God Has Greater in Mind

β€œVerily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” John 14:12, KJV.

No weakness, insecurity, set back, or negative words spoken over you are strong enough to stop God’s great and preordained plans for your life. When He called you, He already knew every mistake you were going to make and every giant you would have to face. You’ve been called for such a time as this. There is a reason you survived when others around you didn’t. There’s reason you are still standing and are still here.

Receive in your heart God’s great plans for your life and the great work He has called you to do, even if you can’t fully wrap your mind around it. Just know that He is preparing you for greater. Greater levels of faith, greater operations of the gifts of the Spirit, greater manifestations of healing and power, greater knowledge and awareness of who He is, and a greater deeper walk with Him.

Prayer: Father, You are so great and awesome. I put my trust in You. Whatever you want to do, I yield. Take me higher than I’ve ever gone before. When life becomes challenging for me, help me remember that the Greater One lives within me. You’ve called me to do great things, and I accept it now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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29 thoughts on “God Has Greater in Mind”

    1. Fa.ther God, I receive what you have in mind for me God help me to be still and hear your voice speaking into my spirit and know that it is God.

    2. This thought today is a verily trueful to my heart because it is do easy to lose your thoughts in how to respond to God word but when you are going though some tought time I always know when to find my thoughts and heart alway guide me back to this place the bible tells me so how to overcome whatever it is God Our Father always has thy answer to any issue, situations, even concerns to hrlping a friend or family member sothere is no excuse in your mind that there is not a solution to your problems or struggles cause all is in the WORD OF GOD!! Open up your Bible and SEE AND TASTE HOW SWEET IS THE HONEY OF THE ROCK !!!! JESUS IS WHO WE NEED TO ACCOMPLISH THE BROKEN HEARTED !!

  1. Amen! Lord l receive your sure word of prophecy. Since the mind is the battlefeild, usually words of discouragement and impossibilites beclouds my mind. But thanks be to God who is my strength and hope of salvation. He is our very present help in time of need. His delays are not His denials. He will come through for us. His grace is sufficient for me. Lord l receive your word this day in Jesus name Amen.

    1. Glory to God for the word on today thank you God for blessings beyond measure and the love of us all in Jesus name Amen

  2. lndeed the greater one lives inside of me. His name is Jesus, I’m more than a conquerer and I’m victorious. I’m an heir of His kingdom and l shall forever rejoice in Him. Amen !!!

  3. Amen Thank you for your encouragement words I have receive it and the greater that the Lord have for me God its your plans for my future and I praise you Thank you God do your work in me please and the name of Jesus Amen

  4. Amen, Amen
    I receive in Jesus name. All doubts are from the devil.
    Strength me Father. Because of you I am still standing and you alone know my story. Thank you Lord…you’re not don’t with me yet.
    Thank you for the words of encouragement.

    Have a nice day

  5. Amen! Thanks for the word. I am in a new job and it sometimes feels overwhelming but with God’s help I am more than a conqueror.
    Such a encouraging word today and much needed. Thank you!

  6. Thank you father that you abide in me I receive your
    Plans for my life your will be done you are my Lord I praise your holiness in Jesus name I pray

  7. Thank you Lord, I receive it and I’m walking into my greater right now. IN THE MIGHT NAME OF JESUS, AMEN

  8. Good Moring my Sisters DOTK I just Thank God that he says Greater is He That Lives Within me. My opion the more of me I give to him the Greater he can be in and THOUGH me I find myself the more hurgyer I get for him and the more me I give him the FREE-er i become and Ladys it fells awesom. O Please don’t misunderstand me I still gose THOUGH Test and Trials but I would like to think I Handel them better .So my Sister in Christ Daugthers of The Most High King Have A Blessed Day and I Hope u had a Awesome Mothers Day

  9. Thank you Jesus for this word, Thank you Lord for greater Works you’re going to do in me, In Jesus Name Amen.

  10. thank u for the word! I know that God has greater plans for me even if my husb gets angry. I will do what he asks & God will take care his son(my husb).

  11. God truly has a plan for each one of us.You know God has put into my life this business opportunity two months ago but the enemy had been trying to paralyze me with this” fear”.You know I had to really pray and address the truth about it.I am dealing with the spirit of fear,but I had to really confess it and address it.God begin to deal with me in my heart about this deep root spirit from child hood.I have allowed fear to beat out of opportunites in my life.NO MORE!!!!!This time I will replace fear with faith and speak the word on it every time it try to come on me!I know that God has a plan but without faith it is impossible to please God!I will go forth and do this business with confidence in God know that if He gave me the vision and the dream of being an entrepreneur ,He has already made the PROVISIONS and all what is or has taking place is part of the PLAN!!THIS TIME I WILL BE VICTORIOUS! I WILL NOT LET FEAR BULLY ME! I will let my Dotk hold me accountable, so I will be posting periodically about my progress and encounters ,I am requesting prayer !Because this is so bigger then me!!!In Jesus Name I will please the Lord!I will be all that God has planned for me to be !Watch me deal with this spirit of fear!!!!! Faith with out the works is dead,it profits nothing!!!I’m absolutely tired if this spirit ,watch me address it!In Jesus name!Pray for me family!!!

  12. I just experienced an ordeal that due to fear, it paralyzed me. My faith was blinded. Fear and doubt is truly derived from the Devil. God showed me that he was fighting my battle and he made me realize that if I put my trust in him, he will win the war. I’m so grateful to our Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord for opening my heart, faith and my soul. Without you, I’m dead, blinded and lost. Many blessings my sister’s and DOTK.

  13. Glory! The greater one lives in me and I can do all things through Christ that strengthened me. Amen

  14. Yes! Yes, LORD JESUSπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ’”I TRUST YOU!!!!πŸ’―πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’ŒπŸ’ŒπŸ’Œ

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