Challenge your aloneness.

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” Matthew 28:20, NLT.

The quarantine time forced everyone into a deep aloneness to where we came face to face with ourselves. Now that we are gradually coming out and able to physically share space with others, we find ourselves wanting to be in the presence of those who are good and healthy for us.

No longer will you go after people who are not good for you, who don’t see you, don’t hear you, nor understand the calling of God on your life. Instead of running away from aloneness and fearing it, you will embrace it. You will ask the Lord, what is this time of being alone designed to teach me, and have I learned it?

Carry this truth with you in every season of your life; that you are never ever alone. God your Father is with you. Jesus is with you. Holy Spirit is with you. God’s angelic army is with you. His love and grace is with you. And in Him you live, move and have your being. No matter how alone you feel, this is where you are.

Prayer: Father, thank you for helping me appreciate this time of aloneness. Whatever it is you are wanting to do in me, do it. Whatever you are wanting me to focus on and get done, help me do it. You are my faithful Father and I trust that you are with me in a great way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

18 thoughts on “Challenge your aloneness.”

  1. I am blessed by your devotional today. I find myself more and more wanting to be around Godly people, not that I don’t reach out to others to proclaim God’s word, but I feel peace in the presence of God’s children thank you also for reminding me that God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and God’s Angelic Armies surround me always. God’s Blessings to you Keesha. 🙏

    1. The time of aloneness truely helped me to know God better and also running from negative people.
      No people that pull me down.God is good always..I actually enjoyed lockdown. Cause people are sometimes tiring and not nice to talk to…people dont listen anymore…talk talk talk but no listening

  2. Lovely word on today that our Heavenly Father is always with us and our elder brother Jesus and The Holy Spirit! That in it’s self settles in longing thoughts are fears. To God be the glory! Blessings to you Woman of God for this ministry it’s such a blessing 🙏🏾💙

  3. Thank you Father for being before me in everything I Pray and ask of you todo Daily..And knowing that you are with me no matter What!!!Thank you Keisha WOG for opening yourself up to the Father for us and allowing God to speak through you for your daughters I look forward to your words daily as I start my Day … I appreciate you and may God Bless you for your obedience ❤

  4. Praying Jesus helps me I’ve been in aloneness seems like eternity here I need Holy Spirit help and calling on my sisters to pray thank you DOTK I love you

  5. This was just what I needed this morning!! God is always on time and so were you with this devotional. I appreciate the word of God manifesting in my life and I appreciate you for sharing these devotionals daily they have helped me through some rough days.

  6. Yes, I am not alone. For the Lord will never leave or forsake me. Ler the Lord’s Glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  7. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” in JESUS Name AMEN ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  8. Thank you for this devotional! So timely. As usual. I was away with no internet connection and i really miss this devotional. Not only alone but, not being able to communicate with people other than my elderly mother and a sister during quarantine has been an experience i would of never had.
    I have learned not to question this quiet time. Just looking to see what im suppose to be doing. My life has changed forever. Thank you Lord!
    Thank yoy sister Keisha for this ministry

  9. Just knowing that after the sudden death of my husband Jesus is with me and God dispatched the Angels to keep watch over me ,I can find comfort ! He said he would never leave me nor forsake me ! A broken heart only resibds to the pain it does not know how to heal itself ! Thank God for being a heart regulator he by pass the pain with his love

      1. Thank you sister Kimberly for your prayers and word. Had a bad day at the doctor yesterday had a real break down ! But I slept a little better than I have been ! It hurts so bad when a part of you is missing! We not only loved each other ,we were in love all of the time with just each other!! My husband my best friend !! Praise the lord for the many years together! I pray that some lonely young woman will find the kind of king that God gave me to as his queen!

  10. LORD JESUS, I THANK YOU for dealing with me during my alone time. It helped me to realize what was important and what was not.
    Now I Prayerfully ask you to release me from ALL of the Ties that Bind me❣️

  11. The time of aloneness truely helped me to know God better and also running from negative people.
    No people that pull me down.God is good always..I actually enjoyed lockdown. Cause people are sometimes tiring and not nice to talk to…people dont listen anymore…talk talk talk but no listening

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