“Open my eyes, that I may see…” Psalm 119:18

My sister, the enemy wants you to focus on who’s not loving you, but God is opening your eyes to see and receive His love in all its many forms. His love is all around you. It’s in the sunrise and the warm breeze that kisses your cheeks. It’s in the blossoming flowers on your porch and the soft rain on its leaves. His love is in the embrace of your children, the smile of the cashier, and the perfect song played on the radio that brings you to tears. God demonstrates His love to you in many forms all throughout the day. He loves you. You are not rejected. You are not abandoned. You are not left alone to fend for yourself.


Prayer: Father, open my eyes to see your love that is all around me. Help me not focus on who’s not loving me the way I need to be loved. Help me see and receive your love in all its many forms. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

10 thoughts on “YOU ARE SO VERY LOVED”

  1. Indeed I am so very loved!
    I’m working through a devotional that has discussion, asks questions, has scriptures to meditate on then asks us to write to God to show us how much He loves us today. At first I felt odd asking God to me how much He loves me…I am already so blessed I feel like I need to show Him how much I love Him; but I know now it’s not wrong to ask Him to show His love towards me.

  2. I so needed this! Thank You, dear God for using Kesha as a vessel in helping me throughout my journey. I feel so unloved by a very close family member, but I thank You for demonstrating Your many forms of love, It is not confined to just one thing or person. You are telling me to live, smell the roses, and to enjoy the many blessings around me! Open you eyes, Angie! 🙏🏾♥️

  3. Wow!!so much a time word for me…. just few seconds ago, God was reassuring me that, notwithstanding that those that supposed to be my love ones are not being there for me as they should, should not matter to me to the point of being depressed but I should just know his Loving kindness is always with me”.. Just for me to open this devotional and got the explanation more clearer in a way I haven’t thought of!!..Take you Lord and take you sister Kesha..more grace!

  4. This was so on time for me to share with my daughter who feels she was abandoned by her dad. God continue to speak to her

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