I am the right woman for the job.

So a few days ago I released a devotional and I opened up about an experience with a pole on a party bus. I thought I could share freely with my DOTK sisters, but the heat I’ve been getting on the devotional app has made me rethink my decision. I am so far from perfect it ain’t even funny. I open up for the sole purpose of relating to people who are imperfect like me but are striving to be all God called us to be. It helps me not feel alone. I could pretend as though I never struggle with anything, but that’s not true. I get it wrong, I respond wrong, and sometimes I compromise because I care more about people than is necessary at times. Got a tattoo last year to help a friend get through the loss of her child and danced on a pole to show my little sister I can get down too. My methods for reaching people are questionable I know but my heart is right. I’ve decided to keep on being Kesha. Going to keep on writing, keep on learning and giving myself room to grow. I love God and I love myself too much to let anyone make me feel less than qualified to lead this great and amazing ministry. I am the right woman for the job. ❤️

206 thoughts on “I am the right woman for the job.”

    1. Don’t let religiosity get you! You are who God said you are and your ability to be transparent is a GOD THING! ❤️

      1. Do what God called you to do. Don’t stop for no one!! Unless God tells you too!!
        Girl God is using you to speak onto my life in Huge Mighty Way!!!
        To God be the Glory!!! Amen!

        1. Amen! God is using you to show women be who God created you to be! Jesus never stopped connecting with people! Don’t you stop! We will pray for the naysayers!

        2. And that’s on period. Didn’t know there was a only one version of a Christian woman that loves God. Do you, sis and keep impacting the kingdom

      2. You go girl.be who God made you to be.and that is what I love about you.God sees your heart .and He sees your passion.please keep sharing.

      3. I agree! Kesha keep allowing God to use you. The same people who didn’t like that devo would be the same persons who’d shun a new sinner’s testimony in church and that’s not how God called us to be. We’ll never be like peefect like Jesus but we have to connect to those around us or else we won’t win souls for the kingdom. Your point in the devo was that if God didn’t save you, you would’ve been living a much dirtier life and you realized that by how easily you were able to dance on a pole. And it was done with close loved ones not just anybody. Its time the body of Christ stop playing perfect! Blessings all the way from The Bahamas Kesha! 🇧🇸❤

      4. Being real and authentic with our struggles to me is the best way to witness to someone! People seem to think that since we are Christians we never struggle with sins & our flesh but we do! Keep doing what you do. It’s amazing!

      5. I am replying to Original Post as well as your Reply which is PERFECTLY TRUE FOR US IMPERFECTLY PERFECT HUMANS who are trying to the best of our Imperfectly Perfect Selves! Jesus says COME AS YOU ARE!!!! No matter what that might mean!
        Kesha, if you are reading this (my imperfectly perfect self could not figure out how to post a reply to you personally, oops, lol) First of all, You shared with us Daughters of the King a very personal experience that most don’t share, hush hush don’t ya know, lol, I thank you for that Kesha! I personally feel like I know you more now and that Kesha is one of the most Beautiful parts of my life in this desperate World! Second of all, We are Girls talkin to, sharing with and experiencing YOU KESHA! THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT OUR FATHER WHO REIGNS HAS 100% APPOINTED YOU TO THIS MINISTRY, PERFECTLY AND IMPERFECTLY WONDERFULLY MADE, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE KESHA! Yes, you shared a “Pole Dancing” experience, ok…..but you kept it in its appropriate place by sharing with females and only wanting and expressing to Share it with your HUSBAND within your God ordained Bed Room! I have heard that when you are married with the Holy Vows that a couple can actually invite God to enter into God Created Love Making as Husband and Wife of course! Now can you imagine what a Menage a Trois that would be, oops did I just say that, lol 😆 Oh and let’s not forget that “Pole Dancers need and want SAVING TOO! COME AS YOU ARE! BEATEN, DEFEATED, HOPELESS, SINFUL, LOST OR ON A POLE! JESUS WAS NAILED TO A CROSS FOR US ALL! KESHA, THANK YOU FOR BEING KESHA, A BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER OF THE KING WHO HAS SAVED MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT SELF SO, SO, SO SO VERY MANY TIMES WITH YOUR GOD GIVEN WORDS, TRULY! YOU KEEP ON BEING YOU DONT CHANGE A THING THQT OTHERS THINK YOU SHOULD! WE ANSWER TO ONLY ONE MASTER, GOD WHO REIGNS ABOVE 🙏

    2. I don’t make comments on here, but after what I read .. I want you to know how important ALL your Devotionals are. I feel at times God uses you to get the message out. No one but God. Your work has brought me so much closer to God. So please disregard what people said .. your are a beautiful true daughter of a King. Continue to let Gods light show through you so that other women can feel it through your words. I truly admire you. Would love to see you at one of your conventions one day! You’ve made a huge difference in my life.

      1. My Dear your Devotionals have blessed my life for years! Please don’t allow any negative judgments to question your anointing

        1. Kesiha, you are the right women for the Job! My prayer is that continue to bless you and your ministry. Min Tarsha Adams Felton❤️

        2. Thank you !Thank you! Woman of God, My oldest daughter introduces me to your amazing ministry several yearsago. I love how the Lord has used your ministry to lift me up, to encourage me, and used the devotionsto give me the answers to some of the hard questions in my life! And this particular devotion has opened up a whole new chapter on how the Lord will use us to reach the masses. I love your heart , yourspirit and this ministry. Be encourage my SISTER for our Lord is not in a box! Continue to allow the Holy Spirit to burn up the wheat and the tare! Keep pressing toward the mark! Me and my family need your work and labor of love! To whom the Son sets free is free indeed! We will lift you up and I want to start supporting you financially!
          Love your sister in Christ,
          Jacqueline Drake
          Killeen, Texas

      2. It my first time commenting too.
        Who made anyone a judge over you 🤔
        Forget the naysayers…
        This criticism is part of the calling sister .
        I see my self sending these devotional to my girl’s group because it always hit deep.
        Those people talking , how perfect are they ?

      3. Good morning sister Kiesha and all DOTK sisters. I just got through reading this post and I am very disheartened I’m not sure if I read that particular devotion but if I did honey I would kudos you on what you did in sharing openly. I don’t think there’s nothing wrong with trying to reach somebody in a way that you can reach them. If there’s anyone up here that is so ever pure and righteous as if they never done something to bring laughter out of someone they care for then God help their sad souls. I have a problem with women who will attack women who are doing something not in a harmful way but in a way that may bring somebody in the right way let me help you all out you judge mental she devils don’t try it because I will have Sister Kiesha Triplet back and she does not know me and I have never met me but her soul is genuine I can feel the presence of the Lord move into her when she does these devotions and I still fall short but it’s because of these devotions that’s helping me get back on track we all fall short daily and if you say you don’t then you’re calling God a flat out lie she didn’t do nothing wrong so please anybody got mean comments take them to God. Don’t come for sister Kiesha. his woman is comes Authentic Genuine and Transparent the way the Bible would want us to be not 100 Like man and woman wants to call it so please let Sister Kiesha Triplet be who God is moving her to be. He has the final say are over all our destination so I don’t want to see anymore disheartening sadness Comments or remarks. Get it together DOTK’s because all of us got some past dirt or current remember before you became so sanctified you was a sinner all day from day of birth. And there’s nothing in the Bible to say you can’t swing on the pole. Y’all over righteous folks be doing too much God‘s word is simplistic. This is too much this is disheartening this is a Devotional app I truly enjoy and I will not be in the company of women who are so above that think because they’re salvation is above all you’re not you still on the same ground as the rest of us. Stop being hypocrites.
        And if what I’m saying up here is too much for you , then let me introduce myself I am Ms. Mia from Chicago/Calumet City you can always inbox me my email address is up here I have no problem with having a conversation with women of God that don’t have to attack and has not forgotten where they came from sister Kiesha I thank God for you keep moving keep being authentic genuine and transparent teach these women who don’t know no honesty something be the example that God is making you to be love. Blessings sis.

      4. I agree with everything you said.❤️💗
        I started reading these devotionals right after my husband dies. They have brought me comfort & closer to God. I have done much worse things in my life & am forgiven. God can turn even bad things around to his glory.

    3. You go for it Sister 😂🙌👏👏❣
      Remember that God made you to be free and if that gets some ladies tits all in a twist, well too bad for them 😀🙌☀️🦋🦋
      We are butterflies that God made us to come out of our cocoon ❣
      So I’m praising God for your sharing that part of your devotional will all of us🙌🙌😂🥰💝🦋❣❣

    4. You go girl. I’ve been reading your devotional for years and it still amazing how at times it’s right on point of what I’m going through and facing be you please don’t change . God bless you 🙏🙏🙏

    5. I rarely comment on things like this or give my 2 cents. But what I can truly say is, that story made me feel more comfortable and normal knowing that other spiritual people are having fun and living their life in an “imperfect” way. Too much people, especially when it comes to religion want to portray this perfect picture, as though everything they do is proper and right.

      All I wanna say is Keep doing you, keep delivering the amazing devotionals because your devotionals got me out of tough situations and helped me grow and get to know God so much better. KEEP BEING YOU !

