More Than a Feeling

“For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

You may feel peace, but peace is not a feeling. You may feel love, but love is not a feeling. You may feel the anointing, but the anointing is not a feeling. It just is. The peace of God just is. The love of God just is. The power and anointing of God on your life just is. When you can’t feel it, know that it hasn’t gone anywhere. It is there and is always accessible to you through Jesus.

Don’t get caught up in feelings. Move on to being confident that you are who God says you are. Period. You have what He says you have. Period. When you take feelings out of the equation, you’re growing into someone that is learning how to live by faith, and it is your faith that pleases God.

Prayer: Father, I receive Your peace and love by faith. Help me not to be led by feelings, but believe what you’ve said in your Word. Strengthen me Lord and grow me up. Thank you that no matter how I feel, I am who you say I am, I have what you say I have, and I will do what you say I will do by your grace and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Hebrews 11:6)

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12 thoughts on “More Than a Feeling”

  1. I am not sure if this is what I am supposed to do, but I am confused. What I am taking from this devotion is that I am supposed to live only by faith and nor to let my feelings run my life? Is that correct?

    1. I agree with what you are saying here but one thing I am learning is it’s okay to be real with how I feel,of course my feelings don’t determine the truth but after years of being taught on an emotional high,you tend to numb how you feel to suit what those religious bullies teach you
      Climbing out of this mindset is overwhelming hard because you have to relearn everything and get real with your feelings
      The religious mindset always says to feel something different instead of work the feelings out till you are thinking like Christ

    2. Yes maam….you got it Sister. The truth is thats easier to say then to do but when we remember feelings are of the flesh and this flesh can not be incontrol! We are spiritual beings led by spirit….the Holy Spirit and not this flesh.

  2. Thank you God continue to help me to live my faith oh Lord and my your grace and power for my life and Jesus name Amen

  3. Praise the LORD, Thank you God I know you say what I have and what you say I can do. I’m learning every day. Thank you Father for this word today, it’s not a feeling it just is because I have FAITH in you🙏 In Jesus Name Amen 🙆‍♀️💕💕💕

  4. Amen! We live by our faith in who God is and not our feelings! Feelings come and go but our faith remains steadfast!

  5. Amen , God is teaching me to live by faith day by day because it is our faith that pleases him to work for us and through us Amen..

  6. Amen! Sooo true! It’s so easy do be mislead by ‘feelings’, but as you rightfully said, what God’s word says is true, feelings come from the flesh. We live through the Spirit of God agreeing with our spirit.

  7. Amen, Yes inspite of how intense our challenges can be I need to remember and focus this powerful Word. In this I rejoice because HE IS. I LOVE You my Sister Keisha I Sooooo needed.this. ALOHA Always GOD BLESS You Your Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hi 7:59 8/27/2017

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