Jealousy destroys love.

“…love does not envy…” 1 Corinthians 13:4

I remember a few years ago I was scrolling through Facebook and I came across pictures of a friend of mine while she was in Paris, France with her husband. While looking at those pictures, an overwhelming spirit of jealousy came upon me, so much so, that I had to back away from my computer. I was jealous and angry that I wasn’t her. I felt so far away from God’s favor, blessings, and dreams being fulfilled in my life. So I ran to God and let Him minister to me. I began to say, “I will not be jealous! Lord bless her and continue to prosper her!” God helped me to adjust my attitude, and He gave me His perspective.

Never allow jealousy to enter your heart because it will destroy you and every relationship in your life. Jealousy destroys love. You must understand that God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for others, He will do for you.

Instead of “hating” on others, we must learn to bless who God is blessing, honor who He is honoring, accept who God has accepted and love who He loves whether we want to or not. When we begin to align ourselves with God by doing this, He will bless us and make us a blessing!

Prayer: Father God, I thank you for speaking directly to my heart. Forgive me for being jealous of people. Remove every bit of jealousy and envy from my heart. Take it away so I can live in your peace and love. I don’t want what someone else has; I only want what you have for me. Help me to bless those who are blessed by you. Help me to not hate on them, but encourage them. Let your love arise in my heart. Help me to keep my eyes stayed on you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study these scriptures on the topic of “Envy”:

1 Corinthians 3:3; Genesis 30:1, Genesis 37:11; Matthew 27:18; Romans 1:29, Romans 13:13; 2 Corinthians 12:20; Galatians 5:21, Galatians 5:26; 1Timothy 6:4; Titus 3:3; James 3:14-16, James 4:5; 1 Peter 2:1

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7 thoughts on “Jealousy destroys love.”

  1. TY DOTK for these encouraging words. TY for encouraging us to be more like Jesus. To love more, to extend mercy, and grace to all. For the reminder that God is not a respecter of persons and to give honor when honor is due. May the Lord continue to bless the DOTK.

  2. Yes ty DOTK for this reminder to rejoice with those who rejoice. Sometimes I get upset when I do this with others and they don’t do it with me over something special the Lord is doing in my life. Help me Lord to forgive right away. I don’t want to stay bound by that. It’s your deal God with them not mine..Mine is to love anyway. Help me to be like you Jesus. I love you Lord ♡

  3. Yes these words are full of wisdom. My heart wants to please you my Father. Envy is unfaithful i reject it from my heart my your spirit. I love you my lord and savior Jesus amen

  4. I don’t have time for jealousy not envy for it destroy my inner man spirits this joy that I have the world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away this is not amy home we’re only here for a short while heaven is where I long for it never ends TGBTG we came in this world with nothing we’re leaving with nothing amen. ..

  5. Wonderful word we must not be jealous of one another continue to love each other and pray for those who carry jealousy in there heart that God will one day move it the best for one another to have love

  6. Your future is in My hands, says the LORD. Do not fret about what is going to happen, for it is already planned. Nothing takes me by surprise. I Am already clearing your path for you, and I know the way you take. Place your confidence in Me and lean upon My strong arms. For I have created you, and I will take care of you. I will not lead you into darkness and defeat is not an option. I will enlighten the way for you and prepare every step that you take. Trust that I cannot and will not fail you. Though you have not been this way before, I have. I know the end from the beginning, and Am the A and Z of your life, says the LORD.

    I AM the author of GOOD THINGS, says the LORD, and I have good things in store for you. I Am your provider, and I will keep you safe and secure as you entrust your care to Me. I Am your GOOD SHEPHERD and I have kept you all the days of your life. I will not abandon you now. For I will perfect all that concerns you and complete the good work that I have begun in you. You will not be unfinished business, for you are My workmanship, and I never begin something that I do not complete. You will witness My goodness and mercy all the days of your life, as you have received Me and trusted in My shed blood for you and My finished work on the cross for you. I Am with you always to give you good success and brighten your life. Take the steps that I order for you without fear, for I will always lead you toward your personal promised land and insure your well-being along the way, says the LORD.
    I have been in so many storm’s out of one only to go through another, but Jesus reminded me that God created everything even me I’m very special and valuable to the Lord Jesus Christ so is you sisters -in -Christ
    DON’T walk around with your head down feeling sorry for yourself having a pity party it only bring sickness and decease, depression ect. Why put yourself through do much pain when you can change you. Remember Jesus loves you the way you’re not sin ,but the sinners we can be forgiven by God man can’t put you in heaven nor hell they may preach you there but Jesus knows our destiny one’s life journey nothing takes Jesus by surprise remarks people say too you, cutting eyes at you, the list goes on I had a sister in Christ tell me that she didn’t like me I have to fellowship with this individual at church we are supposed to be church family yes it hurts my heart really my heart bleeds but Jesus let me know it’s only another strom/test to take me where he wants me to go allow trials and tribulations too make you grow strengthen you to impact another person down the road you might be going through the same thing don’t give time to the devil attacks because( it) will continue to keep coming this is the time to pray warfare prayers believe me I’m going through hell ,but the Lord as revealed my attackers, betrayals , deceivers,mischievious demons,I tell you know one is exempt I ask the Lord I really don’t understand why I’m put through this like I’m in prison /hell on earth yes I have a story to tell it’s so painful I just can’t tell it all in this text, but I know the lord is keeping Bonnie I know Jesus loves me in that is enough nothing else matters as long as I make too heaven that is my song ….
    I know the lord has promised me so much, but the devil wants to keep putting his hands on my blessings, hallelujah TGBTG Jesus told me the blood of Jesus is against the enemy let Jesus be your defense case dismissed hallelujah amen!

  7. POWERFUL❗💥🙌
    Amen 💖 I always loved and Appreciate that saying 📝”DON’T HATE CONGRATULATE” 😄😘” 🎁🎉💝 and I THANK GOD for THE GIFT of Feelings of JOY for Others❗🏆 MAMA always taught me EXACTLY What You wrote DOTK👑📝”GOD has no favorites, and to never want what somebody else had…😊 Do Different, get Different, your own style she said❗My MA also SAID💝👏WHAT GOD DOES for someone HE CAN DO FOR ME “❗🌞🌹MY CHOICES… She said will help paved the way”!!!😄OH I LOVE THAT LADY SO MUCHHH❕💯😄 💝I LOVE YALL TOO❗🍒🍉🍍🍎 THANKS FOR SHARING❗😇BLESSINGS ❗🙏🙏🙏

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