    6. I totally agree with you my sister D. Hunter long as she know where you are with God she should not worry what other think because nobody is perfect she need to just keep being a child of God.

    7. Tattoo is forbidden by God. Its in His Holy Word.
      The Blood of Jesus Christ is enough for every sort of needs. Where there’s His Blood there is His Holy Name as it is Written. It Has His Grace Humility for me and All of His Holy Spirit and Authority to cancel rebuke and destroy all works of the devil and demons. AMEN AND AMEN. 🙏🙏🙏.
      fr. Lesi. Toomalatai. Norah mum.

      1. Can you show me where “in the Bible” it says “every single thing” you either heard and are repeating or have studied and now can show yourself approved.

        1. The ones judging are often the ones trying to mske excuses or draw light away from their own failures and mistakes. I personally need you to be real. Coming from being a victim of sex trafficking, there’s a lot of learned behaviors that are in Godly. I fight those battles every day. I fight the urges every day. But God! Thank you for your heart and thank you for being real! We are all sinners and fall short. We are human.

    8. I am so sorry you were judged Kesha by the kind of Christians that keep many people out of church’s. I loved your story of the dancing pole, I think it showed how proud you are that God made you exactly the person you are. I personally am sorry this will possibly influence your not only your DOTK Devos but what you think of yourself. Just keep being guided by the God who loves you is all I say. X. Marie from NZ. ❤️

    9. You are definitely the right one God has Called for the Job its not by our fable abilities only by his spirit He has call he justifies and qualifies, not that any flesh can boast but only in the King Jesus. God continue to bless you and keep you sis you are such a blessing for such a time as these.

    10. Amen! Kesha is the right one for the job. I know her Devotionals are annointed because they confirm so much of what I have been praying about. Be blessed sister. Be blessed Apostle.

    11. I enjoy all the devotionals. We are not perfect people. I feel you, and the way you letting me and everyone know you for you. The person that you are. I have never meet you in person, but you have a beautiful heart ❤️. Keep on doing you. A lot of people are in your corner, I’m one of your fans🥰. Keep up the good work, and don’t let no one and nothing stop you. They are judgemental people. Like they never did something they never done before. The only thing is “you had fun” they didn’t-lol. Keep doing what you do. Hold your head up, Shoulders back, Keep Smiling 🥰 and Share a Smile 😍. Be Blessed and Keep blessing people.

    12. I love your daily devotions and am addicted to them! You are a awesome person! I’m so glad that you don’t let people put you off. You are a awesome spirit filled woman and I know that our JESUS also has a sense off humor! Keep on doing what you are doing! You blessed me every single time. Sometimes it feels like the word is just for me. I’ve been divorced for 23 years and I am longing for a man off GOD to be my husband. He don’t have to be a preacher he must just have a relationship with the only living GOD. Please pray for me.
      Lots of love,
      Miekie Joubert
      South Africa

    13. A lot of us claim to be so righteous, but forgot from where we were delivered from!! To save our children we must share our struggles to help them in their journey!! Keep sharing and writing!! You are blessing more than you can ever know!! Much love and prayers for you as you continue working for God!!

    14. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:1-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬
      You are definitely qualified for the job my Beautiful Sister, I am qualified for the job as well! You continue to be you and win souls like you have won my heart! I love you eternally!

    15. I am so, so glad that you shared. I didn’t see ANYTHING wrong with what you shared. Thank you for sharing with us(me).
      Yes, keep being whom God has called you to be. That is, a beautiful Woman of God. Wow, some so called Christians, and/or some people act like they are perfect and do no wrong. With you sharing and how you were helping someone, there was no wrong in it. Honey, their eyes need to be awakened to themselves and to stop judging others.
      We know how satan tempts us to get us all discombobulated, frustrated, & agitated. Continue to stand against the wiles of the devil. As you already know, we are not fighting against flesh and blood.
      Because God tests us, & you passed this test, He is taking you to higher heights.♥️♥️
      Get ready to go higher and soar.

    16. Yes, Kesha. God is using you in an amazing way. Your ministry has surely been a blessing to me in my life. I appreciate your transparency because I am reminded that I am not alone in facing the challenges of this life. I know God’s got us and that I have a sister in Christ who can relate, uplift and inspire. Keep doing what God has called you to do. 💜

    17. If we all be honest we have done some things too. None of us are perfect, we are all pressing toward the mark. No one can judge another person. God is the only Judge.

    18. Yes I agree. I love your devotionals. I qasnin addiction to meth for 21 years and God removed that from me 4 years ago. I ran across your devotions right when I got clean and rely on them daily for 4 years now and have passed them to others in recovery also. Please don’t stop being you. If someone does not like what or how you share that’s their problem. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. I love and appreciate you!

    19. Dont worry about the nay sayers n the critics.That is a spirit of condemnation n does not come from our heavenly Father. U r such a blessing to me every single day Kiesha.Keep your head up n keep doing what God has called u to do.Sending love n prayers for u.Love u you gr8 woman of God.Bllessings sis

    1. 😍 I loved your story and the way you use it to convey your message. You are the right woman for the job. Your devos are always what I need in the moment. You can reach people that no one else can. Keep being who God made you to be.

  1. You ARE the right woman for the job. God has chosen you for such a time as this. Jesus didn’t come to condemn, (and neither should we, for the super holy saints) but to save. Continue to allow him to use you in all of your transparency and unconventional ways. If I were younger and my knees weren’t bad, I’d gladly join you on the pole.

  2. I read your devos 1st thing every single morning. I have so much going on in my life right now and so much guilt from making decisions that were not in the best interest of my children and most assuredly, my God. However, reading your devotions encourage me. They remind me that we’re all flawed – and yet, He still continues to love is, regardless. Talk about an Awesome God!! I LOVE that you personalize your devotions with some of who Kesha is and I feel like I can relate to so many of your stories! So you just keep doing you, girl! You’re an inspiration and a bright shining light – and doesn’t it say in the bible that we shouldn’t hide that bright light under a bushel? (Matthew 5:15)
    Stay well, stay safe and thank you for being an angel on earth. God Bless!

  3. 🍃❤🍃Amen sister, we all fall short of the Glory of God, none of us our perfect. Each one of us has our own Journey. There are many twists & turns in our lives & God has many Providential CIRCUMSTANCES he gives to each & everyone one of us so we might be able to reach out to others.🍃❤🍃

  4. Yes we fall short of God glory. Repentance daily is necessary I agree. Some of my methods are questionable as well, but I bring it to God and have him convict me not others.

    I think the only thing that I had trouble with the devotional is, the tattoo thing. We don’t want to create a stumbling block for some who have been convicted of getting tattoos.. before I was born again Christian and baptized Jesus name. I have four tattoos and with it a quarter sleeve. However I lost the desire to mark my body up. I have been forgiven for the tatts. I’ve lost the desire. Sometimes I believe we follow our hearts because we love someone so much and it can deceive us.
    We become people pleaser instead of God pleaser.

    I understand where you’re coming from where you just wanted to let them know you’re down with it. Just remember we must stand separate, not in judgment but in the way we Act and the things that we do.

    I’ve been following your ministry for almost 6 years now. And it’s definitely been anointed and it’s helped me out almost every day of my life. I even share the devotionals with my husband. He’ll say Good message, right on time.

    Yes I encourage you to continue to do God’s work and reach the masses. And I love the fact that you always come back and humble yourself in correction or just explaining. I know you love God! I’ll continue to pray for your ministry, and please pray for me too. Pray for my marriage..

    Ps. I’m a newlywed! And my first time being married, I’m 37. Married a man finally in the church and who loves God as much as I do. And we are both have a John the Baptist ministry and my husband has been given a Deliverance ministry.
    All glory to God

    Much Love, Ash Magers

  5. You go girl! Your anointed devotionals bless me and my family and friends everyday. I’m so thankful that you continue to share what God shows you it’s been SO HELPFUL in my walk with Jesus! He came not to judge the world but to seek and to save that which was lost. I pray for your protection mentally, physically and spiritually, you are a pure gem, a gift to us from God, I appreciate your writings and give God the glory! Love You 💖

  6. Beautiful sister,
    You have blessed me! And literally helped me keep my sanity and know my place in God. Your human and you share that!!! I was sharing with my husband this morning your “pole” experience and how you gave God glory for saving you from a life of sin.
    You gave God glory!! Haters gonna hate.
    I choose to love. I love you even tho we have never met. You bless me everyday!! You are the right person and you have a right spirit.

  7. Those who judge you have their own issues to deal with. I love you being able to open up to us & see you are just like t9he rest of us! Keep it up!! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Girl keep doing what God has laid on your heart for His children. Indeed you are the right woman for the job. God bless, not grace and favor

  9. In the world today so many people have opinions about what everyone should be doing and not focusing on what God is doing through their life.
    Stay true to who you are and live you’re life they way you choose.
    People are always going to say something, good or bad.
    God knows who you are.
    Keep shining and keep living for God.

