He called you, and He is sure.

“Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began” 2 Timothy 1:9, NKJV.

Years ago a friend came to me and said, “You need to start a daily devotional.” I laughed and said, “No one reads devotionals these days.” But lo and behold, I began to pray, and God began to deal with my heart about writing a devotional for women. I started the very next day, and now God is using this ministry to inspire, revive and unite women all over the world for His glory!

Sometimes we think, “Lord, are you sure this is what you want me to do?” “Are you sure this will have an impact?” “Are you sure you called the right person?” My sister, if He called you, He’s sure! The Lord is sure about everything regarding you. He is sure about His purpose and plan for your life. He is sure about seeing you through what you’re facing now so you can do what He’s created you to do. He is sure of the abundant fruit that will be produced from your life. Yes, He is sure, my sister. So, be sure as He is. Settle it within your heart and be confident, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (see Philippians 1:6).

Prayer: Father, I am deeply humbled by your love. Thank you for calling me and giving me a purpose. You have ordered my steps, and even when I don’t fully understand, you help me trust you. Help me to be confident and sure. I receive your grace to do what you’ve called me to do. Help me discover and fulfill your purpose and plan for my life. Be glorified in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

16 thoughts on “He called you, and He is sure.”

  1. Surely God s graceful Touch is on your daily Devotionals
    Thank you so much Kesha sister
    Please continue our Lord Works

    1. I prayed this prayer every night for 20 years. Something was Saud to me indicating that I was of no use to God. I walked away. If you don’t walk with God you walk with Satan. I wanted to come back but did not believe he wanted me. He kept nudging me and he welcomed.me back. I still had a lot to kearn but the main thing I learned was Gid still loved me and he gad.not moved. He was waiting for my return. Keep praying that prayer.

    2. I prayed this prayer every night for 20 years. Something was Saud to me indicating that I was of no use to God. I walked away. If you don’t walk with God you walk with Satan. I wanted to come back but did not believe he wanted me. He kept nudging me and he welcomed.me back. I still had a lot to kearn but the main thing I learned was Gid still loved me and he gad.not moved. He was waiting for my return. Keep praying that prayer.

  2. Glory To GOD For This Message & Thank You Sis. Triplett For Stepping Out On Faith & Starting These Devotionals. I Am Blessed, Inspired & Empowered Daily.

  3. Thank you sis for obeying that call. You have been a tremendous blessing to me. God bless you in every area of your life 🙏 ❤️.

  4. Yes my LORD FATHER GOD In JESUS Name Amen Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dot-K Ministries Glory to GOD.” LOVE And GOD BLESS You all Aloha Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hi ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘

  5. Amen Thank you Father God continue to show me, what you have been stored in me to show a global nation all of your trust words in your loving name oh God have your way in my life Amen 🙌🏾🙏🏾

  6. God is so “Amazing!” I shared with my nephew yesterday that God hasn’t changed His mind about him because God is “Faithful!”🛐🛐🛐❤️❤️❤️

    *Prayer: Father, I am deeply humbled by your love. Thank you for calling me and giving me a purpose. You have ordered my steps, and even when I don’t fully understand, you help me trust you. Help me to be confident and sure. I receive your grace to do what you’ve called me to do. Help me discover and fulfill your purpose and plan for my life. Be glorified in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  7. . For the Glory of God.Yes, glorify Yourself in me. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽❤️📖🙌🏽

  8. Thank you for this word…I know God has called me to speak into young ppls lives but I am not afraid but really not sure of myself. I feel like I don’t fit the description of who he need. I have always loved Gods ppl and I have an organization it is a 501(c) 3 but trying to understand this all is hard… need help!

  9. I started reading these 3 years ago. I was 24yo and lost! So depressed and away from my heavenly father and your way of writing reflected Jesus so much that helped me, I received from the lord today to come and thank you. And let you know that you are seen, that your minister impacts hearts all over the world ( I’m from Costa Rica) and that he is pleased with your work. You are right, no one reads devotionals these days, I surely did not, but now I do thanks to yours. God bless you ♡

  10. I am truly grateful, the Lord called on you my sister. I look forward to reading these devotionals each and every morning. From one sister to the next, God has called us all through you sister Kesha to deliver his promise words Thank you, I pray in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  11. “He is sure about seeing you through what you’re facing now so you can do what He’s created you to do.”
    Thank you So Much God in Jesus name i need you daily and you answer my prayers all thruout the day and night. Thank you, you protect comfort and help me do things that were impossible in the past as i was so unwell and suicidal, especially during covid, but you answered my prayers and i got the psychiatrist and meds i needed, thanks to dr tracy marks whos on youtube.
    I pray i can stop buying fake friends things, i am too generous, please make me overcome this temptation to people please these fake friends and help me find real true friends. Give me boundaries, Lord.
    Amen 🙏

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