking in front of people, but I soon learned that those fears were false. I discovered the real me enjoys communicating and connecting with people. The real me is not afraid to speak.

Every fear in your life was either learned by experiences or placed on you by others’ projected fears. But they are not who you are. The real you is amazing, beautiful, and confident. My sister, you are who God said you are. I challenge you to begin to confront every fear. Discover the real you — step to the podium of life with a full heart and a clear mind. Say what the Lord has given you to say, and don’t hold back.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking to my heart. I pray that you help me to face the fears that have been plaguing me. Help me step to the podium of life and say what you give me to say and do what you’ve called me to do, with a full heart and a clear mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

17 thoughts on “Step to the Podium of Life”

    1. Keisha, I did a similar speech in college! We have much other in common. I am so thankful to have found your Daughter’s of the King devos.

  1. Amen, yes Lord ! Help me to stand up on the podium of life and speak! Sometimes I get so afraid to speak out. Out loud I want to speak up more..
    I’m encouraged.

    1. I totally feel ya Annie & I TOO agree with your comment. Want 2 SPEAK GOD’S WORD 2 myself & speak for ALL HIS CHILDREN whom NEED LOVE & 2 LOVE BACK!

  2. Amen Thank you Father God for all your love and protect over my life 🙌🏽🙏🏽💞

  3. Thank you for your word Lord, this has been my greatest challenge, but I pray God that your word will manifest in my life, and I will speak boldly for you….” you have not given us a Spirit of fear….”….thNk you God.

  4. Lord, I so want to step to the podium of life and say what You tell me to say and to be what You have called me to be. I want to face every fear in my life!
    Thank you WOG! ❤️❤️

  5. Thank you for this God opening door for me to teach a group from Pakistan I’ve known a long time.prayung I can bless and encourage and share biblical stories to the children and women . Please pray for me, I have been on social media some and the Lord is always faithful to lead and guide me on video and in writings. I HAVE ALOT OF HELP, I HAVE STUDY JOURNALS AND MUSIC PREPARED.Such as a time as this its been 21 years. Thank you for this confirmation today.God bless you

    Help me Heavenly Father to feed my Faith and starve my fear…Amen and Amen. It is done. It is done.

  7. This is just for me!!…
    Thank God for his word, I pray that the fire it rekindled in my spirit man will never be quench!!!

  8. People are still looking for a Jesus to crucify. You be you and let the pharesees talk. They’ll have to answer to God. I’ve learned a long time ago that no matter what, people will always look for something to complain about. So I cut the chains off and began to fly 🦋. I LOVE your devotions and how real you are! May God continue to bless you, your family amd the ministry.
    #You’reThe RightWomanForTheJob!

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