    1. Let me tell you woman of God you have been sure a blessing to my life. You have ministered to me through my trails and TRIBULATIONS. I just had surgery on my shoulder and I’m going through your post that I missed and each one is speaking to my pain. So you keep doing what God has commanded you to do. God does not lie. Your gifts shall continue to make room for you. THANK YOU!God loves you and so do I.


    DOTK is the first thing I read after Prayers, because God Speaks to me through it and you.

    None are perfect but have grown from and since our past.

    You are still the WOG that God has chosen having known..

    I thought we as DOTK were understanding of such things as judging and our lives before we grew up in Christ and/or since!


  11. Praise the Lord!
    Real people doing real things YET ALL IN THE RIGHT HEART. We ALL have our own method, style, and character in which we interpret our Daddy’s story. He wants us to be all He needs us to be, in order to reach His children. Yes, you must stay real and yes you are…OH WE ARE HUMANs and our ways aren’t too exact as OUR Papa’s but the well and goodness was and is recognized.
    Splinters, sticks, planks and logs are all wood and last I read the cross was made of the same element. Thank God for allowing us to be human and being able to relate with Heaven as we are here on Earth learning of as the needed subjects for OUR ministry are teachings developed in experience, knowledge and acknowledgement of who and whom is being touched in a way only YOU CAN DO AS YOU ARE BEING THE HANDS AND FEET OF CHRIST JESUS. Thank you for giving to the Lord. You do it the way ONLY you were designed to do. Able & equipped for the Job. Not under or over qualified either, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE RIGHT QUALIFIED PERSON FOR THE JOB.

  12. You are a chosen women of God. You are Amazing and loved. I Love your Devotions. Thank u ❤⚘🌺 Have a Blessed Day. Fyi your devotions Is Blessing MAUI HALLELUJAH⚘⚘

  13. Yes mam you are the right woman for the job
    Paul became all things to all people to win them over to the gospel of Christ the persons criticizing should read 1 Corinthians 9 starting at 19, the whole chapter is spot on though,we are all human and fall short, nobody’s perfect no not one this is the very reason God sent his son to die for us,so speak the word and your truth sis, may God continue to watch over us all especially our haters

  14. I’m so glad you know that you are the right woman for the job. Keep doing you! You authenticity and transparency is what’s needed. I’m so sorry that you are catching heat. We all have choices and those who are not in agreement can choose not to participate.

  15. Beautiful… No one is perfect only Jesus.. thank you for being you ❤…. Your obedience is beautiful… My the Lord continue to guide you today and always in Jesus name…
    Amen 👂🗝….

  16. I’m reminded that Jesus came to save those that were lost and in doing so He disturbed the tradition of “man”. Please continue to let God use and lead you to reach the unreachable because of religious barriers. 🙌🏾👏🏾💃🏾😇💜🔥

  17. I am a 60 year old pastor and I thought it was awfully brave and wonderful to share that story.
    Transparency helps to reach the people at the bottom loaded with guilt and shame. ” those that are whole don’t need a physician”
    The takeaway from your story is that God uses whom He chooses to reach the masses, not who the people choose. Carry on in His name

  18. Yes you are the right women for the job dont let religious people make you feel any less. Jesus had unqualified deciples yet God new them every bit all their flaws and inperfection and yet were chosen to do the job. What He looks at is your heart and how much you love Him. What you do behind doors with your husband is also part of your purpose as his wife. And thank you for sharing i appreciate it saves many marriages from being dead and falling into lust pornography or unfaithfulness because we dont please are men. God bless you and your marriage.

  19. I didn’t see anything wrong sis it’s not like you’re working at the club on the pole lol You’re showing us you’re real and we don’t have to be what the world sees as a perfect Christian to walk out our purpose. If someone else feels convicted that’s them, but you’re not wrong for being you! GOD bless and thank you for being GODs mouthpiece

  20. I was blessed by your devotion and many others you have posted !!!🙌🏽 Don’t let the spirit of religion cause you to stop sharing , being transparent, being true , and growing into all that God would have you to be and do ….. many won’t understand but it’s their lost because many are being reached , delivered , saved and made whole as a result of DOTK . Thank you my sister we all are imperfect only real people who understand where we have been and where God is taking us are able to admit that ☺️😊🥰 much love and continued prayers to your family and ministry!!!!! 💃🏻👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  21. Kesha,
    Please don’t stop being you. You are true woman of God and have been a blessing to me. I appreciate your honesty and ability to tell your truth. I love your spirit and your hunger and thirst for God. Keep doing what you’re doing because you are truly a blessing. ❤️

  22. It’s unfortunate that people felt that you shouldn’t have shared your story, but it helped loosed the chains and set others free. Im grateful to God that you have a relationship with God and you’re not religious; because see there’s a huge difference.
    Thank you for knowing Him for yourself and what He’s done for you. Keep doing what He’s called you to do.

  23. Keep being you Kesha! That devotional put a smile on my face… You made yourself vulnerable and that takes courage! I see you!!! And I see the great work that the LORD continues to do within you. Don’t ever stop listening to that voice inside you!!! JESUS loves you and I do too❤

  24. You are the right woman for the job, and I love your writings. They have been so refreshing during a tough season of transition.

    Transparency is beautiful, but unfortunately, not everyone can relate to true freedom.

    Continue being who God made you to be. The others can catch up or find themselves on a different “bus” with limited freedom.

    May God continue to bless you.

  25. I daily look forward to these devotionals and they are always on time. I am going through a difficult time with the courts and your devotionals help me face the day with courage and strength in the Lord and His amazing message He has for me through you. YOU ARE DEFINITELY THE WOMAN FOR THE JOB!!!

  26. Wow! This irritated me enough to post. It must be nice to be those that gave you such heat to be so perfect. I’m pretty sure that each and every devotional you put the time and energy into touches at least one person if not more each day. Thank you for your Devotionals. I’ve had many of your Devotionals speak to me and help me as well as others I’ve shared with. Keep going and doing what the Lord would have you do. There will always be those with negativity and looking for negativity. Keep up the great work and Blessing others💕

  27. PLEASE DON’T STOP! Everyday I look for your devotional
    For over a year now God uses YOU to speak to me in some way
    Who cares what others think, I’m glad you’re outspoken
    It helps me tremendously
    There is no other devotional that God speaks to me like yours!

    Its just the enemy!

    Keep going Kesha please!
    God is using you and I’m too weak right now, I need it

  28. Amen Kesha for being your authentic self in and through Christ Jesus.
    Bless you sister – your devotionals are waterfalls of God’s Love, Grace, Mercy, Joy and Peace to me.

    We Are The Right Women For The Job Created For Us By The Living One.

    Blessings eternal

  29. Amen, I enjoy the devotional & can say the spirit flows !!! It’s speak to me daily & just remember we are never gonna please people , Spirit of Gods leads you!!! 💜 💜💜💜💜

  30. I have never written on here but your Devotionals have spoken directly to me many times. NO ONE on here is perfect hence why we all need Jesus. God uses everyone just as we are in our brokenness in our imperfect nature. Keep surrendering and obeying and being a vessel fornGod and leave them judging to Him. As we ALL should leave it to Him.

  31. Sister Keshia:
    Thank you so much for being you. Please don’t change. You bless my soul constantly and consistently . I love you dearly.

    1. You are filled with the Spirit and your Devotionals have been a lifesaver to me and my family. Don’t let the attacks from Satan get to you- no weapon formed against me shall prosper! Thank you for ever you do!!

  32. Wow! I am so sorry to hear you got the type of back lash you you got….. It’s unfortunate that we as Christian women can not feel safe enough amongst our sisterhood to share, be venerable and just down right human. No we’re not making excuses for wrong or ungodly compromising behavior…. However we’re just simply sharing & showing that we as Christian women can & know how to have fun. Yes what’s fun to some may not be fun to others….. Unfortunately not all of us know how to not agree with something and leave it there. To express distaste to someone’s behavior is one thing but when we call someone’s calling or ability to effectively do what God ordained then to do is overstepping. None of us gets it right all the time. So yes we learn from our mistakes and move on from there…. Frankly Kesha sharing that with this group she felt safe enough to share it with I felt would be a help to some. Unfortunately as I often say your testimony isn’t for everyone so clearly based on her back lash this wasn’t for everyone! So as a message I once heard said spit out the bones & eat the meat! Meaning what’s for you take it & what’s not leave it don’t digest it! She did this in private not at a strip club ect….. For my 50th some friends & I went on Vacation (I won’t disclose the location because I’m sure we would be judged instantly)…. Nevertheless we enjoyed ourselves thrloroughly as we partook of activities we normally would not have but we all (8) enjoyed it no judgement ect! We need to be more spiritual & less religious! How do I know? Because I came from that regime so somethings are still a little hard to adjust to but at the end of the day if it’s not sin, you’re not harming anyone & you’re not condemned than as my sister said she’ll continue to be her and continue to be who God called her to be. Transparency will draw some but unfortunately it will also deter some! I’ll say for those who’s deterred it wasn’t meant for them to go any further with DOTK. Be encouraged! 💞

  33. Yes!! Sister! Do exactly what God has called you to do! God works with us all individual He knows our unique personalities, He also knows who we will reach and who will not receive the message! We all will get our just reward! Trust God and know if He wasn’t pleased with you, you wouldn’t be where you are today! Be Blessed and Be encouraged!
    P.S. I love your devotionals.

