Just Dance

“…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” John 10:10, Amplified

I remember one time I went salsa dancing with my husband. Before we hit the dance floor, I envisioned myself doing all the right moves, all the right twists and turns. In my mind, I was a national salsa dancing champion. We got on the floor and the music was just right, the mood was just right, my hubby was looking just right, but my hips were not moving just right. I could not make my body do what I was envisioning in my head. So finally I let go of all expectations and demands I had placed on myself, closed my eyes and just danced.

Just dance…

Your life may not be where you always envisioned it would be just yet, but all you have is now. Remove the unrealistic expectations and unfair demands of perfection you’ve placed on yourself…close your eyes…and just dance. Really experience life. Really experience God’s love. Enjoy the knowledge that you belong to the Lord and feel the joy of sharing Him with others. Enjoy the life God has given you as you cast every care on Him!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for the life You have given me. Show me how to fully live it without placing demands of perfection on myself. Help me to just dance, just live, and enjoy the gift of life You’ve given me and live it to the full in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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10 thoughts on “Just Dance”

  1. Amen and the name of Jesus show me how to fully live my life the way you have plan for me to life and the name of Jesus Amen ❤❤

  2. Oh goodness..Thank you my sister..That word spoke directly to my heart. That’s so me at times! Lord help me to learn to JUST DANCE 🤗❤❤❤

  3. I used to enjoy dancing also in my times. I ask the Lord to help me enjoy life, dance with gladness for him because he is good. Is so good to enjoy the gift of live God has given us .Praise!! be given unto God Amen!🌷🌷❤🤗

  4. Thank you Lord for speaking directly to my heart in confirmation today. The spirit of perfection was trying to show up and I heard just the other day just live and enjoy your life. Thank you DOTK for an on time word!

  5. Amen thank you Father for this day of my life. Thank you Father for my sisters in Christ who have blessed my life. Let us all have a day of joy and 💃 praising our Lord. We all love you Jesus 💘 💘

  6. Thank you Jesus!!! And thank you my sister in Christ for the encouraging words to just dance that God gave you to inspire us with i now have on my dancing shoes I had them on all along but I just didn’t know how to dance in them Amen!!!!

  7. Amen..Amen..Amen!!! I LOVE IT😄!!!…
    🎤Back in the day when I was young, I’m not a kid anymore, but sometimes, I sit & wish I was a kid again🎵…
    Ohhhh My Goodness..I used to dance ALL NIGHT LONG!!!
    Soul Train, American Bandstand, umph, the Solid Gold Dancers (in MY mind) couldn’t touch me!!! NOW, I’ve put away the “Solid Gold Dancer” shoes & put on My New Praise & Shouting Shoes!!! (sometimes barefoot feels good too)..I never worried about the latest dance moves..I just did me..NOW, Lord, I wanna be what You’ll have me to be..& do what You want me to do..I can’t allow what “other people” think I should be doing hinder my growth or work in Christ..they didn’t hinder me then..so they WILL NOT hinder my journey now!! I WILL DANCE, WITH GLADNESS FOR THE LORD!!! I find this to be so true..Live..Live Life The Fullest, Laugh..Laughter Is Good For The Soul (at least mine😄) & Love..The Lord wants US TO LOVE EVERYBODY!!! It’s hard sometimes..but, WE gotta be obedient to His Word & like Nike..just do it!! You’ll feel better in the end & prayerfully they’ll come around.
    May God CONTINUE To Bless & Shine His Light Of Love Upon Sister Keisha, Her Team & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

  8. Thank you Jesus for showing me how to dance through the storms of life. I will put on my praise shoes and dance for the lord for he is good and his mercy is new every morning. Thank you DOTK and my friend Nella for these inspiring Devotions.

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