Keep choosing life.

“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess” Deuteronomy 30:15-16, NKJV

There are many decisions in life that can be made for us, but when it comes to certain decisions, we are on our own. The decision to make Jesus our personal Savior and LORD is something no one can decide for us. People could pray for us and encourage us all day, but they can’t choose life for us. In the same way, the decision to let go of the past and move forward, or the decision to take the leap and do what God has placed within us to do, is ours alone. No one can choose life for us. Everyday, He sets before you life and death, and then tells you, “Choose life Susan!” “Choose life Rachael!” Choose life Sandra!” that both you and your seed may live.

The fact that we are seeing so much evil in the world today is a result of the choices people are making. And while you can’t do anything about their choices, you can certainly do something about yours. Every time you choose God’s way of handling a situation vs your way, you are choosing life. Every time you accept the challenge the Holy Spirit gives you, you are choosing life. Don’t worry about whether you will finish strong and fulfill God’s purpose and plan. People who are walking powerfully in the grace of God no longer worry about these things. They just keep on taking one step of faith at a time, one obedient act at a time, and one day at a time.

They keep choosing life.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking directly to my heart. Help me to continue to choose life, continue to choose you, your way, your truth, and your plan. Help me LORD. I know no one can make these life decisions for me. It’s up to me to choose you, and then continue to choose you until I’m standing before you face to face. Thank you for your strength. Today, I choose life. In Jesus, name, Amen.

Posted in: Uncategorized

20 thoughts on “Keep choosing life.”

  1. Thank ou God because choose you lord in my life and with my Faith walk taking it one day at a time trusting and depending on God daily he walks with me he wakes me up to see a brand new day I thank you Lord for your strength and my peace of mind I Choose You on Lord to continue the thing in my life and your plans for my future ahead and the name of Jesus Amen โคโคโค

  2. AMEN! Beautifully said. Choosing God is THE most AMAZING feeling! Choosing Him, brings blessings abundantly! Choosing God, doesn’t mean just choosing Him in the good times, it means praising and thanking Him for our trials, because only He can turn them into our triumphs!
    I’ve recently made many BIG changes in my life, choosing to follow God’s direction and putting COMPLETE faith & TRUST in His plans, and i WOULDN’T change it for a second! GOD IS SO GOOD!

  3. Good Morning DOTK.
    Thank You for this Devotional Reading. Yes, I will keep on Choosing Life.
    I speak life over every dead situation in my life. In the name Of JESUS.
    Have a Wonderful day All.๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท

  4. Thank you dear sister for your love for the Lord and sharing it with us. Yes help me Lord to continue to choose, your way, your plan,your truth, You!! I choose life! Please Father care for all my sisters in Jesus Mighty name. Amen๐Ÿ’œ

    1. Thank you Sister in the Lord Lynne for your “caring care prayer” for all of us DOTK sisters!
      At this time in my life I don’t have a group of Christian sisters in the Lord to meet with so each of you DOTK sisters mean a lot!๐Ÿ˜

      1. Oh yes my dear sister Karen. You all mean so much to me too. Praise Jesus ,we are here to care and pray for each other. We are DOTK family๐Ÿ’œ

      2. Peace & Blessings My Dear DOTK Sister Karen๐Ÿ’–!!
        Well guess what?!!
        Now, you have a WHOLE LOT OF CHRISTIAN SISTERS!! And you mean the WORLD TO US!!! Welcome to YOUR NEW CHRISTIAN SUSTERHOOD..
        WE welcome you with open arms & a whole lot of LOVE๐Ÿ’•..
        Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
        Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy๐Ÿ’•

    2. Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne๐Ÿ’–!!
      Thank You for Your Prayer๐Ÿ’•
      May The Lord open up the Windows of Heaven & pour you out sooooo many won’t have room to receive them all!!

  5. Thank you Father God for your patience with us and your everlasting love which we so desperately need. It is with the incredible sacrifice you made of your only Son Jesus that you deliver us from evil and into your welcoming embrace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    1. Peace & Blessings Sister Seven..AMEN..AMEN..AMEN!!!
      Lord, WE Thank You for Your Everlasting Love, Your Patience & Your Grace & Mercy!!!

