A Special Prayer for You, My Sister

Father God, I take a moment to pray for your daughter who is reading this right now. I pray you will minister to her mind and heart. Remind her that you are in control and everything is going to be alright. Establish your Kingdom in her life Lord and bring divine order where there’s been confusion and chaos. As she humbles herself before you and submits to your will, I pray you will take your rightful place on the throne of her heart. Help her take her rightful place in being seated in heavenly places with Christ. Help her to put the enemy under her feet where he belongs, and help her to walk in her spiritual authority in Christ. I pray that you supernaturally strengthen her heart. You are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that she can ask or think. Help her believe that not only are you able, but you are willing. Help her get to know you better and get to know your character. You said, they that do know their God will be strong and do great exploits. Father, deepen her understanding of you. Help her not to live out her faith in her mind alone, but from a real relationship with you in her heart. I pray for true conversion of her soul. You promise as we seek your kingdom and your righteousness, you will add to us and enrich our lives. You will always do your part, help her to do her part of trusting in you. I pray you lift every burden and destroy every stronghold off of my sister. Deliver and heal her, God. Anything that is preventing her from seeing you clearly, I pray you will remove it. You know everything she is facing in her private life and you have not, and will never abandon her. If you allowed her to face a test or trial, it is because you will be glorified in the end. Breathe on her a fresh wind and give her a fresh fire for you. Fill her with your Holy Spirit and with great anticipation of you. Be glorified in her life in a great way. I pray this with all of my heart for your precious daughter, and I thank you in advance for answering my prayer. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

34 thoughts on “A Special Prayer for You, My Sister”

  1. I Needed This & I Receive This Beautiful Prayer In The Name Of JESUS….. Thank You For Continuing To Be Sensitive To The Leading Of The HOLY GHOST….

  2. Sister Kesha, thank you for such a wonderful prayer. For the prayers of the righteous availeth much. I thank God for you.

  3. You have been a blessing to me Mrs.Keisha and I take God for you πŸ™πŸ’• God is so good all the time and all the time

  4. God bless you sister Kesha. I receive that and I send the same prayer back to you as well. Thank you for always praying for me. Love you!!!

  5. AMEN! Thank you sister Kesha for interceding on our behalves! I touch in agreement with you and my DOTK community! ABBA may thy will be done in all the earth for your glory and the good of others, may we continually LOVE you, LOVE others and make a difference!

  6. Amen glory to God, thank you, Father God, for ministry to my heart. I’m claiming the power of a mighty awesome true God-created me to walk in victory in the name of Jesus Amen again πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ™ŒπŸ½ ❀️

  7. ABBA Father I cry out to You with gratitude and thanks this very morning. I thank you for the breath that You have breathed in to me this morning giving me life to allow me to breathe what we call air but it’s truly Your breath. Thank You for this day God and Lord Jesus Thank You for keeping me through the night and my family. Thank You for Your angels watching over us all in the name of Jesus. Lord right now I want to say I received this what sister Keisha has been divinely directed to minister to all in need and willing to receive, And I also asked that of what she has given and offered of herself as a vessel unto You Father God, that I Thank You in the name of Jesus for replenishing her, refilling her for keeping her full at all times Thank You, Father God, in the name of Jesus for your daughter Keisha Triplet I pray for her and her Family And all of the DOTK family members Thank You in Jesus name Hallelujah. Amen.

  8. Amen to the Glory of God the father. My sister may the Lord continue to use you and bless you and your family with is divine favor and BOUNTIFUL blessings. Sending love, joy and peace from the Bahamas.

  9. Thank you Sister Keisha for that intercessory prayer for me. It touched every area of my heart and soul.
    I thank my beautiful daughter Crystal for sharing it with me.
    I’m struggling right now after loosing my husband of 48 yrs.
    I know God is keeping me and will return my Joy and Peace.
    God Bless you and your Ministry

  10. Thank you for this prayer Lord i needed this this morning and thank you sister Keisha may God continue to bless you Amen

  11. I receive and connect with this poweeful timely prophetic devotional prayer. Thank you so much for praying for me. Much appreciated. Blessings, Shalom and Agape πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β€πŸ“–πŸ™πŸ½

  12. Thank you it is as if you were in my prayers
    I have felt like pieces all over and Confused
    Thank you for a wonderful prayer

  13. To God be all the glory for what he has done today. I receive this mighty divine prayer for my life. God I praise you for ordering and aligning my path.

  14. Yes my LORD I die to self and bare the cross. I come in agreement with my Sister Kesha I believe I receive it all in JESUS Name Amen Thank ❀⚘❀⚘❀⚘❀⚘❀⚘❀⚘❀⚘

  15. Amen! Amen! And Amen!! I love You, Father, and ask You to be Lord over and in my life!!! May You be glorified! ❀️❀️❀️

    Sister Kesha, I send this prayer back to you that it graces you and your family with all you and ty our family need. God bless πŸ’•πŸ’œπŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’œ

  16. Thank you my cousin that was so beautiful I needed that this morning I was feeling a little down and that was a great lift up love you cuz

  17. AWESOME AWESOME God!!! This is truly Right on Time for Today. YES, GOD knows what I was going through at my job this week especially afterwards the meeting yesterday BUT GOD….Today was a NEW DAY and GOD WAS IN CONTROL which my co-workers surely didn’t know how to response to the email that God direct me to write because WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE and He will take care of the whole chaos that is going on especially against us Black Women Yet WE continue to encourage each other, stand and speak Boldly about what is not right….At the end we will have victory.
    Thanks once again for this devotional.. I Am a Daughter of The King!!!

  18. Thanks you my sister in Christ. This message was right on time. I received it and believe it In Jesus Name. Amen πŸ™πŸΎ

  19. I praise God for you and for being obedient to the ministry that He placed in your heart. This prayer is right on time, as many others that I’ve been blessed to read. I’m believing God for complete healing, miracles, signs, and wonders. May God continue to strengthen you to do the work He has called you to. May all that you touch continue to be blessed. May His favor and mercy continue to fall upon you and your family as you spread the message of hope and love. God bless you.

  20. Thank you my beautiful , precious, obedient Sister Kesha. Reading this today, and knowing that a day has passed since its release is awesome , for I needed this so much and each word ministered to me. This is what I was seeking. A reminder that I am loved, not abandoned but loved and remembered by my heavenly Father who knows it all and sees it all ❀️
    I believe this word, I receive this word, and I align with this word in JESUS name. ABBA Father I belong to you πŸ™

  21. Thank you so much for this right on time prayer ! It is everything I am in need of at this particular time in my life .

    Bless you my sister in the Lord

  22. Thanks for this special prayer. I needed this. When friends show genuine care and concern about my welfare not only do I know someone else is looking out for me , but you are there for me. I am also there for you. Please remember this.

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