Your life is in God’s hands.

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life,…” Matthew 6:25, ESV.

My sister, you can’t control how God blesses you, all you must know is that He will. You don’t know how He will meet your needs; all you must know is that He will. You don’t know how He is going to get you from where you are right now to where He wants you to be in life. All you must know is that you’ve prayed, and He’s heard you. It is His timing, His plan, and His perfect will that is in effect for you. When you stop trying to figure out how and when, you will be able to rest in His immense love and receive His grace that is apportioned to you today. Anxiety builds in our hearts when we concern ourselves with things beyond our control. God’s grace builds in our lives when we walk in what He has set in front of us today.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask that you touch my mind and my heart. Forgive me, I have been anxious about many things. I receive your peace and comfort right now. I acknowledge your presence in my life. Thank you for being with me and for caring for me. You are my God; I have no reason to worry. I have no reason to be all worked up. I know you will take care of me. As I cast my cares on you, fill me with peace and joy. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

(Read Matthew 6:25-34)

18 thoughts on “Your life is in God’s hands.”

  1. God I know you hear my prayers because this devotional is a direct answer. Thank you for always answering even if it’s not what I want to hear. Lord I trust you with my whole heart and I release all my plans and deadlines to you. Forgive me for my doubts and for trying to enforce my will and my timeline in Jesus name, Amen💙

  2. Thank you Pastor Kesha, so needed to read this today…going to reread and reread today…God is speaking through you…let him guide you…you are touching our lives with his Word…please keep your ears to his mouth as he speaks through you…thank you Pastor Kesha…

  3. Thank the Lord for seeing me right where I am and allowing Sis. Kesha to speak to me through this devotional. The Lord seen how check this devotional five and six times before it was uploaded. I was praying for a word from the Lord.

    Now it is confirmed to put all that concerns me into the Lord’s Hands for Him to perfect. I need a filling of the Holy Spirit I need the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. I need the Lord, God Almighty to have His way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

  4. AMEN!! This was apart of my prayer this morning. I don’t need to know or try and figure out how and when God is going to help me, I just Need to Know That HE IS!! Thank You, WOG!! Blessings be into you and your family! ♥️♥️

  5. Truly enjoyed this confirmation of God’s love. Thank you for sharing the truth with many lost souls.

  6. As someone with anxiety, I thank you for reminding me that God will won’t be thwarted in my life. I just have to pray and listen and trust and do and be His daughter true.

    Thank you

  7. When will God come through
    He will fix every situation regardless to what it is
    Wait I say wait on the Lord
    Bless the Lord at all times
    and may His praises be continually be in our mouths
    Da bar Shalom

  8. Amen…Help me Heavenly Father to cast all my care on you. All my worries and anxieties I lay them all at your feet.🙏

  9. Hallelujah to the Most High God. Father I pray that I will not just be a hearer of the word, but a does also. I pray that I shall choose to leave the HOW and the WHEN to you. I will let GO and let GOD. I trust your perfect timing. You told us that they who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles. Praise be to GOD. 💪👏💯✝🔥

  10. Thank you for reminding me that i am not in control. When I remember to let go the anxiety leaves me and Peace comes. The job is stressful and disappointing that it causes so much anxiety. And I ask myself why did I accept this chaos into my life?
    My prayer is to have the courage to let go and know that God is in control.
    Thank-you 🙏🏽

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