He’s standing there waiting for you.

“For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”‘ Hebrews 13:5b

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” James 4:8, NKJV.

God is always with you. In His Word, He promises never to leave you or forsake you. My sister, no matter how it feels, no matter how it looks, and no matter how silent He seems, God is always there. He’s as to you close as your breath, and if He is always with you, that means all that He is—His wisdom, His love, His peace, His strength, His grace, His mercy—is always with you. However, the only way to experience Him is to draw near.

For example, whenever my husband comes out of his one-on-one time with the LORD, he will walk over and stand next to me wanting to pray over me, but if I’m preoccupied doing something, he will stand there and wait. I first have to stop whatever I’m doing and turn my attention to him so he can pray over me and bless me.

It’s the same with God. He’s a loving Father who is always standing there waiting to bless us, waiting to pour His love and His grace out upon us, but we first have to turn our attention and our hearts to Him so He can minister to our every need.

How long has God been standing there waiting for you so He can bless you?

Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking directly to my heart. Forgive me for being distracted by cares. I turn my heart to you. I give you my undivided attention. I turn away and I draw near to you. I ask you to bless me by ministering to every need in my life. Be glorified. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read James 4:7-10; Romans 8:35-39)

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16 thoughts on “He’s standing there waiting for you.”

      1. Dear God please bless me and my family and my friend tee I know I have stray away from you but I need you to turn my life around and I see that all the evil things that I have done please make it all go away and bring peace and love to my life in guess name Amen

  1. Yes 🎵In the morning when I wake, In the morning when I wake, In the morning when I wake, Give me Jesus🎵Thank you Father when I wake that’s the first place I run to. I know I wouldn’t make it if I didn’t. Sometimes I wish I could stay there all day😚 Please help me and all my sister’s when the distractions and cares come as our day progresses to turn our hearts back to you. You Oh Lord are always waiting for us. Thank you my precious Jesus. Please bless and care for our sister Kesha and all my sweet DOTK sisters💜

    1. Peace & Blessings My Dearest DOTK Sister Lynne💖!!!
      Thank You soooo much for Your Prayers! I am TRULY standing in the need of THAT MIGHTY PRAYER THIS MORNING!!!
      May Heaven Shine Upon You💕

  2. Thank you Father God for your grace and mercies. Father forgive me for falling short and being distracted from your word. Thank you for never leaving me. All praises and honor belongs to you.

  3. Thank You my LORD, Sharing Your Hearts Song Lynn it’s Beautiful I Come in agreement with You Lynn in JESUS NAME AMEN LOVE ALOHA Always GOD BLESS Everyone, Sister Chrissy

  4. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!
    Lord, I TRULY Thank You for Blessing ME with The DOTK Ministry..I look forward to this EVERY MORNING! It has been & is such a Blessing in MY LIFE!! Today is Thanksgiving & I have soooo much to Thank God for..
    🎤So many wonderful Blessings & so many opened doors…
    A brand new day..
    And mercies..
    And for this I give You Praise..
    For every mountain..
    You’ve brought me over..
    For every trial..
    You’ve seen me through..
    For every Blessing..
    And for this..
    With tears & a heavy heart, Lord , I Thank You for reminding me..no matter how IT feels, how IT looks or how silent You may seem to be..YOU ARE RIGHT HERE WITH ME!! & I THANK YOU!!! Sometimes you feel like you’re ALWAYS “the strong one” but the “strong one” needs refueling/reminding/encouraging also..I can’t Thank the Lord enough for Sister Kesha & MY DOTK Sisters who uplift, encourage & inspire me daily to press on & be a better me in My Christian Journey. I ask My Sisters to Pray with me for my Daughter..that she may find her TRUE SELF & obey The Lord’s calling on her life..I Pray the Lord remove the blinders off her eyes & she FINALLY sees who & what is NOT FOR HER, I Pray for stability in her life..Lord I just want her to come back to YOU, wholeheartedly! This I Pray In Jesus’ Holy Name..Amen
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

    1. Prayer for you dear sister and your daughter. We come into agreement Father to call those things that aren’t as though they are for our children and our families. They belong to you. Thank you Precious Jesus 💜

      1. Peace & Blessings My Dearest Prayer Partner Lynne💖!!!
        I Thank God For You!!!!! Standing with me in my time of need..I TRULY felt your Prayer & The Lord answering..my heart is NOT as heavy..I WILL CONTINUE TO TRUST HIM!!

  5. Thank you father if i haven’t pay attention as i should , forgive me if I’ve been distracted and have forgotten even if i didn’t check to see if you had a word for me. I repent! I love you Lord and i worship your holy name Amen.❤😚🤗

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