Eternal decisions are being made.

“Conduct yourself with wisdom in your interactions with outsiders (non-believers), make the most of each opportunity [treating it as something precious]. Let your speech at all times be gracious and pleasant, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how to answer each one [who questions you].” Colossians 4:5-6, Amplified.

In this day and time, people are making eternal decisions. They are deciding whether they will reject Jesus or surrender to Him. Christians are also deciding whether they will continue to walk with Jesus or turn their backs on Him. The enemy desperately wants to cause many to spend eternity in hell with him, and he is using the fleshly responses of God’s people to nurture this unbelief and rejection of God. While people are hanging in the balance of whether they will believe or not believe, our responses and our love or lack thereof, could influence their decision.

It is important, my sister, that we know the great impact we have on every person we come in contact with. We are influencing eternal decisions by our responses.

I challenge you to let Holy Spirit continue to produce His fruit in you. I declare by the grace of God, you will walk in love and wisdom when dealing with others. You will not let your actions, your behaviors, and your responses be all the reason someone needs to turn their backs on the Lord. You will receive the wisdom of the Lord and the help of His Holy Spirit. If someone chooses to turn their backs on God, it won’t be because of you. Your hands will be clean before God. You will be blameless and continue to love. You will make the most of every opportunity to give people a reason to believe.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for ministering to my heart your truth. I accept the challenge your Holy Spirit is giving me. Help me God to be the light you’ve called me to be. Help me be salt. Let my words be seasoned with grace. Help me not give people reason to doubt you, but plenty of reason to believe to the saving of their souls. In Jesus name, Amen.

(Read Ephesians 5:15-16; Proverbs 11:30; Matthew 5:14-16)

7 thoughts on “Eternal decisions are being made.”

  1. 👑 Good Morning Father. I accept to help bring your children into the light of Jesus. And to share my Testamony with them. Use me and give me the words to say Lord. In Jesus name. Amen

  2. Amen this is exactly what I have been going through within myself
    I know God I read His word
    I know not to do wrong and make wise choices
    Yet my flesh tugs at me to do something else other than read or pray and I find myself battling to read to pray cause I want to watch a movies or to tired to pray Father and Holy Spirit help me make a desision to follow after you or not
    My fullest desire is to follow after Christ so my prayer was Holy Spirit lead me guide me make your presences knownin every area of my life
    To say thank you Lord for everything leave no stone unturned
    I need your prayer and support to keep going forward
    This is just the begining of what is to come
    The devil is going to try hard to get us all to turn from Father
    He knows our deepest secrets if they are not confessed to Father yet
    Repent and let go and let Father Jesus and Holy Spirit lead us
    I need prayer
    Faith with our works is dead
    Sending love hope and strength your way
    Thanks for encouraging words
    Even yesterday
    Getting back to my first love
    Is what I need to do ty xoxo ❤️

    1. Indeed Gina..I totally encorsetado your thoughts and sentimental

      Let us continúe to bear each other up in prayers
      Shalom my sisters.

  3. Thank you Sis for the morning devotion God continue to give me the wisdom in the tree of life glory to God the tree of life, my God, my God to walk in your presence and allow your love to shine only that others will see you through me in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾❤️

  4. Thank you for this timely prophetic devotional. I receive it. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽❤️📖🙌🏽

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