Add to Yourself

“Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited” Isaiah 54:2-3, KJV.

When God is taking you higher in Him, you’ll find that it will be time to make some adjustments for the new responsibility you have. It’s time to make some changes so you can win on the new level that you are in God. You may have to add more prayer in your life. You may have add more studying of His Word. You may have to add more fasting. God may direct you to spend less time on the internet and add more time perfecting your God-given gifts. You may have cut down on your sugar intake and make adjustments in your diet, and add exercising to your daily routine so your body can handle all the new demands of this new level.

If you desire to do great things, change and adjustments are inevitable. We have to add to ourselves as we go higher in life and deeper in God. As you obey God and add to yourself, you will break out with wisdom and power in your life. You will break out with promotion and increase. He is saying to you today, “Get ready, for I am about to break out with blessings from every direction in your life.”

Prayer: Father, you are a great God and I thank you for showing me it’s time to add to myself because you are preparing me for greater places in my walk with you. It’s time for some adjustments as I go higher in life and deeper in you. Help me to yield and obey you as you lead me to make these adjustments in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Study 2 Peter 1:5-8)

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15 thoughts on “Add to Yourself”

  1. Loved this! This is what I have been wanting to do in the new year. God is so good and he wants the best for us. Praying for the ladies this morning! Jeremiah 29:11.

    1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Kathy💖!!
      Thank You for that Bible Verse…I LOVE IT❤❤❤
      Love Always💕

  2. Thank you God for the word oh God and the name of Jesus as I add new levels in my life with my faith walk and prayer trusting believing the word of God continue to help me to lead on your word your wisdom and obey your words in the name of Jesus Amen❤❤

    1. Thank you Father God for your word this morning. Thank you for directing my steps as I work towards a better me in Jesus almighty name. Thank you for the levels that you have taken me and the NEW levels that is yet to come. Enlarge the place of my tent Lord, teach me to be more like you, in Jesus name Amen.

    2. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister R.J💖!!
      That’s MY focus & goal..
      Love Always💕

  3. Wow!!! God is really talking to me in this devotional. I use to do children ministery and I messed up and ran the tracks right out of God’s will. It has been 5 yrs now since I been in ministery working and the last year. I have been trying to get back on track. Recently, God has added 3 children to my household to take care of. It has been a struggle. The kids have been through a lot and really need me for guidance since i have been put in the lead role of caring for them. I know this is the start of God using me again in the ministery he has called me to do. Thank you for this message . It really spoke to me and I needed it. God bless you ladies. You always have a great message.

  4. God gave me a dream. And he’s wanting me to come up higher, and to continue Praying a lot. Thank you, Father.

  5. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!
    Lord, I Thank You for this mighty word!! Thank You Lord, Thank You..Thank You..Thank You!!! If you recall somedays ago, I shared about a co-worker who told a complete “LIE” on me, whom I’ve assisted greatly..well anyway..the other day, I received the sweetest, tear dropping, apologetic text from that SAME co-worker! All I could say was…but God! In the text she mmentioned a lot of things I didn’t even think she realized..but she did/does…but God!
    Any & everything I do or have done, is TRULY done from the heart. This Devotional speaks so much to me because I had began to make changes in my life, starting with my Prayer Time, diet & vitamins, more water intake, NO SODA (whewww)..just alot of small changes that I know will be greater later! Lord, I KNOW Your going to increase my territory, I Pray For Increase For My Sisters As Well!!
    Lord, I can’t Thank You ENOUGH!!!
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha & Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

  6. Powerful, empowering verse ❤
    I have had many changes and my faith will always keep me grounded.
    Our Lord loves us unconditionally and is always preparing for us for the best to come.
    Thank you Lord Jesus
    We are BLESSED!

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