“I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions” Proverbs 8:12, KJV.
Ooooooooooohhhhh my sister! When I tell you this, some of you are going to scream with excitement and spin around in your living room…the way I did! The LORD began to speak to me through the night and He wanted me to tell you that He is going to give His daughters witty inventions, new ideas and ways of doing things that’s going to make life easier for many. It will bring you great increase! Everywhere you look and everywhere you turn, you will think to yourself, how can this be made better? Wisdom and wit go hand-in-hand. Wit is defined as sharpness and inventiveness. It is keen intelligence, and the more you grow in God’s wisdom, the more you will begin to think in new ways!
These are dark days for the world, but increasingly brighter days for you because you are a daughter of a mighty and majestic King! Make sure you stay tuned in to His voice. Make sure you keep your journal handy. Make sure you are spending quality time in prayer because God will surely begin to fill you with knowledge of witty inventions. Don’t lean on your own understanding my dear. All of the great inventions have not been created yet. There are still more ideas God has reserved just for you!
So be smart. Do your research. Patent your ideas first before you begin to tell anyone about them. Be resilient and not discouraged by anyone’s closed door, closed hand or closed mind. Stand on the promise that if God is for you, who can be against you!
Declare from your heart today: “God has laid up sound wisdom for me and that includes witty inventions and new ways of doing things. I receive it and will lay hold of it in Jesus name! I will wake up when He tells me to and will write down everything He reveals to me. I will be resilient! I will be brave! I will be diligent! I will look to His ability to help me and not focus on my own inabilities. My God is for me and that’s all that matters! He has my back! In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
I would love to come in
Peace & Blessings Philicia…
Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy
Thank you for this word on inventions. I was discouraged by a closed door at work this week. But now I see God may have something better for me. His ways are always higher than mine. Blessings for everyone today!
Kathy I too had a similar experience and could not understand why instead of being angry I had a peaceful feeling. I have now found the answer. My God has better things in store for me.
Thank You Kathy, Peace & Blessings To You As Well..
Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy
Kathy I too had a similar experience and could not understand why instead of being angry I had a peaceful feeling. I have now found the answer. My God has better things in store for me.
Just before I read the devotional
I prayed and asked God to speak to me, while praying I hear the word, ‘ Custom Made,’
Then I opened the reading, all I can say is WOW!
Yes sister! The Lord is giving us better and smarter ways of doing things! I’m thrilled and so grateful. We need His creativity to move ahead and soar!!! Thank you minister Keisha for sharing the Father’s heart with us and being such an obedient and faithful servant.
Peace & Blessings Nikkisha..
I sooooo agree with you…Sister Keisha is the ULTIMATE MVP..for being Obedient & Faithful to the Lord’s Word & Taking the time to Spirtually Nurture Us!!!
AMEN, AMEN AND AMEN, Thank you God for the Witty Inventions you’re going to tell me…i am ready to receive what you have for me. Thank you for giving me the Widsom and to know what to write in my Journal. Look forward to hearing from you my Fatherβ€πππ In Jesus Name Amen π
Yes and Amen! I claim this word and will be open to receiving wisdom and creative inventions ! In Jesus name!
Amen,Amen My God is with me and that all that matters to me Amenβ€ again
Amen! Amen! I declare that am included in this number. God always keeps his promise to those who love and trust in him. Thank you Jesus.π€β€
Thank you Lord Jesus for Faith Wisdom Invention Great Increase for me and my Family.Better days are coming in Jesus Name we pray we receive his massage. Amen Amen AmenThank u Jesus Love uπππ
I believe & receive this word of CONFIRMATION!!!
Kathy & Myrna..it seems like we ALL had an “unpleasant experience” at work last week..but I REFUSED to get angry although someone spoke a little “flippant” out of their mouth..I let them have that & remembered what I had just read “Let God Handle It” “All Battles Are Not Yours”..eventhough I felt like it was mine..it concerned my money..I PRAYED..Lord, You got this!!
If I touch this, it ain’t gonna be nothing nice, so I’m letting the Lord handle it!! I’m STILL at the Potters House..getting work done..lol…It is funny because I’m working on a computer system at work..they’ve been doing things a certain way..which is fine, but the supervisor has been out & me, the new kid on the block, has been the only one who really understands the system..so I along with the IT Team have implemented some new things to help the job run/go smoother..I believe in working smart not hard..& with the Grace of God…things are smooth sailing!!! I KNOW GOD has laid up sound wisdom for me & it includes witty inventions..I will continue to be resilient, brave & diligent..I will NOW begin writing in my journal EVERYTHING He reveals to me!! Lord, Your my Peace, Hope for tomorrow..YOU’RE EVERYTHING TO ME!!!
Sister Keisha, You’ve done it AGAIN!! You’ve been obedient to the Lord’s Word & gave it to US..STRAIGHT NO CHASER & I THANK GOD FOR YOU & YOUR TEAM..I can’t Thank Him ENOUGH, for My DOTK Sisters/Family..I get up every morning..looking forward to reading/hearing/seeing what God has for ME/US!!!
I’m like a little kid at Christmas, can’t wait to open My DOTK APP!!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!! ALWAYS Your Sister In Christ, Wendyπ
Amen!!! I receive this, I need it! Blessings β€οΈ
Thank you for this. It is a confirmation. Just came back home, after a 9-10 month separation. My husband has been very sick and unemployed this whole time. My little boy received tickets from Damond who comes out on Shark Tank. So I went and invested into the company with a money back guarantee. My husband and I will attend the trainings Oct 27th-29th our 23rd wedding anniversary weekend. Then my husband will be able to work from home. He is now out of the hospital and thank you Sisters for your prayers. Our marriage and family are slowly healing. Trusting that God will help us get through not losing our home to my inlaws.π ππΌπ
Peace & Blessings Jennifer!!
….Look At God!!!
WON’T HE DO IT?!?!!!
Continue to hold To His Unchanging Hands…He’s NOT DONE YET!!!
Amen,amen to the word of the Lord.Thank you Father for your wisdom & your blessing.