A Message from God’s Heart for You

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

“You will focus less and less on your weaknesses, your fears and your inadequacies, and you will fix your eyes on Me like never before. You will focus less and less on who is not with you, who is not for you, and what you don’t have, and you will fix your eyes on Me. You will set your gaze on My finished work, and you will receive from Me all of the strength you need. You will lay aside every weight and every sin that has hindered your progress in Me. You are laying it all aside and fixing your eyes on the race I’ve set before you. Your eyes are locking in on Me and My eyes are locked in on you. I initiated your faith and I Am, without a doubt, bringing it to full completion, says the Spirit of the Lord.”

18 thoughts on “A Message from God’s Heart for You”

  1. Amen & Thank You Lord for all blessings received. May all of your children be so blessed

    1. Thanks to God Almighty the lord of my life for gilding and watching over you and me every step of the way every day.

    Praise Yashua the most High. Praise Yahweh the King of Kings. Lord I always know and have a feeling when you are going to have a devotional that you spoke directly to our sister Kesha heart specifically for me. Lord I thank you this morning and thank you for this message to my heart. Lord I thank you that you are drawing me nearer to you and allowing me to harness your holy power to reach those parts of myself that need your help. Lord I thank you that in my weakness your strength is made perfect! Lord Lord you are amazing and change all things in our life. Thank you that my world will not look like it did yesterday, last week or last year. I just read that our world unfolds in front of us based on our perception, and out perceptions are based on our value/belief systems. Lord I pray and believe that you are aligning my belief system with your word and your truth and your power.

  3. Amen. Lord please do it in, through and around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Thank you Sis..

    Blessing, Shalom and Agape.

  4. Thank you Jesus Christ for reminding me to set my eyes on you because you and you alone will provide me with all I need on this earth and in heaven one day I love you Jesus Amen

  5. I am learning how to keep my gaze on Him and not look at everything else. It has been so refreshing. I know that He will finish what He started in me!! A Work In Progress!!
    Thank You! Be Bless!♥️♥️

  6. Amen.thank you I feel very up lifting in my spirit and the scriptures our a blessing .i recommended this app to family

  7. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” I Believe I receive i come in agreement with YOU In JESUS NAME AMEN Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Yes my ABBA PAPA my KING of KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” YOU did say YOU will see me thru completion Thank YOU my LORD” YOUR Will Be Done YOUR Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven Hallelujah i LOVE YOU my LORD i Praise YOU i magnify YOU ⚘Glory ⚘Glory ⚘Glory to GOD.” Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie ⚘Glory to GOD.” So Devinely on time Hallelujah LOVE and GOD BLESS You All ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i United States 😙⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘❤

  8. Amen Amen and Amen!!

    From the mind of God, to your heart and to my Spirit!!

    I needed this today! I receive this!

    Peace love strength and victory to you dear Sis Kesha💥💙🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  9. Thank you Jesus..for Loving us so much for your unconditional LOVE 💖.Your Spirit will Rise up in all of us higher and higher .fill our cup overflowing..We want more of you and less of us..Let us be Vessels you can use for your Glory and Honor!!!..HALLELUJAH..HALLELUJAH!!🙏🙌👑🌠🌠🌠🌈🦋⚘🌻🌼🌺🌞👊

  10. Thank you Father God for allowing Sis Kesha to delivery this messages from the Lord I with tears drop for my eyes Thank you again Father God because I really needed to hear this Lordy My God ❤❤I’m walking and trusted you all the way 🙏🏽

  11. Blessings just to hear 👂 the heart 💜 of God speaking directly at me❤️Thank you Sister Keisha 🌷😘

  12. Thank you Lord, to so much to accomplish bc of time I ve wasted; & trusting you ll guide me with your strength & focus

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