My sister, keep your faith up and your expectations high!

My sister, keep your faith up and your expectations high! God isn’t finished yet. There’s more He wants to do for you! Be encouraged by this video from my heart to yours.

“…And you shall know [with an understanding based on personal experience] that I am the LORD; For they shall not be put to shame who wait and hope expectantly for Me” Isaiah 49:23, Amplified.

Youtube Link:

12 thoughts on “My sister, keep your faith up and your expectations high!”

  1. Thank You heavenly father for speaking to my heart,. You always know the words to say, at the right time. I really need to hear that. Keep Smiling πŸ€— and Share a Smile πŸ₯°, Be Blessed πŸ™

    Divine confirmation! I EXPECTING! I receive!!! πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

    Welcome back my anointed sister, blessed holidays to you and your family!!!

  3. Thank you god for your blessing god this year is not over you are our miracle worker promise keeper ! πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

  4. Glory to God Hallelujah Hallelujah with tears of joy and watching your video Sis Kesha praise God Thank you sister fir allowing God to speak though you praise God hallelujah Thank you Father God in the name of Jesus thank you Father God in the name continue to work with me in my walk with you Father God I trust you Father in Jesus name Amen God continue to teach me your ways as I continue to be patiently waiting on you father God continue teach me wherever you have for me wherever you want me to do and that name thank you for everything have your way in my life in Jesus name AmenπŸ₯°β€β€

  5. Bless God! Thank you for this powerful word! He is faithful! I am expecting! I am believing! I am waiting on my God to do what He said He would do, even things I don’t even know yet! Thank you, Lord! I love you! πŸ™Œβ€οΈπŸ”₯

  6. 🌾 Praise your Holy name Heavenly Father. I keep my faith up and I put my hope and expectations in you. Everyday I’m expecting something good from you to happen to me. In Jesus name. Amen 🌾

  7. Our God is always faithful even when we are unfaithful. I love the Lord with all my heart soul mind & strength. To me he is the only true and living God. I am so thankful that he allowed me to be devoted to Daughter’s of the King app. and that he chooses those who he desires. Thank him that he is a God of Love and he send you My Sister to help his daughters along this journey of faith May God continue to bless & restore all things for you and your family. Merry Christ DayπŸ’

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