  34. I’m so happy you are you and I’m so thankful to have this ministry in my life. Thank you so much boo. Haters are always gonna hate. If there was a problem with what you shared only God had the right to say anything about it.

  35. Amen. No judgment here. I do fully understand. On the The 7th of this month I will be going to Jamaica with my family and close friends.. I know I love the Lord but I was a bit conflicted on whether I should go or not because I know that they are gonna turn up as they call it.. I asked God to give me an answer on what I should do. I was getting ready to forfeit everything that I’ve paid to go on this trip. I know I really want to go. Jamaica is my birth place and I haven’t been back home is about 20 years😩. I just wasn’t sure if the environment was right for me. If i don’t go, I will also be missing out on honoring my mom, on this one year memorial. She passed away last year, 3 hours before my sister’s 39th birthday. So unexpected,
    My mom had just celebrated her 56th birthday the month before. After seeing your post, it gave me a sense that it was ok. I thought this mighty woman of God was on a party bus and its ok. I asked God to give me confirmation that it was ok to go and about 2 days later there was my confirmation. I have been reading your devotions for about 4 years now, and He never ceases to speak to me through them. You are doing a fantastic job. God can use whom ever, how ever He see’s fit. His ways and His thoughts are way higher than ours. We are learning and growing and i am greatful. Keep allowing Him to use you how He chooses. Thank you and I Love you

  36. Sister Keisha,
    I read this after preparing a Sunday School lesson for my high school Sunday school class on I Am. As I say to my students, I am saying to you and to me that in this life the only opinion snit is that should matter is God’s. When they have a heaven or a hell to put me in them their opinion will matter. We make being a Christian a dull life and that’s why many turn away from Christianity. Know that you can never ever please everyone in this life. Seek to please God my Sister. He has already made provision for when we fall short and that’s all that matter. I appreciated your authenticity in that devotion.

  37. Dearest Kesha,
    Please know that if you don’t help anyone else YOU definitely bless me with every drop of ink you use to write these devotionals. Of course you must know that the adversary is going to be an “accuser of the brethren.”
    I remember when you wrote saying you were “shutting down the devotionals” girl I was like Lord noooooo (lol) but seriously I prayed to our Father and I mean in less than half a day you wrote again saying you wasn’t! I was over joyed! God knew what He was doing when He chose you for this assignment! I appreciate you and absolutely adore your ministry! I thank God for you, you always more often than not speak into my whole being and if the word for that day isn’t for me, I usually am able to share it with someone who I may feel through a conversation may need to hear it! Girl don’t stop! Because you are the right woman for the job and I had a time when I use to be worries about what people thought and said…and a woman I knew blessed me and said ” keep being who you are, she said you know who you are and so people are intimidated by you because they don’t know who they are. So I say that to you! Be blessed Kesha and God has your back😉

  38. Kesha I wish this post was written 2 years ago i would have been encouraged to not dissolve my fellowship group.
    You are perfect for who God ordained you to connect with
    Love your ministry mama you bless me daily

  39. Keep going girl! Rooting for ya! Holy Spirit convicted me of my tattoo after I got saved and I removed it. God bless you and your ministry for our sweet daddy Jesus.

  40. You are definitely the right woman for the job! If you were perfect, no one would be able to relate to your message. I know I wouldn’t. God made us human with all of our faults and I am pretty sure we all do things that we’re not proud of. In my opinion, though, what you have done isn’t anything to be ashamed of. You were relating to others on a deeper level. There are women here who are still coming to terms with their relationship with God and this just shows that they are not alone. I believe God wants us to have as much fun as we want, as long as we’re not hurting anyone or going against His directions. The tattoo for your friend is an amazing testimony. I have several. It relates to me. Your pole dancing may relate to someone who does it for exercise and control or had previous experience. The main thing is that people should NEVER JUDGE others. Love you, love your ministry! God bless you Kesha!

  41. I have told you these things that you may have peace in me, in this life you will have trouble take heart for I have overcome the world!!! If GOD be for you whom/what can be against, whom shall lay a charge against GOD’S elect, 1000 on the left, 10,000 on the right they shall not come nigh thy being! No weapon formed against you shall prosper!
    You were picked, positioned, purposed FOR HIS GLORY, IN ACCORDANCE TO HIS DIVINE WILL for such a time as this!!!!♥️

  42. I actually love the fact that you shared that! God blesses me with ALL your devotions and not one person can say that they are perfect except one! You are amazing and captivating and worthy and you have what it takes because God gave it to you! Praise God for you Kesha! Thank you for being transparent!

  43. I’m this REAL type of Christian too and I’m THANKFUL that you opened up to us about the realness in your life. I definitely can and do relate. I feel strongly it’s time that people stop being so religious and repetitive and speak about real situations, real emotions, and what they REALLY go through and know that we are still truly born again believers who still truly love the Lord and truly care about their souls. No condemnation here, only agreement and understanding! I say Thank you!!!!

  44. I read your Devotionals daily and sometimes the spirit leads me to share with others depending on the devotional. I read them not looking for perfection in you because no one is perfect. But I believe that God speaks to me through your devotionals as well as when I’m studying or listening to worship music.
    If anyone is placing more priority on you then the word you teach on then perhaps they are missing the entire purpose or these devotionals. You are the right person because you are Authentic and just like most of us you are a flawed woman who loves the lord with all your heart.

  45. To God be the glory for the things he has done. Honesty, is a very vital entity in this life. I thank God for your words have given me strength when I literally had none to give. The message I received.. today is that I’m the RIGHT woman for everything going on in my LIFE right NOW. AS I stood in front of Students this morning, my very 1st words after Goodmorning, was Each day there is something or someone that will bring sadness or disappointment to your life but I stand here asking each of you find something that makes you grateful….no matter how tiny it is …the classroom of students looked at me..with suspense- at the end of that class period ..I urged them all to have a safe weekend… their reply was Thank you… you to Ms.- An hour later Satan attempted to attack my grateful heart … and No weapon formed against me shall prosper… I withstood the dilemma. Oh, the concerns are still there – Oh, when my Father keeps my mind- I’m so able to STAND on his WORD. Each day I reflect on the fact that HE PROMISED ME, he’ll never leave ME.
    Thank you, thank you for the confirmation that I AM THE RIGHT WOMAN…in this stage in my life.

  46. Hi Keisha I’m glad you were transparent. This is why the Church has lost so many people because so many church goers are so fake. I pray you never stop sharing you have blessed me and many others through your devotions. At every level. You keep being you. Don’t allow the devil to deter you from doing Gods work. They criticized Jesus. But it didn’t stop him from being about his Father’s business. Be blessed my sister and thank you for all the work you’ve done and that is still to come. Love you.

  47. No one’s opinion matters except the father’s. Your ministry is saving a young generation who see sex everywhere. I value your transparency and courage to boldly tell your story. Keep going, you will reach the right ones that people all too often ignore and reject. I love you for that. Don’t let other people dull your shine.

  48. You live for the audience of 1 and His name is Jesus! Thank you for your transparency. That devotional related to me and encouraged me to seek the healing I need. Don’t let the enemy divide the body of Christ because our sin making is different. Same blood cleanses us all. He is perfecting His bride for His return 💛

  49. Having a genuine heart is what our Father looks at, “Perfect People “, do not exist. We are here to help one another. I look forward to all of your Devotionals.


  50. Continue leading women to Christ in the way He’s purposed you to! I think it’s important to show others, especially women who may be on the fence about Christianity, where God has delivered us from. Anyone giving you a hard time about your truth, refer them to the “enough is enough” video.

  51. I was once a pole dancer when i was at the crossroads but praise the Lord he still loved me enough to see me through and to get me through to where I am today serving and living for only Him.

  52. I was also a highpaid callgirl and street prositute in the throes of deep drug addiction and alcoholism but thankyou Heavenly Father you have used my past to be more sympathetc and empathetic toward those who are suffering the same way.

  53. Kesha, Thank for sharing your gift to the world. The devotional have truly been a blessing to me. Thank you for being the woman who God greater you to be, unapologetically. Thank you for your transparency.. Keep being obedient to God. Thank you again for sharing your gift to the world. Keep it real Kesha!!!

  54. None of us are perfect. God qualifies us! No one else. That story BLESSED ME! God is calling those that are relatable to all people in this hour. People can judge but God has the final say!🙏🏾🖤

  55. I think you are an amazing and awesome Woman of God…Trust that God knows your heart and He is well pleases with you…Sometimes we allow the judgement of others to make us question who we are and our intentions…I look forward to your devotionals and I trust that your HEART is with God and your desire is to help us live a blessed, fun, and full life…The enemy doesn’t care who he uses to attack you…he just wants to cause distraction and division…don’t give in…Continue to STAND on who God created you to be for SUCH A TIME AD THIS…

  56. Obviously the person who a being judgemental did not listen to the Enough is Enough devotional, they are God or Jesus Christ themselves. Because nobody else has any grounds to comment on how you interact with your family and friends. If it were something that God was not happy about I know he would convict you, sooo girl keep doing and being you cause I know that I can relate and I had a good laugh realizing that we all have things in common no matter who we are. Love you and the devotional. PS: Make sure you put that pole in your bedroom🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  57. You keep being you. Please. Your devotionals I literally read every night has helped me realize alot. Especially with trying to get closer to God. Your devotionals are relatable and I absolutely love them. Ignore the negative comments because your doing an amazing job.

