A Message from God’s Heart for You

“For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield” Psalm 5:12, ESV.

“My daughter, you have found favor in My sight. When I see you, My eyes are filled with love. I long to be good to you. Even as you read this, I am instructing My angels and sending them your way. They are in position to help you receive My blessings. Your life is being filled with good things. I am touching hearts to bless you. It will not be delayed, but it will arrive right on time. When you receive the blessings I have for you, don’t set your heart upon them, but keep your heart set on Me and keep your mind stayed on Me. You have found favor in My sight. I long to be good to you. Says the Spirit of the Lord.”

(References: Isaiah 30:18; Luke 6:38; Psalm 103:5; Psalm 103:20; Psalm 62:10; Psalm 91:14 )

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23 thoughts on “A Message from God’s Heart for You”

    1. Thank You Jesus Fir Havinf Your Eyes set In Me, and for Loving Me, and that I’m in Your Favor, Thank You God I Claim it with All My Heart, SOUL, and Mind… ❤

  1. Thank you God for your word praying and waiting patiently for you asking for your help daily in my life teach me your give me your will for my life continue to cover me in the name of Jesus Amen

  2. 🌾 Thank you Heavenly Father For your favor in my life and my marriage with my son and my daughter and I receive this in Jesus name I will keep my mind and eyes set on you. I love you and I thank you for this message. In Jesus name. Amen 🌾

  3. You are faithful to Your Word Lord and it shall come to pass. You will I reverence You Father in the Highest Name and I receive the Your blessings

  4. Thank You God for all the blessing I have already received 🙌🏽 and I am thanking You in advance, for the ones I am going to receive 🙌🏽 Hallelujah PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME, IS FOR ME🙌🏽 Thank You God for Your unconditional Love❤️ BLESSED BY THE BEST, TO BE A BLESSING TO SOMEBODY ELSE 🙌🏽 AMEN AND AMEN ❤️🙌🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️

  5. Alle Dank Eer en Heerlikheid aan ons Hemelse Vader. U Genade, Versorging, Beskerming, Genesing en al die Seeninge wat daar in die Hemel en op die aarde is, is oneindig groot. Ek Chrissie Blackaller, neem dit aan in Jesus se Heilige Naam. Amen
    Dankie, Dankie Jesus

  6. Thank you Lord for keeping our family in your favor. We receive you with open arms. Thank you in advance for giving Bella all the desires of her heart as she walks in your presence and serves you Lord. Please guide all young women to walk with you Lord give them the direction they need. May they receive you with open arms. Please give them hope and a joyous heart. In Jesus Name, Amen

    1. Iris Vilish, I just wanted to say, Wat you wrote in ur devotional, waz absolutely💗 BEAUTIFUL💗I hav 3 girlz
      That are REALLY having a hard time&I’m not able to be with them, temporarily…Your devotional, just Really touched my❤{Please guide all young women to walk with you Lord give them the direction they need. May they receive you with open arms. Please give them hope and a joyous heart. In Jesus Name, Amen}

  7. Iris Vilish, I just wanted to say, Wat you wrote in ur devotional, waz absolutely💗 BEAUTIFUL💗I hav 3 girlz
    That are REALLY having a hard time&I’m not able to be with them, temporarily…Your devotional, just Really touched my❤{Please guide all young women to walk with you Lord give them the direction they need. May they receive you with open arms. Please give them hope and a joyous heart. In Jesus Name, Amen}

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