DOTK 2021 Tour in New York! Seats available!

Hey DOTK Family, the DOTK Tour New York is this Saturday and we’re making room for a few more! Purchase your tickets here:

A limited supply of “Daughters of the King Devotional: Vol 1” books will be available for purchase and will be signed!

(Face Masks must be worn during the event)

Unable to attend? Watch Live: (no registration required)

6 thoughts on “DOTK 2021 Tour in New York! Seats available!”

  1. I will be watching on line. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. πŸ™β€πŸ™β€πŸ™

  2. πŸ₯€ God bless you Mrs. Trippett and your Daughter”s Of the King πŸ‘‘ tour, I will be watching πŸ₯€

  3. Blessings victory and breakthroughs during this event!
    May God ne richly glorified in Jesus mighty name I pray πŸ™πŸΎ

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