God is bringing total freedom to your life!

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.” John 8:36

One day in a vision, the Lord took an old fashioned key and opened a door. When the door opened, bright and warm light came pouring in, and I saw a large field. Then He said, once I set you free, you are forever free.

Jesus came so you can be free in every area of life. He wants you free to enjoy your life, your relationship with Him and others, free to enjoy walking in your calling, and being a blessing to others with no fear. Fear is a door that causes you not to be free; however, the truth of God’s word can unlock any door.

What areas are you still struggling with? I challenge you to grab a journal and open your Bible and find out what God’s word has to say about those areas specifically. If it’s fear, find out what God says about fear and then say out loud, “Lord, I agree with your truth about this!”

Your Father wants you free, and He will use His Spirit and His truth to accomplish complete and total freedom for you. He will set you free in one area, then another, then another. He will give you understanding after understanding until you are living in total freedom with nothing holding you back any longer.

Once He sets you free, you are forever free.

Prayer: Father God, I love you, and I ask that you unlock my understanding and flood me with light. Bring total freedom to my life as I come into full agreement with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

4 thoughts on “God is bringing total freedom to your life!”

  1. It’s been a while since I said these verse over me but I used to quote them and I’d see success in my life. I’m glad to see them again as now I’m in a totally different season of my life and need the reminder to not be in fear as I go out and about as a single lady. Thank you!

  2. Good afternoon Father God! I feel that freedom is right in front of me, but I can’t seem to reach it! Father, with Your power and might, help me to break all barriers that are holding me back please! You are the only God that can do this for me! You are all knowing and all powerful, so this is nothing for You, but it’s difficult for me! But You can fix that too! I live You with all my heart and soul and U thank You for living me enough to bring me through! I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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