You will not be swept away.

β€œI am the true vine…” John 15:1

When the water is too deep to touch the ground with your feet. When the current moves fast, and you fear being swept away. You look for someone or something to hold on to. Anything or anyone who appear stable. Know that I am the true vine. I am the anchor of your soul. You are in Me and I am in you. This truth is what will hold on to you tightly.

My child, you will not be overcome by the deep waters, and you will not be swept away. You don’t have to look frantically for someone or something stable to keep you from drowning. I have wrapped Myself around you and I am holding on to you tightly. You are anchored in Me.

(Read Hebrews 6:19)

13 thoughts on “You will not be swept away.”

  1. Thank You Father God for continuing to be our protection in the storm, keeping me….. being my ALL & ALLπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  2. 🌾 Thank you Heavenly Father for your Protection. I Am truly yours and safe in your loving arms. Love πŸ’— your daughter in Christ Jesus. Amen 🌾🌹

    1. Thank You πŸ™πŸ½ Lord for all the days , the hours, the minutes , the seconds, Life is so beautiful , time is so precious . Thank you so much ❀️

  3. I just want to thank you for being that vine for me. Through grace and mercy, you have kept me from weathering the storm (cancer). To get the behind me. In Jesus name we pray.

  4. Lord, I thank You for holding and anchoring me in Your unchanging Hands. I know You are my peace in the storm.

    Lord, please go before me and make every crooked place straight, break brass gates and iron fetters asunder. As I trust You. I am holding on. Be my strength. For Your Glory. In Jesus’ name.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  5. Are you Drowning?

    When you wake up in the morning most of us usually yawn, take in a deep breath and get ready for our day.

    But how often do we take a step back and think of who gave us that breath.

    What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think, “Are you drowning?”

    The first thing I think of is, “I am not in water how could I be drowning?”

    What would happen if we started to live like we were drowning?

    What could we change?

    How would we love?

    Would we put our faith in God?

    Just try to think about how it would feel if all of a sudden you were starting to be pulled under by the current, you are trying to reach for something to grab hold of, surrounded by powerful waves crashing down on top of you pushing you further and further away, water filling your lungs, not sure if or when you will be able to take that next breath.

    You are trying to cry out for someone to hear you but nothings coming out.

    The more you struggle and fight the more trapped you become, your body starts to get weak, you can feel the blood rushing to your head.

    Why didn’t I listen?

    You start to pray, crying out “Please Lord help me.”

    “Please if you help me this time I’ll change my ways, I’ll serve You.”

    How did I get here?

    You start regretting the decisions you have made. If you would’ve just listened you wouldn’t be in this situation. “If I could just go back and do it all over I’ll change,” you say to yourself.

    But here you are, your going under and no one sees you, this has become your reality.

    We start to go deeper, your body can feel your life leaving it, and we cry, “Jesus forgive me, I was wrong, I didn’t listen when you said I shouldn’t be here. I kept doing things my way not Your way.”

    You start seeing the ones you love, the ones you may never have a chance to say I love you to, “God please give me another chance.”

    How can this relate to us now?

    We may be going through a difficult time, problem after problem keeps coming our way, the storm we’re in seems to just keep getting stronger. No one seems to notice, we are crying out but no one seems to hear.

    It’s not getting any better, we keep facing the same struggles time and time again.

    Where’s the help?

    We need the help.

    Is anyone there?

    Can you hear me?

    We feel alone, no one to grab on to, hopeless, empty inside, we feel lost unsure of how to be found.

    All of a sudden out of no where you get pulled to safety, you’re finally out of that current. That storm we were in starts to calm down. We thank God for saving us and sending His Son to die for us.

    We are greatful to be alive.

    After time goes by we start to get caught up in life, we get to busy to calm down and take time to get to know God, and build a relationship with Him.

    We have forgotten what we promised Him if You please save me I would…

    Then I start to think about when we’re taught to swim we learn how to float on our backs.
    We can float for a while untill we get tired and grab on to something near for relief.

    You may be asking, “Where are you going with this?”

    If we are only taught to float and never take time to learn to swim. What will happen when the next time we start to sink? How can we swim to safety if we never take time to learn?

    But we say to ourselves I’m a good wife, husband, mother, father, son or daughter.

    God will understand there will be time to serve Him when it’s not so busy right?

    We look around everywhere we go there is so much sickness, loved ones we had to say goodbye to so early, we just don’t understand.

    Than it comes to us!

    We are so distracted by the cares of this life. That we have become to busy to take time for God.

    Only when it’s convenient for us. Like when something tragic happens, we cry out!

    Are we willing to surrender to Him?

    He loves us so much that He would do whatever it takes to see us give our lives to Jesus, and to ask Him for forgiveness than to see us experience eternal suffering.

