A Kingdom Sisterhood

“But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God” Ruth 1:16, NIV.

As Christian women, we have a tremendous opportunity to impact the lives of those women around us; with love, support, encouragement, words of wisdom and compassion. To have a true love for sisterhood is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately nowadays, there is so much envy, competition and jealousy that we don’t find the freedom to be who we are with those around us.

There is something to be said about women helping women. It speaks volumes when we are like-minded, when we deeply understand each others joys and challenges within our unique lifestyles, when we are truly full of joy with our sister’s achievements in Christ, and when we celebrate each other and take pride in being a part of that growth.

It glorifies God when we are women who are there as accountability partners, understanding that you may have flaws but loving you anyway; understanding that you will fall many times but holding you up anyway; understanding that you’re not perfect but seeing you through the perfect eyes of Christ anyway! It pleases Him when we are women who pray fervently for you just as we would desire for someone to pray for us, when we don’t judge or criticize, but correct in love when needed, and women who push you towards your destiny with words of hope and courage.

As Christian women, we must return to this quality kind of sisterhood, and we must do it for the Lord’s name.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of sisterhood. Thank You for those women that surround me. I pray that I am able to offer them the type of friendship that pleases You; a friendship like the one of Jonathan and David and like the one of Ruth and Naomi. I pray that You always help me lead by example and I pray that I am able, through You, to impact the lives of those around me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Penned by Evelyn Suarez

Posted in: Uncategorized

20 thoughts on “A Kingdom Sisterhood”

  1. Amen i agree and received this message in Jesus Christ mighty Name Glory Hallelujah thank You Lord.💃💃💃💯💖💕

    1. Amen, me too! May the enemy not allow division but may we have unity in the sisterhood in my church and continued unity in my bible study.

  2. Father God I pray for unity within the sisterhood everywhere that we would live for you as you show us how, loving, helping, caring comforting and giving to one another in Jesus name. Amen

  3. To God be the glory for such a timely word. In a world full of discord, confusion and the like this encourages me to keep on pressing. To keep on with my sisters God have placed in my life.thanks for the encouraging words of wisdom!

  4. Thank you for the confirmation. I’ve been preaching, teaching, screaming this message for years…I bless the Lord that someone else in the universe is on the same wavelength. Thank you God. I am not alone

  5. Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless your Holy name. Thank you God for my sisters and may we continue in unity praying
    And holding up each other spiritually for you honor and your Glory

  6. It’s a good thing when can meet together in fellowship, show care, love and share God’s goodness to others. We thank you for the unity of sisterhood in you Jesus Christ; please teaches us to be on accord with you and to extend your kindness to others, please grant us the strength Father and may all we do brings praises to your name. Amen 🙏

  7. I’m grateful to to have some spiritual people in my life that lift me up when I’m down thank you Lord for my sisters in Christ that we keep lifting each other up spiritually in Jesus Holy name Amen

  8. This is a right on time message, and I especially needed to be reminded that we urge and encourage one another to our God-written destiny. Thanks for this post.

  9. Thanks for this message is for me, so many of us today don’t have time to encourage each of other but i pray one day God will unite us together in good time or bad times. Thanks sweetie for opening my eyes today. God bless you pastor

  10. Thank you for this word today, we need more sisterhood instead of so much jealously and envy. Thank you again for this word. In Jesus Name Amen.

  11. Dear Evelyn Suarez,
    Thank you for your words today. I have a sister and a dear friend, neither of whom are willing to accept our Lord (yet!). Your words give me encouragement and hope to continue to lead by example and pray that they will one day see the light that is our Savior and accept Him and his Truth.

  12. We as Sister’s have to continue to be obedient; walking in LOVE so that the plan of God for the “Women of God” can be reverenced and honored, as did Ruth leaving an everlasting legacy! To God be the glory!

    1. It’s nice to hear that women are willing to pray for each other,in order to bring unity. That power.

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