Be Sincere in All You Say and Do

“For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.” 2 Corinthians 1:12, NKJV
One morning, my husband and I came together to pray as we normally do. I usually pray first and then he finishes. But as I started to pray, all I could say was, “Thank you Lord”. I had nothing else to say. No petitions to make. Only “Thank you”. And the presence of God filled our hearts right there in our living room. It was a beautiful moment.
God loves sincerity.
Our prayers don’t have to be long to be powerful. A simple “Thank You” spoken sincerely from the heart can lead to a flood of God’s grace and love poured out on us.
Sincerity is powerful.
It denotes purity and simplicity. A sincere thank you, a sincere apology, a sincere prayer, a sincere word of encouragement to someone, and sincere worship can do wonders!
Let your heart be connected with your words and actions today, and you will gain God’s attention and win favor with man. Be sincere in all you say and in all you do.
Prayer: Father God, I thank you for your words of wisdom to me. Lord I want to be sincere in all I say and do. I want my heart to be connected to my words and actions. I thank You for developing this godly character-trait in me. Let it mark my life and be a part of who I am. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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12 thoughts on “Be Sincere in All You Say and Do”

  1. Thank You Lord!!! And Thank you Keisha for your FAITHFULNESS in sharing these Daily Devotional that Im sure touch every and anyone whom reads them. May the Lord bless you always..

  2. Yes Lord..I know you say “man looks on the outward appearance but you Lord look at our heart. Please let my words and actions always be in line with my heart for you.Thank you Father for all the DOTK sister’s and how we are all able to be real and sincere with each other, and ty Kesha for always leading us to becoming more like Our Saviour💜

  3. Praise the LORD for this word today, Thank you for the helping me to be sincere when I pray, there have been a time when I got on my knees to pray I say Thank you and nothing else until my spirit know to start praying. Thank you God In Jesus Name Amen 🙏💗💙💜💖💚👐

  4. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD JESUS HOLY SPIRIT Thank YOU. Thank You Keisha for this Beautiful Word of Wisdom. LOVE and GOD BLESS You and dot-k ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hi 5:08 AM

  5. Thank you Lord for todays word, teach and help us to have a sincere heart. Thank you Father for being who you are Abba Father. I Love you lord. Amen

  6. Thank you my Father for these words of wisdom. Help me to always seek you in all things. My your Holy Spirit lead me today in sincerity and truth.Thank you Father for Keisha bless her life she is such a example of your love in my life.l love you Jesus

  7. “Heart connected with my words and actions really made me think”A lot of times we say and do without making the TRUE connections. My prayer is for the great connection take place in my life starting today.

  8. Thank you Abba for hearing my petitions. Thank you for giving me a soft heart, a loving heart & most understanding a forgiving heart.

  9. Thank You Lord..Thank You!!
    Please continue to allow The Holy Spirit to guide me in EVERYTHING I do & say..
    Is the light..
    That shineth in me..
    That shineth in me..
    If I walk..
    The way He wants me to walk…
    He’ll show up in me..
    He’ll show up in me..
    If I talk..
    The way He wants me to talk…
    He’ll show up in me..
    He’ll show up in me..
    Is the light..
    That shineth in me..
    That shineth in me..🎶

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