  58. No one is perfect! But you are real! People think as a believer your suppose to not share reality moments. As noted, your heart was on the right place. The Bible clearly said, man look at the outer appearance but He looks at our hearts. This is how we all should be, instead of looking for a button up messages every hour of the day.

  59. Wow…just wow…Now I need new lashes, y’all got me crying these off. The Bible talks about how when we refresh others, we will be refreshed too. To me that means God cares about the encouragers…He knows we need encouragement too. Well, y’all have collectively poured out ocean-sized encouragement that I can live on for a lifetime. Thank you so much. Love you and thank you for how you love me. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  60. I so appreciated your story about the pole dance. We are made in His image, and that means He has an amazing sense of humor. He knew your heart during that dance. That’s all that matters. The Lord has used your ministry to speak to me on many occasions and during many hardships. Keep being you, and we will pray for the Pharisees.

  61. I am so tired of self-righteous people. Being transparent is what wins souls to Christ. Keep doing what you do and God Bless you my Sister.

  62. Amen! I loved the post and thought nothing of it because i too saw and felt your heart. You are an amazingly, gifted, and bold Warrior woman winning souls for God. Youre about His business and no one else!
    Love your ministry and I share these all the time and regularly give to this anointed ministry because you have the Holy Spirit and he leads you cause you stay close to him. Look JESUS was highly criticized fir hanging out with the “sinners”, but it was his heart intention to meet them where they were and loved them! So keep on with your fun fiery spirit, because so many many more wer blessed by that post than we know.
    Love you girl!

  63. I am also one who do not like to post or comment about others. It seem to me that some ppl are so perfect, they never have bad thought or have never God forgive us never said anything out of place. To this young woman who give us a big part of herself, you keep reaching Gods people, you have inspired me so much and sometimes I go back just to read things you have written to keep myself going. God Bless Your Ministry and he will keep it through you, not me or anyone else you are the woman for his Glory…

  64. What you did it took a lot. That’s a great 👍 thing you did. You’ve come to this point in life to reach other woman 👩 that has issues that need to be dealt with . This is that step that help you to move forward. It’s not all about you but those that are coming behind you and you will be able to help them.” Be who you are “I’m the right Woman 👧 for the .

  65. I just wanted you to know you encouraged me. I wasn’t offended. I felt your heart was genuine. I’m 2 years and almost 3 months clean from drugs and work at a 12 month christian disciplineship program called Adult and Teen Challenge in San Antonio Texas. This program saved my life in Southern California now I get to work for them and encourage women that Jesus saves us from ourselves. I need hope and need to know what peoples real struggles are, God says not one of us is righteous, no not one.
    Each day this app gives me hope, when I think I can’t go on. I can’t be the old Tamara anymore, I’m a new creation in Christ. Thanks again for your honesty.

  66. If you let other people’s opinions rule your life, you are not following God. I know where your heart is and I love it! I can read past the line that says you got on a pole cause I get why you did it and I don’t see a problem. Same with the tattoo! I see an amazing woman of God who knows how to reach an audience with a wide variety of people. Please keep doin’ what you know God has called you to and don’t let anyone tell you different. Be blessed my sister and know that you are loved.

  67. You are the right person for the job, and don’t ever allow anyone to make you doubt yourself or what God has called you to do… God uses real people to inspire others… There was only one perfect person, and that was Jesus, which allows us to have imperfect moments… But man looks at the outside but God looks at the heart…Continue to be your beautiful self, and continue to love God just as you have been, and he will continue to use you… God bless!

  68. One thing that I’m noticing The Lord doing is “DELIVERANCE FROM PEOPLE “……💎✝️🏆

    Nobody is perfect and a lot of people live behind a Fasad.

    How do you feel within yourself after making this devotional? Do you feel Free?✝️

  69. Hello my sista in Chris. Let no man or woman put you down for the amazing work of God you are doing. No ones perfect, not even the ones who are judging you for admitting you have danced on the pole, which some of has done and even more. I want to personally thank you for your women’s ministry and encouraging words. You are not a lone, in so many ways we are one of the same person. Your words have allowed me to make huge changes in my life, build a really relationship with God, get my marriage back, my life and self respect. Also, I learned to love God and but my faith and trust in him with all I do. Please continue this wonderful ministry. In the past you have mention cancelling and each time I was like no, how can a woman of faith be so strong but not realize how many lives she impacts and helps. I have gave many women including my daughter who is 18 this app and encourage them to read and follow and they too have expressed how much of a difference and impact your Devotionals are. The devil uses people and he comes in all forms, never let anyone steal what God placed in front of you. Thank you

  70. Sister Kesha, be encouraged. Remember everyone is on different levels of their walk with God. God judges your heart and you are his anointed daughter and whoever, comes against you will be dealt with by God. On the other hand, God says to use discernment because your sphere is so large. He holds you accountable for causing a babe stumble. To whom much is given, much is required.
    Father, thank you for your grace that is sufficient for us. I ask for a hedge of protection over my sister Kesha, and I trust you are her defender. I’m also grateful that you are gentle enough to minister to your daughters at different levels and give them understanding and protect their hearts from the enemy trying to use division so he can still kill and destroy your weaker sheep. In the name of Jesus we trust you in every area of our lives. I thank you for my sister Kesha who has been an amazing vessel used by you to get me where I am now. In Jesus’ name, amen 🙏🏽

    1. Are you kidding? Lady, you have been called, chosen by God for such a time as this. You are unique. You may just be unconventional. You keep loving Jesus and sharing the word, being real, being yourself. Honestly Keisha, I am in disbelief. Grace to you my beloved sister.

  71. God bless u for all your inspiring messages,it’s really helping me.I was nobody,rejected and sick.But through your messages I have woken up from all these problems.
    I now know who I am in Christ Jesus.
    Nobody is perfect.

  72. Sis Kesha, I truly can say u have very much helped me get closer to God. I have been reading your devotions for years now. Also I Have shared them with many people in my life. People I love and people just passing through. DOTK had to be god sent to this world cause he knew people like me needed this very thing. I can say without the word you give us daily I don’t know how I would have made it. I very much so needed god more then ever and god continue to use you. You are definitely the chosen one for the job. Your devotions are very much so anointed without a doubt. Cause I can be going through something and open up the app and the very thing I needed will be delivered. I Thank God for you my sister please continue what you doing your work have blessed my life and the lives of many. I’m very Thankful for you and great ful for your amazing work. Praying God give u supernatural strength to see pass the negative thoughts or talks that come up against you. Nothing but blessing to you & Much love my sister in Christ 💕

  73. When I saw your post about the pole, it reminded me one time I was at contemporary dance workshop and our teacher said that she saw a pole dance routine, that was beautiful. She said the routine was well executed and the story was beautiful too. It was on a pole dancing competition.

    What was engraved on me about that workshop the most was not the fact that my teacher was watching pole dancing, but what she said about dancing in general. The Lord uses everything and anything to give us his message. Sometimes in the most “mundane” ways, but he makes everything Holy.

    Thats what I thought when I read your devotional. I am not married, but for a woman to be there is all about confidence and self love. Is about sharing with your partner knowing that he is not looking at you like an object to satisfy his carnal needs. But a woman who loves herself and its having fun because she knows the person in front of her loves and cherish her.

    Your personal experiences help me to understand a lot of what the Lord wants to say.

    You are an amazing blessed and gifted woman. Full of the Holly Spirit.


  74. Continue to keep inspiring us and being raw. You are absolutely the right woman for this job, and I for one truly value the love, honesty, and realness you put forth. God knew and knows what He’s doing by having you lead this ministry that has immensely helped me in life changing decisions. Love ya and keep it up! 🙏🏾♥️

  75. God gave you a spirit of faith not of intimidation or worries.
    In this world this things are bound to happen, rem what Jesus went thru in this hurting word but that didn’t deter Him from being who He is. Continue being a true model of Christ in this hurting world. You are the right person and you are doing the right thing at the right time. Period! No apologies gal!
    Keep on keeping on

  76. I think your wonderful and God is using you in mighty ways. Don’t let others make you feel less than or that you can’t be yourself!
    Be all that God created you to be and keep doing exactly what your doing! God bless!!

  77. Dear Kesha,

    I admit, I was one of those women who was offended by your Pole post, which led me to not register for the Chicago DOTK Conference. Nevertheless, I still read your daily posts. Although I did not comment at that time, I will however share my sincere thoughts on today in hopes that it will shed some light.