  6. Hallelujah I Choose life YOU are my life my LORD JESUS I Belong to YOU my LORD. YOU Chose me my LORD. YOU LOVED me First YOU came down from Heaven YOU gave YOUR life YOU Died on the cross for my Sins YOU were raised from the dead that I may have eternal life with YOU YOU Bought me back to our FATHER YOU filled me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT YOU Bought me to YOUR Salvation YOU Created me for YOUR GLORY YOU Guide my Steps YOU keep me safe from the enemy.YOU teach my hands for War YOU are my Teacher my Counselor the Author of my life my Great I AM my KING OF KINGS And LORD OF LORDS JESUS YOU Put a new Song in my heart for YOUR GLORY YOU Are my all in all my ABBA FATHER my KING OF GLORY YES my LOVE my everything I choose YOU. I LOVE YOU FATHER GOD JESUS HOLY SPIRIT I LOVE YOU Thank YOU For YOU. In YOUR Beautiful Wonderful Glorious Mighty Name JESUS AMEN AMEN AMEN Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah YOUR Daughter Chrissy

  7. Thank You my Sister Keisha DOTK Ministrie I am Soooo humbled this morning with HIS LOVE AMEN Thank You for Your LOVE and Prayers GOD BLESS You ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawaii

  8. Yes , thank you Lord i also choose life , and plan to continue to walk in love and in obedient to your word guide me all the step of the way because in you there is wisdom, Love you Lord amen.โค๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜š

  9. Father God ,I truely am grateful to hav you as my lord and savior Iโ€™m very blessed to hav you in my life and Iโ€™m in ya life because without you I am nothing and I have nothing .So Iโ€™m grateful to give you all the honor and Glory in Jesus name Amen..

  10. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!
    ๐ŸŽคOrder my steps in Your Word Dear Lord..
    Lead Me, Guide Me Everyday..
    Send Your Anointing Father I Pray..
    Order My Steps In Your Word..
    Please, order my steps in Your Word..
    Order my steps in Your Word Dear Lord..
    Lead Me, Guide Me Everyday..
    Send Your Anointing Father I Pray;
    Order My Steps In Your Word..
    Humbly, I ask Thee teach me Your will..
    While You are working, help me be still..
    ‘Cos satan is busy, God Is Real;..
    Order My Steps In Your Word..
    Please, order my steps in Your Word..
    Bridle my tongue let my words edify..
    Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Thy sight..
    Take charge of my thoughts both day & night;..
    Order My Steps In Your Word..
    Please, order my steps in Your Word..
    I want to walk worthy..
    According to Your Will..
    Please, order my steps Lord..
    And I’ll do Your Blessed Will..
    The world is ever changing..
    But You are still the same..
    Please order my steps, Lord I’ll Praise Your Name..
    Order My Steps In Your Word..
    Order my tongue in Your Word..
    Guide my feet in Your Word..
    Wash my heart in Your Word..
    Show me how to walk in Your Word..
    Show me how to talk in Your Word..
    When I need a brand new song to sing..
    Show me how to let Your Praises ring..
    In Your Word..
    In Your Word..
    Please, Order My Steps In Your Word..
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family๐Ÿ’–!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy๐Ÿ’•

  11. Father God, my loving Savior, filled with compassion and abounding in love. You are not only My Lord and Savior, but the best friend ever. Your my Guide, my Rock, my Strong tower in times of trouble. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on you and not on circumstances; not my feelings.

    Lord I ask for your wisdom for today – throughout this day. I need your wisdom to know how to handle challenging situations with my young adult children (18 & 19). Help me speak words of life and not death over them in the midst of conflict and discussions. They are truly blessings in my life and I just want to guide them through today’s challenges they face in this world right now. You are creating them into your unquie masterpiece, may they hear your voice above all the other voices that demand their attention in this upsetting world.

    I’m so ever grateful to be your daughter. Daughter of the King. thank you for Your unmerited favor and grace, forgiveness of sins. I need you, oh how I need you. I feel weak, but you are strong. I feel fear, but the devil is a liar, because you have given me power love and a sound mind. I feel so inadequate to face life’s responsibilities. But you are our Provider, and promise to supply all my need according to Your riches, not the riches of this world. Thank you that You are all I need.

    I ask that you would help me to love cherish and honor my husband as we are facing so many challenges ourselves. With our children, financies and marriage. Bring healing to my husband’s His body. In Jesus name, I speak life and good health over my husband and myself according to Your Word.

    Help me to see thru the eyes of unwavering faith. I want to always give You the glory, honor and praise. Your are my King. The King of kings, Lord of lords, the Savor of the world. Amen.


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