Let Him Direct You as You Wait

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil” Proverbs 3:5-7, ESV.

Without God we can’t do anything, but with Him nothing’s impossible. Amen. Humility is living with an understanding of who God is and who we’re not. God wants to lead us and guide our decisions. Not because He has an issue with control. He wants to lead us to His perfect will for our lives. He wants us to experience His grace and His goodness.

Life has been unecesserily hard for so many of us for a long time, and when we think about it, we have to examine if we’ve truly been seeking the Lord for His wisdom and waiting for an answer, or leaning to our own understanding and doing what seems right. If we’re honest, we will admit the truth. We have not been waiting on Him. We may pray and say, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” And when we get silence, we say, “Well! That’s my answer! Do what I want and go where I please.” God’s silence doesn’t mean He’s giving us permission.

Silence means to wait.

God wants to guide us, and direct our paths as He promised He would. Just because He shows us a glimpse of His plan for our lives, doesn’t mean He wants us to go now, act now, do it now. He guides us with His Word and through His Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of peace.

Don’t be lazy when it come to waiting on the Lord’s direction. Don’t think that you’re so wise that you can guide your own life. See your constant need for His leading. Get alone with the Lord and say, like Jacob, “I’m not letting you go Lord until you bless me with wisdom and direction. I’m not leaving until you show me exactly what you want me to do and when! Because I want to be in your perfect will, I’m waiting to hear from you my God!”

“The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. ” Lamentation 3:25, ESV.

(As you read this, don’t think this is for someone else. This is for you.)

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14 thoughts on “Let Him Direct You as You Wait”

  1. Thank you Heavenly Father for speaking directly to me. My trust and my faith is in you, and you alone, for you know what’s best for me and also have YOUR BEST in mind for me!!!

    1. I need you lord, I need your goddess, instructions.Help me to wait on you. When, where & how to do and go were you open doors ,resources for me. Lord give me a heart and ear to hear what does says the Lord.Amen.

  2. Thank you for this devotional as it confirms the prayer I’ve been praying for weeks now.

    Thank you, Lord, that I can trust you to lead and guide me right where you have planned for my life. I trust you with all my heart as I wait for a door to open to the right job and next step in my career. I praise you and thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.

  3. I am in AWE… right now. I Thank ABBA FATHER for your OBEDIENCE for being a vessel to God for one of many purpose He set for you. Agiver of uplifting to continue to write those things which reach those going through to give the testament of how God Jesus and The Holy Ghost Spirit has affected your life. Being a Minister grand daughter on dad side and a Pastor granddaughter on mom’s side and falling to the wayside it has been the hardest struggle for me to get it right. As I sit here in tears I find it amazing how things I have said and done over the past few months shows up in DOTK Devotional minus marriage never been married but have 4 adult children and 8 grands. I always think scriptures or certain reads our for someone else and I will text the what DOTK has said and would equate that to them because I never thought I was good enough clean enough or even a little righteous to feel it would be for me. When I got to the bottom of this Devotional well let me just say. My face is a new waterfall. Sister Triplet again I Thank ABBA FATHER FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE AND I LOVE YOU WITH THE HEART IF CHRIST. I AM GOING RO THERE EVEN IF IT TAKES ME TO MY LAST BREATH. BLESSINGS TO ALL

  4. PS It saddens me to say but it all truth. I sometimes think God doesn’t want to deal with me because of certain behaviors that are still with me and than other times I am just impatient even with God. My prayer is restoration of Patiences to me. What you keep as company can rub you to become liken should a weakness is found.

  5. Yes Lord I am waiting on you. While I wait, I will be active in prayer, fasting, reading and meditating on the Word of God. Working in the things you told me to do and start. Thank you for this devotional. It is on time. Blessings

  6. Thank you for this devotion. I’m a doer, get up and do it. And for me to be Still and wait, is a struggle but God has me in a place where I don’t have a choice if I want to be obedient. And I do 😊

  7. Thank God for the words Oh God I wait humble for your guidance seek you for the words of God daily waiting patiently for the wisdom of God Thank you God

  8. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD.” Yes my LORD In YOU KING JESUS.” Amen Amen Amen Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah ♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘

  9. Amen this is for me i receive it and thank you Lord for this message I believe You Lord, that You care for me and I believe You hear my prayer!!!

  10. This really IS FOR ME!!!!!!! Each day I pray for Divine wisdom and direction…for discipline and discernment…I ask, seek, knock, and you opened the door, given me the way to find the answer…..Thank you Lord for speaking to me through DOTK…..

  11. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ohhh Lord I Thank You🙌🙌!! I Thank You Lord👏👏!! I Thank You..I Thank You..I Thank You for this Blessed, Timely & Confirming Word that I Believe & Receive!! THANK YOU LORD🙌🙌!! Ohh Lord, PLEASE CONTINUE to direct me as I wait on You!! In/On my daily journey I refer back to MY Favorite Bible Verses..Proverbs 3:5-6. Lord, I Thank You for Wisdom & Understanding..but there are “MANY TIMES” when things are happening around me, that I just don’t understand..I DON’T try to figure it out..I must ALWAYS remind myself of MY Favorite Bible Verses Proverbs 3:5-6..and it comforts my mind & soul & gives me PEACE & the reassurance that I need!
    🎙If you wait, wait, wait on the Lord..
    You will see that He..
    He’ll ALWAYS keep His Word..
    But you MUST, just, TRUST in Him..
    Don’t be dismayed..
    Trust in the Word Of God..
    For His Word Is True..
    When did He promise.. ANYTHING in your life..
    That He would not do..
    Don’t be discouraged..
    If you just believe, you WILL receive it..
    If you wait, wait, wait on the Lord..
    And you’ll see He’ll..
    He WILL keep His Word..
    Don’t be discouraged..
    Don’t be dismayed..
    Hold on to His Promises..
    Wait on the Lord..
    Be of good courage..
    And He WILL strengthen your heart..
    If we wait on Him..
    Nobody can do us like him..
    He WILL come to us..
    Wait, wait, wait on God..
    Wait upon the Lord..
    He shall renew our strength..
    I WILL wait, wait, wait on Him..
    I JUST LOVE YOU LORD!!💓😍❤🤗💗😊💟😙
    Lord, Please Continue To Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

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