    I too was molested and have been sexually active from the age of 12 to 47 ( I am currently 49 ). I have been sexually pure for 2 years this month by the grace of God. I made a commitment to Father God that I will glorify Him through my purity by abstaining from all sexual immorality, even in the form of entertainment i.e. TV shows, books, social media, etc.

    Yesterday I had temptation. My adult daughter, my sister, and her daughter, we’re planning a mother – daughter outing next Saturday, September 4th. We were planning to go watch the movie Respect but as the days grew by, I didn’t have peace. So I spoke to my daughter about it and she advised me to look at the reviews and the ratings of the movie. When I read the reviews, I saw that there were explicit sexual scenes and I had to make a decision: was I going to please God or my sister? Because I had already committed to my sister before doing my due diligence I was torn between keeping my covenant agreement with God and my promise to my sister. So I took a deep breath and I messaged her that I could not in good conscience watch that movie. As of today, I have not heard from my sister. I made a choice, and that choice was to be at peace with God at the expense of others. Picking up the cross and carrying it is not an easy feat. Jesus said that if we look back, we are not fit for the Kingdom. Jesus saved and delivered me from a lifestyle of sin, sexual sin. I love Jesus, more than I love my sister. It was the love of Jesus Christ that reached down and pulled me up out of that 35-year dark pit. I refuse to let a temporary pleasure pull me from my heavenly Husband. My body belongs to Him and the intimacy between us is sacred and I don’t want to do anything to hurt Him or bring harm to myself. If I would’ve gone to that movie, I would’ve been taking His Holy Spirit with me and would have grieved Him when the illicit sex scenes popped across the screen. I can’t look back. I move forward and it’s one day at a time. Yes we struggle, but with His help we can get back up again.

    There is now no condemnation to those who love Christ Jesus. I’m no longer a slave to sin! Be encouraged and live for Father. He wants us to love Him more than they. He simply will not compete with an idol (noun=person, place or thing). My body is His temple.

    1. Thank God that He is touched with the feelings of our infirmities . ST LUKE 7:34.

      When you are fully delivered from your lifestyle you will get what Kesha did.


  78. God has shined the light on our weak areas and I am sure we all have some weak areas in our lives that God can shine some light on
    Yes we are still human and we all fall short sometimes but we get back up and keep going we never want to stay down or kick a sister when she is down
    Those without sin cast the first stone
    And those who casted the first stone are far from perfect cause if they were they would have their own ministry to reflect on
    So quit throwing stones
    What’s in your hand
    Is your name written in the lambs book of life
    We have to love one another as Jesus said not lift out heals against each other
    And yes some comments are not meant for everyone to know or hear
    But the Truth is the Truth
    Keep going I am blessed by your ministry
    I got a tattoo to cover other tattoos I didn’t want shown anymore
    Lord help us all 🙏

  79. Be you! Do what God has called you to do! Be who God has called you to be! I saw nothing wrong with what you shared. People respond based on their experiences and where they are in their walk with God. You are not alone…..we are not perfect and it is good when others can see that…….it makes us relatable. Live for that audience of ONE………GOD! Once He is pleased then no one and nothing matters. The enemy wants to discourage you so that you give up on sharing God’s word. I am blessed every day I open this app! Continue being all God wants you to be…..be real…..be true….be you!

    Blessings from The Bahamas!

  80. You are absolutely 💯 the right woman for the job. Don’t let that “Pharisee Spirit” bring you down. That’s the enemy trying to stop you, and bring you down. The “Accuser of the brethren ” you keep being you Kesha, you are helping so many. There are many more who are for you than against you. We Love you. ❤

  81. God looks at the heart and He knows your intentions. I am sure that your intentions are pure. We shall know them by their fruits from reading your devotions I can tell your a good tree bearing good fruit and a woman walking in your purpose. Do not be discouraged run the race till completion.Love you my sister🤗 and be reminded of God’s never ending love mercy grace and compassion.

  82. I really enjoyed that devotional! Please keep doing what God called you to do. Ignore those folks that have way too much available time on their hands to judge you.

  83. I read your devotional and meditate daily. My life is more in tune when I know someone has experienced what I am going through. Your authenticity and realness is absolutely a blessing. Thank you for being you and sharing your gift.💯💪🏾💫🧘🏾‍♀️

  84. I enjoy your devotional and do not allow people with their over religious ways stop you in your calling to inspire others. It takes wisdom to win souls but just as long you have not sin is fine as you continue to show the love of God. I play cards with my family and I find it draws us closer than me not playing with them and becoming overly religious which would turn them off. When the opportunity arise then I can share the love of God. Keep doing what God told you to do. Blessings

  85. PTL my sista,


  86. Be Yourself Sis
    That’s Your True Call!!! I Thank Our Heavenly Daddy for Your Heart And Vulnerable Spirit!!! Love And Keep On Living Your Best Life!!!! God Sent You For to reach Me!!!! At 60….I’m starting to Truly Be Free In Christ ..Knowing the burden isn’t on me to be perfect, Because I Can’t And Will Never Be!!! I Receive The Life My Savior Gave Me And The Joy Of KNOWING That He Loves me INSPITE of my imperfections!!! I’m Good WithIt!! And Trust My Sistah You Are Definitely THE ONLY ONE FOR THIS CALLING!!! Let them trip!!! They’ll catch up Later!!! Lol… Or Maybe they won’t!!!…Seeya In San Francisco Sis!!! DO YOU THE WAY HE LEADS YOU TO!!🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿😎😎😎!!! Don’t Concern Yourself With The Hangups of Others Sis!! #MUCHLOVE

  87. Woman of God do not allow those with the spirit of religion make you think you are not the one for this job because God says you are. When God has appointed you and directed you to do something there will be people who will not approve and that’s alright because GOD!! What some people Gail yo realize is that God chooses different people for different reasons. The people you may be able to reach won’t be the same people someone else will be able to reach and that’s the beauty in serving our wonderful God. It’s about winning souls for the Kingdom and some of the ways these souls will be won are unconventional. Your transparency is so welcomed here and I appreciate you sharing that party bus experience with all of us because it showed that God can use any situation to use us for His Glory and bring us closer to Him. I thank you for your devotionals and how edifying they are as a woman in Christ knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by The Most High God who has made us all different yet loves us all the same. What a mighty God we serve! Right now in the might name of Jesus I come against any spirit of religion, any witchcraft spirit, any word curse spoken over this woman of God and her ministry we command you to go and go back to the abyss …out..up and out!!!-in Jesus’ name AMEN. I love you with the love of Jesus you obedient woman of God! You Are the Right One For The Job Sis!!!!

  88. I never comment on these post, but have followed an sowed into your ministry..
    I would like to say we are not called to be perfect, many stories of imperfect people in the bible…many!
    We are called to love, and that is what your ministry is. So who cares what the religious spirits say! They’re always wrong anyway! ❤️

  89. Yes you are! Your devotionals are the first thing I read each morning. Your honesty and transparency as you use God’s word to remind me of what I need to focus on, and how to devote my day, are a blessing to me and so many others. Thank you for all you do and recognizing that you ARE the right woman for this job and the enemy has no place here. God bless you and your family.

  90. My sister, not only are you the right woman for the job, you are the ONLY woman for the job. You are such a blessing to me. Your devotions speak directly to me. They are annointed words. This is the very best personal devotion I have EVER found. I have printed more than one to carry in my Bible and re read over and over. This ministry being called forth, has helped me thru so much. God Bless you my sister! Dont even think about quitting unless God Himself calls you to something. The devil would be thrilled if you quit…..because there is POWER here in this ministry. Love you/stay strong

  91. Someone will always have something to say. Sad. Keep doing what you are doing sis. Not one person on this earth is perfect d yet God is still using us, still working on us still perfecting us. We are not robots we are human. Thank you for opening up and being transparent. We still lack that in the Christian community I see but never let that deter you from the ministry Gid has called you to. The Devotionals have been a blessing and will continue to be as long as God is in it. Bless you sis and keep working for God

  92. God doesn’t choose perfect people He chooses the right people and made them perfect in Him. Kee on doing what your doing, remember even Jesus was criticize for His methods. God bless.

  93. I think it’s brave and admirable to show your perfectly normal human side sometimes. It would be different if you were talking about cheating on your husband or getting drunk on that bus. But, no, you were dancing on a pole with girlfriends having a good clean time. Nothing to apologize for! Christian gals can still have fun and I did not see anything wrong with it😊 These devotionals bless me every morning. GOD uses you and you obey. Don’t let anyone make you feel unworthy or less than because you danced on a pole in front of your girlfriends. Just remember that judgment comes from a lack of understanding which breeds fear. Your heart and motive was pure. Don’t allow that nasty spirit of shame to creep in and wreak havoc! You are a bold and strong woman of GOD!!!

  94. We all fall short of God’s glory DAILY and yet He still loves and accepts us! I’ve been following you for years and I am truly grateful/thankful for your ministry! Your obedience, transparency and sacrifice have truly been a blessing to me! I’ll continue to support you and stand in the gap in prayer for you! Keep being who the Lord created you to be! Your boldness and strength in Christ encourages me to be bold in the Lord! God bless you, your family and your ministry 🤗💜💜🙏🏾

  95. Kesha you are amazing I love your transparency and that you don’t let negativity get in the way of what God is doing in your life. I wish you could show me how to do that for my future hubby LOL. God bless you and keep being you.

