A Message from God’s Heart for You

“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living” Psalm 27:13

“You are not going to die in the wilderness. You are not going to die in the low place you are in. There’s a reason I kept you alive. There’s a reason I rescued you and pulled you out of darkness. I kept you alive so you can see My glory and taste of My goodness. I intervened so you can be filled with My light, My love, and My Spirit. Keep walking with Me and keep trusting in Me, and you will see, and you will taste of the good things I have in store for you, says the Lord.”

(Scripture references: Psalms 34:7-9; Psalm 42:5; Psalm 56:13)

21 thoughts on “A Message from God’s Heart for You”

  1. Awesome Word!! I can no longer tap on the Scriptures to read them. Is this going to remain? Thanks and be bless.

    1. My God! This word…Jesusssss
      Thank you. God heal my aching heart, my battlefield mind and any unbelief I am struggling with in the might name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

  2. Thank you God for all that you are doing around me in and my life I give you all the praise and glory this I say and Jesus I trust God 🙌🏽❤

    1. God I don’t know exactly what you are doing in my life, but I’m learning to really trust you. In Jesus name, amen.

  3. A Blessed message for all of us these days. Keeping the Faith. Love the Lord Our God and Trust in His Word.

    1. Thank you Father for your abundance of blessing.s. You are my anchor in these troubling times. Me and my Family are in your loving hands. I Will not be afraid i will believe. I love you Jesus amen

  4. God knows where He dragged me from hallelujah, thank You Jesus.
    My status may be low now but He didn’t save me from darkness and self-destruction for nothing!
    Continue to fill me with Your love, light and Spirit.
    I know You will not leave me nor forsake me even amidst how things look now and He won’t leave any of you my beautiful sisters. He has a purpose for us.
    Thank You Lord for this encouragement through your daughter Kesha.
    Have a peaceful and joyful day my sisters in Christ.

  5. It’s just so amazing! Though people, places, things and unusual circumstances there’s the Lord. For those who are in Christ and can recognize these substances when seeking truth, answers along with wisdom for this I know “I am; we are blessed” Let us all pray for those who don’t know, and cannot see! Amen.

  6. Thank you Jesus. I received your word and I am expectant that you already made a way for me. I am completely healed and fully restored in the name of Jesus. I am free from this virus because he has been defeated. By the stripe of Jesus I am healed.


  7. I soooo NEEDED this right NOW!!! Thank you Sis, for hearing God. My world has been turned upside down BUT yet I still TRUST God, that I will see his GLORY in the land of the living.

  8. My Lord and my Rock
    How I love you and need you. Thank you for this brand new day…another fresh start to receive your mercy and grace. Thank you my Lord God for loving me…even with all my faulty ways. Glory be to your Holy Name. JESUS-JESUS-JESUS-JESUS-JESUS

  9. Thank you Lord for once again reassuring me that you are with me. Thank you for your grace and mercies upon my life and that of my family. Blessed be unto your holy name.

  10. THANK YOU LORD for reassuring me that I will see a “MIGHTY MOVE” of your hand in my life while I’m still in THE LAND OF THE LIVING.
    IT) ❣️

  11. What a sweet assurance and answers to all my questions in one. Glory to our King,Jesus our Lord. Hallelujah. So so filled and contented

  12. Thank you for your love Lord, you’re awesome! Blessed be the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Emmanuel, wonderful Councelor, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, Mighty God, even if my strength is failing and things don’t work out for me, I’m glad to be a child of the most High! Amen!!

  13. I truly believe it and I receive it, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR 🙏🏽🙌🏽 Amen and Amen 🙌🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️

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