“For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory”, 2 Corinthians 1:20, New Living Translation.
Many times we won’t bring certain things to God because we don’t want Him to tell us “No”. We think to ourselves, “What if He tells me not to marry him?”, “What if He tells me to stay at my crazy job?”, “What if He tells me not to purchase the home?”, “What if He tells me to let go of those friends?” Because there are things we really want in life and desire to do, we find ourselves hoping that God wants the same.
You don’t have to live your life fearful to hear “No” from a loving Father that has your best interest at heart. He loves you more than anything and knows you better than anyone. His best is always so much better than what you would have chosen for yourself.
A “No” from God can save your life, can save you time and money, can save you unnecessary frustration and pain, and can put you on a smooth course in life. Don’t pray for Him to approve anything you want. Instead, ask Him to show you what He wants for you. When you do this, He’ll begin to reveal to you His plans and will give you clear instructions on how to receive His plans for your life. He’ll then give you His blessing in what He has told you to do.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for having my best in mind. I know you love me and have only the best in mind for me. Help me not to fear hearing you tell me “No”. Help me to learn your character and your love. Your perfect will for my life is what I want more than anything and that is what I receive. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Challenge: Instead of focusing on everything God has said “no” to, focus on everything He has said “yes” to.
My God help me please give me what you want me to have in my life teach me your way oh God please in the name of Jesus give me your promise in your will for my life your direction God .I need your guidance in everyday of my life and the name of Jesus Amen. THANK YOU SIS.KESHA ❤❤❤❤
All honor to God who the head of my life, I have a few different male acquaintances whom say they want to marry me 1 lives in a different state, he’s a prophet, handsome, & a businessman, yet very secretive, I’ve known him for over 3 years 5 months of those years he says God told him I’m his chosen wife. The 2 and man I dated off and on for over 27 years and he has strong Christian values yet can’t seem to cut the string from his grown daughter, ask me my ring size and will do anything for me. This 3rd man is someone I just met whom has strong feelings real quick, needy, wondering eyes and knows of God but has and estranged wife in Memphis whom he’s seeking a divorce after 9 years of separation, and I’ve told them all at one point I serve God my first husband I live in celibacy and will continue to until I decide to get married because I’m not sure if marriage is something I want now, it has to be the will of God, God show me your will what you want. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
AMEN!!!! Evidently Lord You didnt have the plans I had in my future with my ex. So please RIGHT NOW LORD, give me closure on him. I want, need my PEACE back.
I LOVE YOU LORD..and whatever/whomever You have planned for my future show him and to me. I dont want to be single anymore Lord. Thank You Lord..your will be done. Amen.
My Sister in Christ God Is WORTH WAITING ON. Trust in the execution of God’s plan for your life. The same POWER God executed in raising Jesus from the dead is the same POWER God uses to execute His plans in our life. Read Psalms 62:1-2, 5-8. And may your heart rest in God. Be anxious for no thing. Philippians 5:6.
Praises to the Most Highest My Heavenly Father God. I am so so thankful to you for always being my bright and morning STAR 🌟. Thank You for another blessed day 🙌🏽 always being FAITHFUL AND LOVING♥️. I thank You for EVERYTIME You said, ” NO!” to me. 🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 Your NO, spared me from many disappointments in heart aches in my life, if You had granted me a YES.🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 I have learned that YES isn’t always good for ME , No is exactly what I need to hear, because it doesn’t line up with YOUR Devine purpose God, That You have designed for my live.🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH, Thank You God 🙌🏽 I AM SO GLAD HEAVENLY FATHER, THAT YOUR YES, MEANS YES!!! AND YOUR NO, MEANS NO!!! 🙌🏽 I Believe it and I receive it, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS 🙌🏽 AMEN AND AMEN ❤️🙏🏽❤️🙌🏽..Thank You God for always being FAITHFUL and Loving me enough to say NO!! When You know it’s for my GOOD.🙌🏽♥️💃
Praise God 🙌 for this message
Thank you for this word today! That is clearly the message God has been trying to get across to me since last week…FOCUS”! No matter what your going through FOCUS! No matter what season your in FOCUS! No matter what pain your in FOCUS! Don’t worry about what’s going on around you…FOCUS! Don’t let go of God’s hand at work in your life! Don’t let go of His promises…HOLD IT! Trust Him! It hurts ..its scary..but trust Him! FOCUS on His purpose for your life!
Most HIGH GOD thank your for the NO’s and the yes’ even when i didn’t what to accept them i know you had my best interest at heart thank you for loving me and giving me the understanding not to be afraid I love you and thank you for loving me.
Thank you for sharing this. I started thinking about the challenge of all the things that God has said yes to. Before I knew it I was listed multiple things that I would not have thought about in this way.
This reminds of something my mother would always tell me when I don’t get something I want or that I feel I deserve.
“ What God has for you is for you, and nothing can change it. “
So even though I’ve had some frustrating situations where I wondered why it didn’t work out I think back to that and realize there’s a reason, and God has something better on the way.
💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” Yes in JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY GLORIOUS NAME AMEN AMEN AMEN Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD.” LOVE and GOD BLESS You All ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i United States💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥💜⚘🔥