  96. It was the secure in my salvation for me….. Everyone can’t handle transparency and that’s not your problem to solve. Enjoy the life and the people God has given you.

  97. First off, I am sorry that anyone even tried to make you feel less than or not worthy to do these devotionals! I know I am not alone when I say that God has used you countless times through this ministry, with the right words at the right time!! I thank God for you and ask that he continues to bless you and this ministry! Not long ago you released a devotional saying that whenever you’re doing good the devil will try to make you feel alone! Well let me tell you…. there are wolves in sheeps clothing all around us. You keep obeying God and don’t worry about it! There are way more of us that love the true you and thank you for caring enough to be honest! We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God! There is and only ever will be one perfect being and that is the one we all strive to be more like and that is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Love you my sister in Christ Kesha! ❤

  98. My sister continue to do what God has called you to do. Your Devotionals have blessed so many and myself. Continue to serve and bless hearts …You are the woman for the job ❤️🙏🏾

  99. I Stand in agreement with you all my sisters … because God is using Keisha daily it is unbelievable how each morning I read her devotions how it speaks directly to my spirit and she be right on point for my situations so Keisha to let you know you are making a different in my life and so many others we love ❤ you and God for speaking through you to us…through your devotions keep moving forward WOG ..Bless you

  100. God is great and worthy to be praised! I love and appreciate the devotionals and experiences that you share as a woman of God. It allows believers and nonbelievers to know that if God did it and can deliver for one, He can and will for anyone as long as they let him in. You have helped me through so many life changing situations because of the realness God has put in your heart! Your work is not unto man, but God. The Bible tells us that in man’s eyes, his ways are foolish. Keep reaching his people! Many may not understand but this is your mission from God and some things are unorthodox, but God chose you! Keep running for God because you are the right woman for the job! Stay encouraged my sister, keep walking in your faith, being obedient to our Father! Nobody knows how you are to be led, but the Father does! Love you my sister and keep fighting the good fight of faith! You have a sister that loves to see somebody like me can still enjoy the life our Master has created for us while still leading! Be blessed!

  101. Amen Kesha! Keep doing you, I am so blessed by your devotionals, your ministry and the fact that you keep it 💯. No weapon formed against you shall prosper….Let God continue to minister to your heart, mind, and soul and may He forever be/protect your family.

  102. You ARE the right woman for the job. God has annointed and equipped you to do this and more. I didn’t catch the devo you’re referring to but I needed to hear this. My background and the things I’ve been involved in often act as fuel for the enemy to torch my God given dreams with his lies about my worth. Your devotional has spoken to me with the right verse or the perfectly timed message countless times. I pray for those trying to condemn and judge you sister. I pray you don’t judge and condemn yourself.

  103. Girl none of us are perfect we all have a past. It is ok to live and love. The only one we have to answer to the God. Keep letting Gods light shine through you.
    Your works have helped me through a very hard 2 years. You are a Blessing. And I personally Thank GOD for you.

  104. My Dear Sister In Christ!
    One thing that discourages me in being a Christian is the Mightier than thou So called women of God. They judge they gossip and forget that they are not perfect. Mind you theses are the ones with worst skeletons in their closets than pole dancincing and a tattoo. LMBO Sis Please Please don’t let these Hippocrites make You feel any different from what God has chose You to be..SMH. I don’t get it Why Why WHY must We be like this…HATERS First and foremost. The story of the pole dance for Your Sis and Tattoo for Your friend Is Amazing..KEEP ON KEEPING ON🙏🏾❤

  105. Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Romans 8:33‭-‬34 NKJV

    This verse applies to every source of charges and condemnation, including fellow Christians. You are walking by the Spirit and He is leading you. No one is perfect but Christ and the idea that leaders have to be flawless is what keeps many people from taking leadership roles in the Church. A desire to be more like Christ and a commitment to help others do so also are so much more important than being perfect. The pressure also causes many spiritual leaders to hide their sins instead of confessing them and moving on (think if all the recent church scandals and peope who have left the Church).

    I am proud of you for standing up for His calling on your life. I pray that God would give you more anointing, more fire, more boldness, more sureness, and more peace as you do His will. He started this good work in you and He will surely complete it.

    Do not let man demote you when God has promoted you. None of the significant people in the Bible were perfect. David, Samson, Peter, Paul, Thomas, Rahab…and the list goes on. God specifically picks imperfect people to show Himself strong, mighty, and holy. Do not. I say, DO NOT let anyone stop you. Press on my sister.

    God has used your ministry to absolutely and totally change my life. I cannot count how many times I have opened up the devotional and it spoke to exactly, I mean EXACTLY, what I was going through. Your impact in multiplicative and exponential. It is not one person impacting another, it is many people impacting many people who are impacting many people who are impacting many people and so on. Fight the good fight of faith. He delights in you and rejoices over you with singing. Our Father is more proud of and delighted with us than we could ever know.

  106. Jesus ate with prostitutes and tax collectors. He poured out the same love on them as His disciples. Kesha, YOU GO GIRL, let God continue to speak through you. Cast the first stone? “I got no stone to throw.” But I have His grace and mercy, just as everyone else does.
    God bless you Kesha and DOK.

  107. I Use to feel I had to get Drunk bc my fear of being in crowds I would go out and get so drunk and my friends would all find me on the dance floor well 2019 changed my life I went out and got so drunk I ended up in jail …. Well on that night in that cell I surrender my life to the Lord I always knew him. I had been running from who I was for years…. God has restored me and is teaching me self Love and confidence in myself! I Love to dance so now when I go to weddings, a restaurant with a dance floor guess where my friends can find me…. yep dancing covered with Gods Love and Grace!!!! You are the woman for the Job!!!!! God is using you to meet people where they are keep letting your light shine…..!!!!! You are the salt and the light, your boldness and encouragement has help me out of some Dark places. You had a Devotional that’s called Just Dance!!!!!!! So just Dance my sister continue to dance into your freedom and Love of God because you are The daughter of the King!!!!!!!

  108. YES THE HECK YOU ARE THE WOMAN FOR THE JOB!!!! Keep writing sis!! There is freedom in transparency!!!!! Forget the people who are being mean! We know your heart is right with God periodt!

  109. Keisha, PLEASE let your light shine AUTHENTICALLY. You are amazing and l believe one reason you have such a strong following on DOTK, across various/many demographics, is because you share authentically! Please don’t ever stop being you or sharing yourself and your trials, tribulations, party actions or whatever else you have been Holy Spirit-led to share w us… you ARE doing important Kingdom work! (PLEASE, ALWAYS remember that!) Christian receivers (who follow you on DOTK) realize that we are ALL God’s “work in progress.” Me personally, l LOVE you, sister!!!

  110. God gave you a calling. You are willing to follow the calling and the Holy Spirit’s guidance. You are doing it enthusiastically. God made us all unique. God uses unconventional way to reach who He needs to reach through whatever means. God even used a donkey for His purpose. God knows we are not perfect and does not want us to be.. he just want us to be willing and lean into Him. Who are we to tell God that this method is right or that method is wrong to reach people or share His love. God’s way is not our way.

    You are the right woman for the job! God has used your devotionals to give me confirmation about His guidance. God also used your devotionals to show me how much He loves me. God also use your devotional to redirect my heart toward him.

    Please continue your calling as God guides you!

  111. I love you so much Sister Kesha. You transform so many lives through your ministry. We all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. Thank you for your transparency with your testimony. It was extremely refreshing and relatable. Keep testifying and prophesying as you have been commanded. Ezekiel 37:7-10 pray God blesses you, enlarges your ministry, and gives you peace. In Jesus name Amen!

  112. My sister you are absolutely the woman for the job. God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

    1 Corinthians 1:26-30
    “Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.”

    Your testimony was a blessing to me because I was also headed down a dark path when God rescued me and saved my life. I will forever be grateful to God and praise him. So many women can relate to your story and your testimony will help to deliver many women. Continue to allow God to use you because he’s doing a great work in you. I pray for all the people who sent rude and judgmental messages that God will deliver you from a religious spirit and that he gives you wisdom and understanding because his words tells us to judge not our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must examine our own lives and our own walk with Christ before we pass judgment on others. None of us live a perfect or blameless life so give others the same grace that God gives us daily.

  113. Good Morning! You are the right woman for the job because the Word of God say this:

    1 Corinthians 9:19-23
    King James Version

    19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.

    20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;

    21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

    22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

    23 And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

    We should want to share our stories to stay free, for that is how we overcome.

    God bless 🙏❤🙌🙌🙌

  114. You go girl.be who God made you to be.and that is what I love about you.God sees your heart .and He sees your passion.please keep sharing.