    He rather see us suffer a short time on this earth than eternity in hell.

    I have made alot of foolish choices growing up. My life before I asked Jesus to come into it is far different from the one you see today.

    I’m going to tell you a little bit about my past. This is what helped shape me into the woman you see here today.

    This is my experience, my reality, a glimpse in the story of my life.

    Spring 2001

    It was my senior year of high school. I was also taking few courses at a local college not far from where I was from.

    I was 16 and not making good choices for my life. I was headed in a downward spiral but I couldn’t see it at the time. I was trying to find love, unsure of how to even love anyone in return.

    I was broken inside.

    There was this indescribable pain that just couldn’t be fixed no mater how hard I tried fill it.

    I was in a unheathy relationship, trying to mold myself into what I thought to be perfect.

    My boyfriend at the time and his two friends Aaron and Abby decided to go to Myrtle Beach, they invited me to go but I was unsure if I would be able to go.

    After a while of asking my mom, she reluctantly agreed to let me go. She knew in a few short months I would be graduating and I was going to do whatever I desired to do after I was out of high school.

    She was afraid of losing me, rightfully so.

    I can remember that day all to well. We had stopped near a mini golf course to look for souvenirs to bring home, we came across these body boards and thought it would be something new, a fun experience that we have never tried before.

    Little did I know what was ahead.

    We were all fooling around. Not really paying any attention where everyone was, we were all doing our own thing, not thinking of any danger that possibly could happen.

    It was my first time in the ocean, I had no life jacket on, I just had a board with a strap that attached to my ankle.

    It was alot of fun at first, the more I got use to body boarding the farther I would go out into the waves.

    As the waves started to pick up I tried boarding back in but the waves were getting to powerful, I was getting pulled farther and farther out into the ocean.

    That’s when everything happened.

    A wave came crashing down on top of me, I became separated from my board. I’m still under the water I’m trying to reach my board, the more I try to turn my body the more the waves above tangle me in the rope attached to my ankle.

    I am swallowing mouthfuls of water at this point, I could feel myself screaming but no words were coming out of my mouth. I couldn’t free myself from the mess I had gotten into.

    The more I struggled and fought the more trapped I became, my body started to get weak, I felt the blood rushing to my head.

    I started to regret my choice, if I would’ve just listened I wouldn’t be in this situation. If I could just go back and do it all over I’ll change. I started to pray, “Please Lord help me.”

    I was finally able to reach the end of the board but I couldn’t get a good grip on it, I was still being pulled under, I started to panic. “God save me, please save me!”

    I was thinking of what my mom was going to tell my dad when he found out I took off and didn’t listen. Now they were going to have to bury their daughter.

    I could see their anger and sadness that I caused. “How could I have done this to my family?”

    As I started to go deeper, I could feel my life leaving my body, I cried “Jesus forgive me, I was wrong, I didn’t listen when you said I shouldn’t be here. I kept doing things my way not Your way.”

    I could see all the ones I loved, the ones I would never have a chance to say I love you too just one last time.

    “God please give me another chance.”

    “Please if you help me this time I’ll change my ways, I’ll serve You.”

    All of a sudden I felt a hand reach into the water and pulled me out!

    Little did I know but one of the three that I was on the trip with was a lifeguard. She pulled me back to shore.

    I could hardly breathe gasping for every breath I took. My lungs were filled with so much water. As I leaned over on my hands and knees the water rapidly poured out mouth and nose.

    God in this very moment saved me.

    I know in that He was able to get Abby’s attention to go looking for me. For her to overwhelmingly know something was wrong.

    He saved me not only from drowning but also the path I was going down. He knew I needed her on this trip. He wasn’t finished with me just yet. I have a purpose to accomplish.

    I will stand up for God. I will tell the world about His Son that died for us all. How could I not? He saved me in so many ways I have lost count. He is just waiting for us to ask Jesus into our lives.

    I love Him. He gave us the very breath we breathe. We can put our trust in Him.

    I have been given a chance to say I love you and not hold back in fear and to be able to ask for forgiveness. I no longer have to hold on to my past but I am learning from it. I’m praying that what I have gone through will help others who just need to see there is hope.

    That hope is found in Jesus!

  6. What a word!
    timely and inspiring …
    may God continue to Bless and inspire you as you as you continue to bless and inspire othersπŸ™

  7. Oh I praise and magnify you my God. Yes my anchor holds in the solid rock Jesus. He is my all and all. In every trial he has brought me through. What a God!!. May we sisters keep on moving forward by Faith, abiding, making our calling and election sure in our precious Saviour and friend. Amen!.

  8. I’m gracious for my friend my sister who sent me this . She had no idea but I needed to read this article. Jesus I trust you

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