My sister, lean in to the delay.

“So that you will not be [spiritually] sluggish, but [will instead be] imitators of those who through faith [lean on God with absolute trust and confidence in Him and in His power] and by patient endurance [even when suffering] are [now] inheriting the promises” Hebrews 6:12, Amplified.

You are set on fulfilling God’s purpose and plan for your life, I know. Then here comes what seems like a delay, when actually it’s a blessing in disguise. The promise has not been denied. Do not be discouraged, my sister. Through faith and patience you will obtain every promise the Lord has made to you. Yes, you will hold it in your hands. On your journey, God will cause delays to slow you down so you can see what He’s wanting you to see. When you’re very driven, you miss some things. Notice, Jesus didn’t rush from miracle to miracle. At no point do we see Him ever running to do anything. He would pause and teach, perform a miracle and then pause and teach again. Yet, all of the books on earth cannot contain all of the miracles He did in such a short span of time. The Spirit of the Lord is with you and He is still operating the same way. He is doing great things in you, around you, and through you for His glory and then He is pausing to teach you. His delays are His teaching moments. Watch for them. Lean in to them.

Let’s declare today, I thank God for the miracles, the signs and wonders. I also thank Him for the interruptions along the way, the delays, and the halting of things altogether. That’s when He is teaching me the most and showing me things I didn’t know. My God is a good Father. I love Him, and He loves me. He will continue to help me not be discouraged when things don’t go as planned. He is working, and He is moving. He is teaching, and I’m learning. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Habakkuk 2:3)

14 thoughts on “My sister, lean in to the delay.”

  1. Thank you, Lord because you’re always on timeπŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈ

  2. I thank the Lord for God Holy Spirit and I thank God for you and this devotional today! This season of my life has been like nothing I have ever experienced. I know God is a healer and I take Him at His word. He Has been speaking to me many times with a certain verse when doubt and unbelief tried to set in. So today was the first time that I’ve read your devotional in a very very long time. After reading the title, I said yea God, that would be crazy if you had the verse tied in this. After reading the devotional, there it was…
    Habakkuk 2:3!!!
    Just like that. God is always there. Ladies Please know that He hears our cries and He will never leave us nor forsake us. Ever. Even when we don’t feel Him. Know that He is there, working on our behalf.. in HIS perfect timing!

    Though the vision Tarry, it will not Tarry. WAIT FOR IT. Thank you Jesus. Be blessed.

  3. Beautiful Word….I’m so thankful for the delays and interruptions God has allowed me to experience… He has to remind us that He is still ALL KNOWING and that He has a plan and an expected end for us. I will slow down, enjoy the journey and wait for the promise.

  4. Thanks Sister Kesha for this timely & joyful reminder. God bless & please grant us peace β€οΈπŸ™πŸ•ŠπŸ™‚

  5. This one truly touched me. I’m always rushing for an outcome. A pause and seeing what lessons I’m needing to help fulfill my purpose. Amen

  6. I will be still and know that He is God. I know He is working things out, so I am keeping faith and praising Him in this waiting room.

  7. Yes, delay is not denial. Thank you for this timely encouraging devotional. It was right on time. Thank you. Blessings πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½β™₯οΈπŸ“–πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  8. Dear God! Most gracious and living God, all powerful God, Good morning! I love You with m y while heart! Therefore, I thank You for this pause! You are teaching me some much during this time. More and more things are becoming clearer to me than ever before! I am grateful for Your Grace! Thank You heavenly Father! You are the love of my life! These things I pray in Jesus name, Amen! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  9. Thank you for this! Sometimes it seems like things are not happening fast enough. This is a reminder that I’m not in control. God has perfect timing!

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