“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins” Matthew 6:14-15, NKJV.
Take a moment to observe the picture of the flower below. Does it look alive and vibrant? Does it look happy? No, it looks like all of the life has been drained from it. This is what unforgiveness does to us. Unforgiveness is sin and it separates us from the Source of life, which is God, and it puts a complete halt on everything pertaining to Him in our lives.
Forgiving someone can become as instinctive as saying “God bless you” when someone sneezes. How is that possible? Because we are simply giving away what we have received ourselves. We’re giving away the mercy we abundantly receive everyday. The Bible says, freely we have received, let us freely give (see Matthew 10:8).
But why does it feel so hard to do? Because sin complicates everything. We say, “What they did was far worse than anything I’ve ever done to anyone!” We say, “But you don’t know what they did!” But the LORD’s response to that reasoning is, “But what sins did I forgive you of?” Your righteousness is as filthy rags to Me. You didn’t deserve My love and mercy, but I poured it out upon you and forgave you of every sin past, present, and future. Through the blood of Jesus I cleansed you and made you clean and holy before Me . Now, you must forgive with the same mercy I’ve given you.”
My sister, you may have a choice to not forgive, but you don’t have a right, especially when God has forgiven you of so much.
Whether they see their wrong and apologize or not, choose to forgive and live.
Prayer: Father God, I’m so sorry for being unforgiving. I’m so sorry for not showing to others the mercy and love you’ve shown so freely to me. I don’t have a right to not forgive especially when you have forgiven me of so much. Freely I have received and now I give it away by your grace and power. I forgive everyone and anyone who has sinned against me or those I love. I forgive them LORD and I pray you extend your mercy toward them and cause them to see their need for you. I choose to walk by faith and not by fear. I choose to forgive and live. In Jesus name, Amen.
Scriptures on Forgiveness: https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/forgiveness-bible-verses/
TY Keisha/DOTK for the devotional this morning and the beautiful scripture and prayer. A great reminder to forgive and live.
I’m fairly new to DOTK so I may ask out of lack of knowledge about your organization but there are more times then not that I will copy & paste a thought or two from a devotion directly to my mobile notes to reread again and share. I was wondering have you or do you plan to ever put these devotionals in book form? Like a 365 daily devotional book? Would sure save space on my cell lol. And lastly is there any other way to participate in your live daily prayers other than thru Facebook? Via YouTube livestream etc…?
Again, TY. May the Lord richly bless DOTK. IJN
Does forgiveness mean that I have to let someone back in my life? There are 2 persons that I was really close to that hurt me a few years back. They have both apologized and I have forgiven them, however they both would like for me to continue being as close to them
As I was before. I have however, kept my distance from them because I believe they were cognizant of what they were doing when caused me hurt
Sister, look at the story of Joseph in God’s Word. He forgave his brothers but when reunited with them, he tested them to see if they were safe before allowing them near him. Boundaries are healthy. Forgiveness does not mean no boundaries. Forgiveness is releasing them and the pain inflicted to God. Healthy boundaries would be limiting contact until they have proven they are sincere and safe to trust again. Hold strong to Jesus!! Blessings!
Peace & Blessings Sister Alisa💖!!
You answered MY question..
Love Always💕
Sister Alisa, I would like to thank you secondly because I must Thank God for even allowing me the opportunity to see this message on forgiveness. I say you second because of your response to the other sisters questions who I must also thank for even posting the question but mostly because I have been drowning in sorrow, hurt,pain, and revenge, due to what 2 people did to me and 1 being a family member. This forum has helped me to get a better understanding to why forgiveness is so important.
God Bless you all.
My dear sister, I’m replying because I was in a similar situation. It bothered me so much and was sick over it. God revealed to me that I was harboring bitterness. He showed me through HIS word to release them to HIM and how to set up boundaries. You can still love them from afar. Just as the Lord tells ocean it can only go so far. The Lord Knows our heart. Allow Him to move in you. He who promised is Faithful. ❤ praying for you sister.
Amen. However o would like to expound on this teaching a little and bring a different perspective. When Jesus died on the cross and rose our sins were forgiven. Therefore that bible verse is the book of law. We should apple Ephesians 4:32 ” Be kind to one another,forgiving one another,just a God through Christ had forgiven you” Our sins have already been forgiven. There is no condition in God forgiving our sins but we must strive to forgive one another just as we were forgiven
Does forgiveness mean that I have to let someone back in my life? There are 2 persons that I was really close to that hurt me a few years back. They have both apologized and I have forgiven them, however they both would like for me to continue being as close to them
As I was before. I have however, kept my distance from them because I believe they were cognizant of what they were doing when caused me hurt
When I went through my divorce. I didn’t want to forgive my spouse. All I wanted was for him to hurt like He hurt me. But God kept reminding me Vengeance belong to Him. So for me to move far in my life I had to forgive and let go. Now went I am around him and his new wife it doesn’t bother me. Because Jesus is my bucket and shield.Seek ye the first the kingdom’s and His righteousness and all the things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33. Pray daily because it is Necessary.
I Thank The LORD For DOTK, I Was So Hurt But My Mother In Law Who I Have Taken Into My Home And Take Care Of. She Said Some Things That Really Hurt Me To The Core And I Was Having A Hard Time Letting Go Of Although She Had Apologized, And Asked Me For Forgivness. I Counldn’t Put It Behind Me Until I Read DOTK On Forgiveness This Morning, And That Spirit Broke Off Of Me. The LORD Knew What I Needed.
And My life I’m so quick to forgive others in spite of everything they may have done. Truly have a forgiving heart always telling my family and children and others around me don’t worry forgive them because in this life we have to live and learn and forgiveness come from the heart it would give you peace wonderful devotion love it.
Peace & Blessings My Dear R.J💖!!
You & Lynne sound JUST like my Mom😁!!
I guess that’s one of the MANY reasons why I LOVE Y’ALL soooo much!!!
Love You Always💕
Yes dear sister, a very important word. I heard a speaker a long time ago say ” unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” We can’t do it. It will ruin our walk with the Lord. He has forgiven us so much, and we have to extend that to other’s
who have hurt us. Really… but for the Grace of God go I. Lord please bless and care for all my DOTK sister’s 💜
Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne💖!!
Lord, KNOWS I don’t want to ruin my walk with Him! And yes, He has forgiven me for sooooooooo much..I have forgiven, but do I have to hold conversations with the person? I’m NOT angry with them, I just have nothing in common with them. We go to the same Church, I don’t go out of my way..but, if we’re in the same area, I give them my Peace & keep it moving..no small talk.
I just wanna do the right thing..I want to be right in God’s Eye!
Love You Always💕
Whewwww…..Lord, I Thank You for Spirtual Growth! I’m STILL learning & growing while on my Christian Journey..Lord, YOU KNOW I WANT TO LIVE!
Lord knows I’ve been done in by MANY..not just to me personally, but to my immediate family..although you say you’ve forgiven someone, but when you see them, there’s always that little funny feeling you get..like..ummmm..I’m NOT going out of my way to speak or talk to them..but I’m NOT angry with them..I’m just NOT dealing with them..have I REALLY forgiven them? Do I have to talk to them? If I had to, I could, but is it necessary? Lord, You know my heart, I’m really NOT angry anymore, I just don’t see a need for conversation.
Lord, I know You’ll give me an answer in Your time.
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha & Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
Yes honey. He always shows us how to act. Not easy…I know I got this going on with family! But GOD💜