Invest in your most important relationships.

“A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 (NASB)

You may have many acquaintances that you enjoy talking with, but when it comes to those real, genuine, we-bring-out-the-best-in-each other, and are always-there-for-eachother friendships, you will only have a few.

These days people collect friendships like they collect designer shoes. Each week, they have a new best friend. The moment something doesn’t go their way they’re on to the next friendship. But a quality and lasting relationship is not something you collect like shoes. It’s someone that God brings into your life to help you become all that He created you to be. They may not be a perfect person, but they are a perfect gift from God that you are to care for, invest quality time in and preserve.

Here’s a challenge for you…

Make a list of the five most important relationships in your life, from greatest to least. This can include your spouse, your mother, your grandmother, your sister, your bestfriend, etc. Next, look to see if whether you are investing the majority of your quality time in the relationships that you listed as most important to you.

Maybe you are spending more time with those who live near you because it’s more convenient. But in order for any relationship to thrive and become all that God intended, you must invest quality time and attention to it. In the long-run, you will be much happier if you take the time to invest in the most meaningful relationships in your life.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for Your wisdom. I receive it. Thank You for every relationship You have blessed me with. Help me never take them for granted. Help me bring out the best in the people in my life and help them bring out the best in me. Help these relationships thrive and be all that You purposed for them to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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7 thoughts on “Invest in your most important relationships.”

  1. Hi well said it is only God uturn to he comes in the form of the most simple person because he bought us here for a reason and wants to see how many of us know our purpose in lI’ve. God bless..material thing not the way love is the way unconditional. 😊

  2. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” for YOUR” WORD of Wisdom. Hallelujah to KING JESUS.” Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD.” LOVE and GOD BLESS You All ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i 💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘💜⚘

  3. Amen!! Friends are gifts from the Lord , my hope and prayer for this new year is to cherish and invest more of myself into my most closest friends🤗

  4. Amen..
    I’m blessed with the friends I grew up with and although we went our own way in life, as adults we are brothers and sisters and BFFs forever and still keep in touch often. 💗 Some are saved and we’re the ones that communicate the most on a regular basis but we all love each other unconditionally 💗


    1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Paige💖!!!
      Lord WE Thank You For Unconditional Love💝
      Loving You Right Back Sis💕🌺

  5. Father God I thank you for the wisdom that you imparted in my life. I give you all the praise honor and glory. True friends are a gift from God. Thank you for your grace and mercy.

  6. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank You Lord🙌🏽🙌🏽!! Lord, I THANK YOU for this Blessed Word that I BELIEVE & RECEIVE In Your Holy, Mighty, Righteous & Precious Name..Amen🙏🏽 I have MANY acquaintances & I mean MANY that are REALLY good people, that I care for dearly & some I even LOVE DEARLY!! But then there’s MY TRUE BLUE, RIDE OR DIE..RIDE TILL THE WHEELS FALL OFF THEN WE’LL START PUSHING FRIENDS😍!! Two I met in College & we live in different states, so we don’t get to spend as much time as we’d love to, but we know where we are with each other..a phone call☎️, plane🛫, train🚉 or automobile🚗away! My Blood Sister Wanda💓💓💓!! My❤Sisters Felicia, Val, Sandra, Monie & Evelyn..Talk About Some “PRAYER WARRIORS” WHEWWW…NO WORDS Can Express OUR Sisterhood!! I TRULY BELIEVE people come into our lives for A Season, A Reason, A Blessing or A Lesson..LORD, I THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT💝🎁💝 OF MY GIRLFRIENDS..There Through Thick & Thin!! The Prayers🙏🏽, The Belly Aching Laughs🤣, The Tears/Meltdowns😥😭, The Good/Celebrations🎉, The Bad😤, The Happy😁 & The Sad😔..We’ve rode the rollercoasters🎢, waves🌊& storms⛈🌩🌫🌬 of life TOGETHER💞!! And I SURELY CAN NOT FORGET MY DOTK SISTERS💖Although We’ve Never Met Personally/Physically..The Daily Encouragement & Inspiration Is..PHENOMENAL💝& I’m Sooo GRATEFUL!!!
    Lord PLEASE Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This AMAZING MINISTRY, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love ALWAYS Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕💝

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