  115. I really appreciated that story about your great night! We need more of God’s people sharing their on-going stories. It’s not like we stop living just because we start learning how to live out God’s will for our lives. You’ve poured into us from a good postured heart for so long, I know it didn’t leave when you decided to enjoy the family and moment God blessed you with 💕

  116. While reading this it burdened my heart on why we allow the enemy access to discourage else other inside of encourage each other. I thank you for your daily devotional that helps us all when we are going through difficult times in our own lives. God uses you to speak. Therefore my sister don’t get weary in well doing continued for fight the good fight of faith in Jesus name.

  117. It is disappointing to know that all your Excellent work is in question now due to your transparency. Transparency driven by your desire to help and reach and encourage others. A desire placed in your heart by your Father our Father. Dont be discouraged my Sister. You are following after God’s heart. We are to love each other with His ove. Accept each other with His acceptance. For their is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He does not condemn. He loves, convicts and leads and calls us to do the same. Like the woman who was brought before Him by her accusers for adultery, he started to write in the dust……..their sins, which only He knew. Then He said where are your accusers now…they disappeared. Christ said to her…go and sin no more. Our past is covered by the Blood of Jesus. We share to encourage and to show how redemptive His blood is. Keisha don’t be discouraged. Your ministry is helping, it helps me. The wheat will have to grow with the tares until the day of harvest. Keep strong in the faith knowing these trials do not stand against the weight of glory that awaits you when you endure in Him .God is!!!. He we never fail you. I stand with you. Blessings always to you and your family. Much love!!

  118. He who is without sin cast the the first stone.John 8:7
    Jesus said everyone not some but everyone has sinned and fail short of the glory of God! Romans 3:23

  119. The ones that judge you need to read the word a little more God said do not not judge…no one is perfect and never will be ..please keep doing what you are doing ..this is my first time commenting on here … I look at your devotionals everyday.. And by doing that im learning and growing… I use to be a stripper on drugs sold drugs robbed people etc ..an ex gang member.. I suffered from depression majority of my life.. But… But with the help of your devotionals… Im clean i own a business im not depressed anymore.. I live a healthy life… I have been truly blessed and thanks 1st to God and thanks to you.. For helping me …don’t stop…you have others out there that is like the old me and need someone real like you to spread the word. So they can latch on to God..

  120. Kesha when I first met you in Phenix city Alabama yo deliver my psalms 91 covered murch God told me then He sent you I knew someone was coming had no idea it would be you I was at shock you had no make up no dressy cloths you where what I call plain Jane in that moment I was struggling in what to believe if everyone is really who they say they are that is what I got from you a woman who will be honest at all cost if it will save someone’s life from the world or even themselves as we talked to encourage one another God’s word says that is how we overcome by the Blood and the word of our testimony don’t over think the assignment God has you on he gave it to you because he knows Kesha’s heart he knows u will do what he is asking No one and I mean no one doesn’t have something in there life where they don’t have something they are to ashamed to admit myself included God is weeding in this season so those who judge you for speaking the truth We must lift them in prayer because God can only help us when we are honest you sharing open me up in a different way it wasn’t about the pole it was about the meaning of your message we don’t have to be bound we don’t have to isolate ourselves no one has the walk with Christ perfect and we never will that’s why God looks at our hearts and not our actions I love u woman of God keep sharing and keep being honest because that’s how you will continue to reach God’s people and help lead them to salvation

  121. Thank you for transparency! “ALL HAVE FALLEN SHORT!” “NOT SOME!” Not one single person reading these devotions is perfect no matter how hard they try. May God continue to bless you and this ministry, as you are, and have been a blessing to His children. Thank you soooo much! Keep your head up, and keep allowing God to use you. “He who is without sin cast the first stone!” I know that I definately can’t! God got your back! ❤🙏🏼

  122. Don’t listen to the naysayers and Christians who speak out of “the flesh” and not the Holy Spirit!! Live your life in the joy and fullness that God ordained for you! You are awesome just the way God made you and “you are the perfect one for the job”! The Lord ordained this ministry just for you!! God loves you and so do I!!

  123. I love you and your transparency. God bless you. It occurs to me that maybe the Holy Spirit used your devotional to correct the hearts of some of us women who are self righteous and so spiritually high we are no earthly good. Your experience is yours, just like we have our own. Some keep them private, secretly, you shared it in honesty and transparency. You are the right woman for the job. Amen. God bless you.

  124. Hi, Keisha,
    I was catching up on reading your post that I missed a few days ago. I wanted to comment on this one because I felt compelled to do so . I believe in this devotional ministry so much that I invite women who are struggling with life issues and some that just need a word from God on a daily basis. Now with this specific topic where you mentioned about the pile incident. I thought you came across real and revealing showing that you are just one of the gals that among the masses…we are of all different walks of life, experienced many THINGS by your testimony it related to do many of us It didn’t changed my view of you on iota..I still believe you are a wonderful power house of God. Their will always be critics out there that try to make us feel we aren’t who God called us to be…Stay strong gurl. You are rocking it for God..I know you are receiving from Him so keep going ..I will keep looking forward to reading what God has to say for us…. remember what Paul said he had to do to reach the masses..he had to become alike them ( without sinning) to reach the people..I can’t cite the exact scripture..but I’m sure you can recall ..don’t let the naysayers try to discourage you which I know you won’t because of your calling…thank you for giving to the Lord and hearing…BE BLESSED my sister I’m in your corner…love and prayers.

  125. Thank you ,My sister you are so brave! You speak with Grace and Wisdom! It was once said God is not coming back because we have miraculously all became perfect he’s coming back because we can’t stop sinning without him!! The sleepers want to define Us by the mistakes of our past. The Lord and all his grace forgives us and is concerned about who we are now! I love you God bless and shalom ♥️

  126. I missed a few posts but just do you, be you, be true to you. Social media and life can be so fake that people forget what is reality. I see 189 comments so I missed something. But I appreciate your blog and I’m sorry if it’s stressful. You can take breaks and automate posts? Many people Truly over share. And wayyyyy worse. I got fired because if Twitter in 2011. And I still express myself too much. To succeed in Satan’s world you need to be fake/lie/ talk behind ppls backs/manipulate/ etc. But Jesus protects. And He wants the weak to confound the strong and the rejected to show His glory. Anyways I’m still alive after countless life mistakes so. Carry on posting with Jesus guiding you. Altho I missed whatever the fuss is all about. Take a break, I would. Even bloggers need to log off and regroup. Can’t work 24/7 with no rest.

  127. I believe if everyone would keep their eyes on their own lives and TRULY let God reveal areas in their own lives instead of getting religious and judging everybody else we’d live in a much better place of loving and NOT judging.
    Be who you are. 💞🙏🙏💞

  128. Hi Minister Kesha,
    When I read your post about the party and the pole, for a brief moment I had a judgmental thought. I do believe there is a time and place for everything and maybe if you would have shared a few words about keeping a Christian marriage interesting in the bedroom it wouldn’t been a bit shock for many.
    When you mentioned possible installing a pole in your bedroom, I thought it was a good idea. Not that we all have to slide down a pole to keep the fire blazing in our marriage but we women (especially Christian women) need to keep our husband sexually stimulated.
    Believe me, the judgmental thought faded quickly.
    May Abba continue to bless, keep and strengthen you and the DOTK ministry!

  129. Amen! You are an instrument that God is using to reach anyone and everyone who wants to know Christ. God qualifies the unqualified. He has chosen you and placed a vision in your heart. Your worth is ONLY found in Him. Those who are quick to judge will be judged accordingly. I love your heart. God has called me to write a book. I just finished it and now I’m looking for a publisher. I know God will provide a way because He called me to do it. You have a great calling and God will see you accomplished it! I thank God for you and your devotion! You are real and where it is uncomfortable there is spiritual growth! I’d rather hear the truth then have it sugar coated because people think their lives are perfect. Thank you for stepping out in faith!

  130. These comments look like comments from the world and not comments from Christian women. So many of you speaking horribly about how woman viewed the original content. I’m an not going to do the same. I’m just going to say goodbye. This is not the type of Christianity I want in my life. We are to love others and love Christ. This doesn’t look like love

    1. My sister, no one was trying to hurt anyone. DOTK readers were simply encouraging me and ran to my aid, not to excuse sin, but to love on me and remind me that we’re all human. I understand if you feel led by God to move on. I pray God blesses you beyond anything you can ask or imagine. I have no hard feelings towards you or anyone else. Goodbye, my sister, be so richly blessed. 🙂

  131. It’s going to be extraordinary hard to leave you! Days when I thought I couldn’t go on, I read your comments and then just breathed and found my reasons for hanging on. But why do so many people feel the need to say such horrible things about each other. Were sisters in Christ. I just don’t understand. Supporting you yes, bashing one another in doing so, no. I can’t believe how hard I am crying now. Help me Jesus! I too make mistakes, so many I can’t count. But I need to lean on other women of Christ, to keep me grounded. Maybe I just don’t read the comments anymore and just focus on your spirit led words

  132. Ok, this is the sign I was looking for. I don’t want to want a sister in Christ like you, so full of hate. Thank you and goodbye

  133. I h

    I hope all of the critics are praying for you to be as perfect as them…LOL…but, seriously, you are such a huge blessing to us all. Thank you for ministering to all of us,despite the business of life to do the will of the Father and further his Kingdom !

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