The mighty hand of God is on your life.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

My sister, how is it that you go through great challenges, face great opposition, and endure great storms in life, and yet you always seem to come out on top? How is it that you come out not smelling like smoke and not looking anything like what you’ve been through? What is it? It is more than the favor of God, my sister; it is the mighty hand of God on your life. It is the power of His Holy Spirit at work. It is His promise to always cause you to triumph through Christ Jesus. You will always see victory because you belong to your heavenly Father. You are His daughter, and His Spirit lives within you in a great way. Your mighty God is going to keep on showing up and showing out for you. He is going to keep on making a way. He’s going to keep on pushing back darkness, and causing His glorious light to be seen all over you. That’s the God you serve! He is mighty and His hand is on your life and it isn’t going anywhere!

Prayer: Father, thank you for how you work in my life. You keep on showing up. You’ve got people trying to figure out what it is about me. Lord, it’s nothing about me. It’s all about you! You are my secret. You are my glory and the one behind it all. Continue to turn my tests into a testimony. Turn my messes into a powerful message of hope and deliverance. Continue to be greatly glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

11 thoughts on “The mighty hand of God is on your life.”

  1. Thank you ABBA for the test, trials, tribulations that your hand guides me through now I have a testimony for your glory and for the good of others!
    I humbly submit my life into your hands!!!

  2. Thank YOU LORD for YOUR continually guidance and love, YOUR giving nature because it’s who YOU are, not because of what I’ve done or haven’t done., YOU are faithful and true and because I have UOU I will stand strong through these trials and I will bless YOUR name and continue to bless YOUR people.

  3. Good morning Father God! You never cease to amaze me! I don’t care if others wonder about me, because I focus on You! While focusing on You, they know what it is! They are just afraid to admit it. But I pray for them to focus on You as well, instead of everyone and everything else! Thank You for clearing my sights more and more each day, in order to focus on You better and better! I love You Father God and I thank You for Your love of me! These things I pray in Jesus Christ name, Amen! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  4. Thank the Lord for keeping me. If it has not been for the Lord where would I be. Thank you for speaking what I am thankful for. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽

  5. Thank you God for waking me up cloth in my right mind activities of my limbs roof over my head a good job for protecting my children and family and friends near and far putting food on my table my God is able to do all things in Jesus name Amen I’m grateful for his mercy and Grace on my life Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  6. “Turn my messes into a powerful message of hope and deliverance.” Amen!

    Since July 17th, God has been ministering to me about His Hand. I shared the revelation and the scripture He gave me from Habbakkah 3:4 with my son. Shortly after, I came to read the devotional today and it is talking about God’s Hand. I came back tonight to read it as I am spending time with the Lord.

    The Lord uses this ministry in such a powerful way to confirm His Words to me. You are one of the very few people that I listen to Sister Kesha because I know you hear from Holy Spirit. Thank you for letting the Lord use you once again, sis. More favor and blessings to you and your family personally and to expand the work of the Lord that you all are doing. Love you and Pastor Bernard, your children and all the DOTK family.

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