“He brought me to the banqueting house, And his banner over me was love.” Song of Solomon 2:4
“I look at you and see a blessed child of God. I see a child of light, a world changer, and an agent of love and peace. I look at you and see My rich inheritance. I see joy unspeakable and love indescribable. I look at you and see that I am your heavenly Father because that can only explain why you are the way you are and why you do what you do. I see My grace all over you. I see the texture created from My hands, My fingerprints, and My impressions on you. I look at you and see great things. Oh, great things I have laid up for you. Unstoppable things. I see you blazing a trail for My glory. I see you completing every detail of My purpose and plan for your life. I see My anointing flowing from you to others. I see you helping others breakthrough and experience My love in new and amazing ways. I see you. I see you. I see you blessed child of Mine.”
(Read 2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 2:10)
Thank you Lord for loving me. Help me learn to love and forgive myself.
Lord thank you for always being there your timing is never late I’ve had some dark days lately but the Grace and mercy of god helped me to hang on , I wanted to give you god gave me strength to hang in there
This brought tears to me this morning. 😢 Thank you for loving me, Heavenly Father. Thank you for giving Your life for me Jesus. Thank you for being my teacher comforter and friend, Holy Spirit.
So happy to be his child! I love you Father!!
Thank you Father so loving me so much. Halleleujah!
Thank you Father for loving me so much. Thank you for your blessings and love to this daughter of yours! Halleleujah!
El-ROI 🙌🏽
I am humbled for it is not I but that of which you have purposed through me for your divine glory!!!
May I continually to know you and make your name known…salt of the earth, light amidst darkness!!!
Thank you Heavenly Father I see myself the way that you see me.My hearts desire is to walk and fulfill your divine purpose and will for my life.Even in these trying times in our lives Im encouraged that your are still in control.And you deeply and dearly love me!!!!!
I can just bask in the warmth of being under the banner of His love!!🥰🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
I am so humbled by the Father’s love and vision through His eyes. I have been through so much, at the point of giving up. Clinging tight to hope for the future. Clinging tight to my heart’s desire to touch lives. Thank you for these encourging words. I see the future through God’s eyes.
Thank the Lord for seeing me, even me. This reminds me that I am the apple of the Lord’s eyes. He never sleeps or slumber. He will never leave or forsake me. The Alpha and Omega. I am created in His image. Yes where would I be without the Lord’s love and acceptance. This devotional speaks volumes. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏❤🙏❤🙏
Good Morning!! Yes, I am a blessed child as well as you are sister. When I think about what He have done there’s joy!! Then, we know it’s by His amazing grace and mercy. Thank Him because He is a ” Good Good Father!”
Thanks for the reassurance by His Word.
God bless 🤗🙏❤
Father I thank you for blessing me and loving me unconditionally! I my not feel blessed sometimes but I know you keep me covered under your blood!
Worship the LORD with me my family !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
W🎂W, that a awesome word on my birthday . Thank U sooooooooooo much 💖
I AM that I AM I L💋VE U 💋
If it wasn’t for GRACE!
I thank you FATHER for loving me and my family and for your sacrifice given✨
Amen in Jesus name.
Thanks Kesha
God bless you immensely
THANK YOU LORD for Your Everlasting Love for me.
THANK YOU for seeing in me what I can’t see in myself.
HELP ME LORD to see myself as You see me❣️
Hello Keisha just want to say thank you for allowing Gods word to live through you, thank you for all of your prayers I pray that our father continue to Bless you and your family thorouhly thru and thru I’m so grateful for you and all that God is given you for his daughters I’m so blessed to be able to read his word each day and be blessed by it through you I’m truly so happy to be a part of Daughters of the King God Bless you.
This post is like poetry. Very uplifting! Thank you God gives us each other to help including devotional that touches so many.
On an unrelated topic (sorry) could vaccine be mark of the beast. I kinda doubt it. But it don’t prevent transmission to others. It only can reduce risk of severity in the taker if the jab(s) at best. Plus unknown side effects over years plus rare immediate side effects (or maybe not rare, underreported).
But, the way the powers that be, are firing and banning people is very draconian. And doctors hating the uncaxxesmd. They treat ppl with gunshot wounds from being ingangs; obese ppl from eating poor diets; suicide attempts; drug overdoses; cancers from smoking and vaping; but doctors going on strike wanting to not help unvaxxed patients.
So. If not the mark of the beast, there’s a lot of evil going on. Pharma corporations making millions and can never be sued if cause injury or death.
Anyway even if it’s end times it is God’s plan I guess. So just do the right things.
And the vaxx Might prevent you dying so I hope I ain’t cause death by writing this. But I caught Corona twice n I ain’t getting injected. But I’m young n pretty physically healthy. N my body my choice.