God will help you.

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them” Isaiah 42:16, NIV.

One afternoon, my husband and I was visiting our pastor and his wife in their home. We sat down in their living room and I noticed a puzzle on the table. Immediately, I was intrigued. I picked up the puzzle and attempted to solve it. There were four wooden pieces, that were supposed to fit together perfectly in a wooden box. While trying to figure it out, my pastor came over and put all of the pieces in place for me. He then stood back and smiled as if he had saved the day, but I wasn’t happy about it. I was a bit upset, but I tried not to show it. I didn’t ask for his help, but he helped me anyway. I felt like a five year old girl, screaming on the inside, “I wanted to do it!” I wanted to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from working hard to put something together that was out of order. He didn’t know how much I love the challenge of figuring things out. He didn’t know how I love puzzles. I got over it, of course, but God used that small situation to show me something valuable.

If we didn’t ever need to think, God wouldn’t have given us a brain. He wants us to think before we do things. He wants us to apply ourselves, and to use our brains to accomplish great things in life.

Just like in the example, maybe you’re enjoying using your God-given brain to work on some projects in your life. Maybe you have good sense and it’s working for you. Understand this, God is not like man. He’s not going to barge in and fix things for you. He waits until we realize we need His help. He waits until we say, “Hey, God I need your help!” When you have tried everything and you can’t figure out how to solve your financial problems, your marriage problems, your health problems, or your problems with addiction, that’s the perfect time for you to call on Jesus and let Him help you. He will flex His muscles in your life. He will pick you up and guide you to His exact wisdom. Yes, whatever smarts and common sense you have, use it! God gave it to you. But know that God is standing there to help you when you call on Him. He is a very present help in the time of trouble (see Psalms 46:1).

Talk to Him: Father God, I thank you for speaking to my heart. You’ve given me a brain, help me use it. Give me common sense, and give me wisdom and show me how to use it. But when I reach a point when I don’t know what to do and I can’t find my way out, help me always remember to call on you. Help me not to waste precious time. I need you. Help me, God. It’s only by your grace that I can do anything. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Proverbs 14:1)

Penned by: Kesha Trippett

Posted in: Uncategorized

21 thoughts on “God will help you.”

  1. In the fire the wood sizzles its song of victory. When our eyes open in the fire we see Our Master commanding the flames of love to consume our hearts for Jesus. Our strength rises as He empowers the song in the fire. O what incredible strength He gives us, as He never lets us down. Take Your glory Lord we are Your witnesses, YOUR overcomers through the blood in Jesus name.Amen.

  2. Thank you Heavenly Father for your blessings and your help. I love you God, I love you Jesus, I love you Holy Ghost.

  3. This was my prayer yesterday. Only thing left out was my college studies but I kno Jesus recognized that too. Thank u for allowing the Holy Ghost to speak thru u to my situations to reassure me that God is on the front line n my life. All I kno how to do is look up to Him and trust that better things r n store. I kno what is true in my life now but most importantly I kno what is true in Christ. His Word I will stand on and I will trust His path for me. Thank u for ur dedication and willingness to be a vessel. Remain blessed… I will, lol.

    1. Thank you God for your Mercy,and Grace.Thank you for another day you have allowed myself and my family to live through.Thank you Lord for the Precious Blood that keep us covered,in Jesus name Amen!!

