This Love

“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” 1 John 4:16, NKJV.

God’s love is from everlasting to everlasting. When we believe and take a step of faith into the unsearchable arms of the Father, His door opens and never closes again. His love embraces us and reveals to us a completeness that cannot be explained.

My perception of love in the past was based on either people, places, things, or it was conditional for the most part. However, when we step into this Love, we find forgiveness. We find that this Love gives us beauty for ashes. This Love will fight your battles. This Love never fails you. This Love takes you in and lifts you up. This Love gives you a joy that no one can give you. This Love breaks every chain the world will ever have on you. This Love makes you free like nothing you have ever known. This Love casts out all fear and strengthens you never to give up no matter what you are facing. This Love teaches you to love yourself and others. This Love makes you confident and secure, humble and most grateful for all things. We all need more of this Love.

I encourage you today to just call on the Lord and receive this Love, and more of it. May God’s Love overtake you so that you will never be the same.

Prayer: Thank you Father God for being true Love, a Love I have never known. I’m speechless when in the midst of Your perfect Love. Pour out Your love on me like never before today. I want to experience You to the fullest and be able to share this Love with everyone You bring my way. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

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16 thoughts on “This Love”

  1. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV).

    I want to know God’s will for my life. Don’t you? However I have learned that identity comes before activity. In other words, I must have a proper perspective of who I am before I can grasp what God wants me to do. This was true of Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations”(Jeremiah 1:5). He didn’t choose Jeremiah after he proved himself worthy of the task, but before he was even born. That was true for Joshua (Joshua 1:6-9), Gideon (Judges 6:12), and Mary (Luke 1:28)—and that is true for you.

    God didn’t throw up His hand when you were born and say, “Now what am I going to do with this one?” He had a plan and a purpose for you before you were born. Isn’t that exciting? David wrote this about God: “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (Psalm 139:16 NIV).

    Just before Jesus began his earthly ministry, he travelled to the Jordan to be baptized by his cousin John. As soon as he came up out of the water, the heavens opened, the Spirit descended, and God spoke. “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” Matthew 3:17 NIV).

    Before Jesus performed the first miracle, preached the first sermon, or called the first disciple, God made sure that His identity was clear. He was accepted, approved, and completely loved. So many Christians are trying to earn an acceptance and approval that Jesus already earned for them. God’s acceptance of you is not based on your performance. That doesn’t mean that we stop trying to do our best to live a God-honoring life. But it does mean that we stop trying out for a position or role God’s already given you. As someone once said, “The audition has been canceled. You’ve already got the part.” You have nothing to prove because you have already been pre-approved.

    Not only does God accept you just as you are; not only does He love you just as you are; but He also likes the person that you are. Yes! He likes you.

    If this were not so, none of us would qualify. God’s love and acceptance of you is based solely on the finished work of Jesus Christ for you and His presence in you. It is based on your true born-again identity as His child.

    This is My Son.

    Whom I love.

    With him I am well pleased.

    Allow God to baptize you in this affirmation of your true identity.

    You are His daughter.

    Whom He loves.

    With you He is well pleased.

    Before God called you to do something, He called you to be somebody. And it is only when you know who you are, that you can clearly know what to do. The truth is: you are who God says you are.

    Let’s Pray

    Father, I am in awe that You have a plan and a purpose for my life. Help me to remember that I am who You say I am: Your daughter, who You love, with whom You are well pleased.

    In Jesus’ Name,


    1. I receive your love oh how great it is who chose me before l was born I give you all my praise who told me I was his as a young child but I didn’t recognize his voice only after I got saved and wash in the precious blood of Jesus Christ did i remember his words to me and understand oh the love he has for us I love you Jesus

  2. Thank you father God for your love and for the love that I have for the people give me your precious love daily My God I have always had Love for people Thank you God for Lovely so deeply and Jesus name you Love is with me Aman

  3. Thank you again Father for the confirmation from this special word of your unconditional love for me. For loving me just who I am as your daughter and not for what I do. I love you Lord ♡

  4. TRUE LOVE❗🎨📖 YESSSSS💭I never knew LOVE like this b4❗🙅💣🏃🙏🙏🙏Be EXALTED Oh LORD, OUR GOD👑HOSANNA in the HIGHEST❗❗💯🙌💃🎵WE LIFT YOU 🆙SWEET JESUS👑🎁💝🎉🎉🏃GLORY, GLORY, GLORY❗👏🙋🙆💃💃💃hallelujah❗😄😊😍🙆🙋DOTK👑💌Ty❗😉🍇🍉🍓🍒🎈

  5. Thank you God for your LOVE, no one can LOVE me like you LOVE me. Your LOVE is everything to me, you’re always i mean always there for me whenever I call on you, you always get back my enemies when they come against me. You always speak to my heart to let me know what you’re going to do. Right know you’re telling me to wait on you. Thank You again my LORD IN JESUS NAME AMEN 🙏

  6. The greatest love is when Jesus shed his blood for me. I thank God everyday for his precious blood.its so comforting to know that there is nothing we can do to stop God from loving us. No greater love than man lay down his life for a friend. Jesus calls us his friend! Father thank you for loving us unconditionally.There is no love greater than yours. Love you Jesus!

  7. “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”– Proverbs xvii. 17.

    Sister’s in Christ we read “a friend loveth at all times,” and refer that to Christ, the sentence, full as it is, falls short of what we mean, for our Lord Jesus is a friend who loved us before there was any time. Before time began, the Lord Jesus Christ had entered into covenant that He would redeem a people unto Himself, who should show forth His Father’s praise. Before time began, His prescient eye had foreseen the creatures whom He determined to redeem by blood. These He took to Himself by election, these the Father also gave to Him by divine donation, and upon these as He saw them in the glass of futurity He set His heart. Long before days began to be counted, or moons to wax and wane, or suns to rise and set, Jehovah Jesus had set apart a people to Himself, whom He espoused unto Himself, whose names He engraved upon His heart and upon His hands, that they might be taken into union with Himself for ever and ever. Meditate on that love which preceded the first rays of the morning, and went forth to you before the mountains were brought forth, or ever He had formed the earth and the world. My brethren, you believe the doctrine of eternal love, meditate thereon, and let it be very sweet unto your hearts.

  8. Thank You that nothing can separate us from Your love which is everlasting and always the same as well as unconditional. Without Your love we are like a clinging cymbal noisy with no depth or substance. Please help us to stay in Your love which is the secretplace where our hearts meet. Thank You that there is no power stronger than love God is love, in Love there is no fear. We adore You and surrender all to take hold of that treasure which changes us from glory to glory. Amen!

  9. Thank you Dotk for such a blessing. Lord please help me to be perpetually mindful of your love. Sister Zebi that was beautifully put …our hearts being the meeting place between us and God.

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