Inner Work, Outer Glory

“Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.” Luke 3:5

My sister, the great work God has called you to do will first begin with His great work within you. You will live a successful life. You will believe and yield to His inner work and will experience these four promises:

God will fill every valley.

The word valley or ravine is sometimes figurative of “a condition of loneliness and danger.” As in, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me” (Psalms 23:4, NLT). We live in a comfortless world that is filled with fear. What will satisfy your loneliness is the knowledge and awareness that God is present with you and His word is there to comfort and guide you. He will fill every void.

He promises every mountain and hill shall be brought low.

This includes high attitudes and views that God didn’t give you, high goals you feel you can’t reach, and people in high places who try to hinder God’s move in your life. These are all brought low into submission to God’s will. Anything that tries to stand in the way of God fulfilling His divine purpose of being glorified in your life will not be able to stand. The Holy Spirit will bring it low.

He promises the crooked shall be made straight.

Crooked comes from the Greek word “skolios”. It means curved, perverse and froward. A curvature of the spine can cause someone not to stand upright. We live in a world where people’s beliefs and values are way off. We ourselves can have beliefs and values that are way off, and only the power of God is strong enough to straighten things out in our lives. God’s truth can help you live right, think right, and treat people right.

He promises your rough ways shall be made smooth.

If you have ever driven on an unpaved gravel road, you know that the ride can be rough. Our first response can be, “I wish someone would pave this road.” We desire a smooth life with less bumps and bruises, but we have to learn to yield to God and obey Him. You will let God have control of your life. You will do whatever He tells you to do, and you’ll experience less heartache. “Good understanding gives favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.” (Proverbs 13:15)

Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking directly to my heart by your Holy Spirit. I ask that you fill every lacking place in my heart and life. Bring everything low that is trying to exalt itself against the knowledge of you. Cause anything crooked and perverse in me to be made straight and make every rough place in me to be made smooth. I pray that you have your way in and through me. I surrender my life to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

10 thoughts on “Inner Work, Outer Glory”

  1. Thank you Father God this devotion, and delivering it praise God have your way father in my life in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾

  2. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that the Lord is with us in every season and valley!
    May the Lord bless and keep you all!🕊️

  3. Thank you, Sister Kesha, for this educational message. This resonates with me especially since our Sunday “school” lesson today included similar topics. May God bless & grant us all peace ❤️🙏🕊

  4. Yes, may the Lord help me to get myself together from inside our. This is another devotional that aligns with my prayers. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽

  5. Good morning I was late reading this but everything is about timing. Good word and things I’m working on in my life.” Create in me a new heart and renew the right spirit in me” thanks

  6. Thank you so very much for confirming a decision I made to break up with a man that would have hindered my path with God.

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