  4. Glory what ever it may look like too man God is my defense I have the victory in Jesus I shall not be defended Lord Jesus open the flood gates of heaven let it rain let the winds blow allow my accuser to use that God -given brains and to stop thinking that they are God and that they can shouldn’t be judgemental dictating one’s life when they are not even in control of their own life usually people that’s trying to tell you what to do they don’t even have it right with God so I plead the blood of Jesus I don’t know my accusers and the ones dictating my life the one that sitting back laughing and clothing and mocking backstabbing manipulation setting up traps me and throwing dust at me because because its coming back to the ones that think they got it all figured out lord Jesus weeping may endure for a night but I know Hallelujah the door of Jesus glory joy come in the morning I don’t fear what man has to do but I do fear God and I know that I know that I know that Jesus is a way maker that Jesus Is A Healer that Jesus is a keeper and that Jesus can fix all things Rome wasn’t built overnight it took time to get into whatever you got into it’s going to take time to get out it’s going to take time we’re praying and fasting it’s going to take the time that Jesus knows your destiny for your life you know what he’s pursuing your life and he know the purpose for your life so I don’t know I don’t care what man has to say I’m glad man didn’t make me because if you did I probably would have died the same day but Hallelujah I’m glad that God made me and that’s same God Made you so whoever wants to sit back and talk about using your brain use common sense what about addictions I thank God what ever you’re big enough to do because devil from hell you don’t have a heaven nor hell to put any body in seek out your own soul savation.. thus saith the Lord while one is finding fault in others enjoy your heaven on earth thus saith the Lord because WHAT IN HE’LL DO YOU WANT HALLELUJAH I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN CRITICAL M IINDIA BRAIN ING COMMANDING GOD’S PPL JESUS DON’T LIKE IT because the same measures you mate out that ITS COMING BACK TO YOUR HOME measures is coming back to you Hallelujah it’s going to come back to you I feel so sorry for people who make decisions on people’s life keep on the Lord is saying sometimes you’re messing with the wrong ones hallelujah it’s not for you to say Jesus has the last say so over his own he already knew this day glory with out God one could do nothing maybe because ppl has tapped into others people’s lives thinking they’re God are because they have been there themselves what works for one doesn’t work for another apply what you’re saying in doing to others the Lord is saying hallelujah the Lord Jesus got me prophesing on this morning Glory Hallelujah I give God all the praise thank you Jesus because you know who you are Jesus knows who this this message is for on this morning stop dictating other people’s lives translate you don’t even have it right with the make are themselves playing with the Lord the blood of Jesus is against them and on this day write it down on your calendar saith the Lord get it right with Jesus because time is drawing near the Lord is on his way back sooner than you think as a thief in the night the righteous be righteousness stI’ll the holy be holy still the filthy ones be filthy still Hallelujah where will you spend eternity you may have made decisions on people’s lives but remember payday is coming after while touch not my prophet one and do them no harm my anointed
    sisters in Christ this isn’t for you its above what you’re thinking please be blessed don’t ever let a devil from hell dictating one’s life the Lord is telling me they know who they’re write what I’m telling you just being obedient sometime I just can’t say a word only the blood of Jesus knows please keep loving amen!

  5. OUR FATHER. THANK YOU JESUS FOR THIS DAY. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. By your grace I need you JESUS everyday. Keep speaking to my heart JESUS. I will always call upon you JESUS you OUR my help. Help me with my Financial problems my health keep me COVERED with the BLOOD of JESUS. Cover my Daddy cover my sister’s cover my home cover my co/workers. Lord JESUS I pray for my co/ worker. Tenisha Gipson& family passing of her Mother. My you JESUS Christ BLESS her soul@ this time of need keep speaking power into her Lord. Thank JESUS.πŸ’œπŸ’œ

  6. Thank you God for always helping me when I call on you, you never fell me your always there to help me in any and every situation. Thank you God In Jesus Name Amen.

  7. Thank you SWEET JESUS πŸ™ŒπŸ™‹πŸ’ͺπŸ’˜πŸ’ͺ MIGHTY to SAVE❗ I can’t even Thank you enough FATHER GODπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ YOU always there for me❗hallelujah πŸŽπŸŽ€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’Ÿ

  8. Actually that isnt exactly what Isaiah 42:6 says…I checked NIV and other versions…please dont misquote the bible!!!

  9. God, I don’t always understand everything and that you’ve allowed. You’ve a reason for me to think in such simple ways and I’m grateful for the ability to think. I realized you’ve helped me even I can’t solve the problem in the past and still helping me at this moment. Thank you God for my body parts; the ability to used the brain to think, please fill me with new ideas so I’ll able to apply this in every situation. Amen

  10. Glory be to God!
    I praise His Holy Name! Giving thanks to our Lord and Savior!
    I come to you all with a special prayer request!
    I lost my husband in 2012 at 50 years young. He was a dialysis patient due to diabetes.
    Well, he survived me and my son which was 12 years old at that time; he is now 17 years old. A senior in high school. He’s preparing for his prom a graduation. I looked at my son a couple of weeks ago. My son is caramel complexion. And noticed he has this dark/grayish color mass that’s covering from his neck, his face and his back. The same mass my husband had on him the 10 years he was sick. I noticed he’s been sleeping more than the average teen. I’m going to take him to have a physical next week. And I’m asking everyone to please keep us lifted in your prayers.
    I’m fasting and praying right now, but I don’t feel my prayers alone are strong enough.
    His name is Chris L. Jr.
    I thank you all for your healing prayers.
    I plead the Blood of Jesus and speak prayers of healing over my son.
    In Jesus name, Amen

  11. I thank you Lord God for your help in my time of need. Lord God I know that my son can be healed just by my faith in you!
    Lord Jesus I know that you are the Way, the Truth and the Life!
    You are Life! You are the air that I breath!
    Without you Lord God we have nothing.
    I Love you Lord God! And I thank you right now for the healing of my son Chris and for everyone who’s in need of your healing power.
    In Jesus name Amen!

    1. OH, what a wonderful God we serve. Lord this is ur word for me this day. Thanking you always for ur precious mighty word, this for me Jesus. I know you will help me in my time of need. I need you every hour , every second all through the day. Father GOD in jesus name I love , worship n adore u.Thank you for loving me always. Its you who created (me) us n not we ourselves. So in JESUS name im holding on to ur unchanging loving hand. Thank you JESUS Amen.

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