No More Stinking Thinking

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” Philippians 4:8, NLT.

Some have a drinking problem. Some have a smoking problem. Some have an eating problem. Some have a lust problem. Me? I tend to have a thinking problem. I can resist the temptation to go to a liquor store and consume alcohol. I can ignore a popup ad on the internet to watch porn. I can say no to eating the whole German chocolate cake. But when the enemy presents a negative thought to my mind, I have to, on purpose, say out loud, “No, I’m not thinking on that! I cast that vain imagination down in Jesus’ name. No! I bring that thought into captivity in the obedience of Christ!” If I don’t do that, my beautiful and blessed mind gets all preoccupied with all the wrong stuff.

How can someone full of the Holy Spirit have a mind that is full of all the wrong things? I’ll tell you how. Just because we have received the mind of Christ doesn’t mean we’re walking with that mind of Christ. Any believer who chooses to not resist the lies of the enemy and receive and meditate on God’s word, can become a toxic waste dump of a mind. In Philippians 4:8, we find all of the good stuff we are to fill our minds with: thoughts that are true, noble and right, pure, lovely, and of good report. Then He says if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think on these things.

The good news is God didn’t leave us to do any of this mind work alone? He gave us His Holy Spirit to help us. He helps to train our minds. He helps us believe. He helps us remember who we are in Christ when we’ve lost sight of it. He helps us focus on the good instead of the bad.

Today, with God’s help, we will let the peace of God guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We won’t receive the lies of the enemy. We will receive what God says about us and our lives. We will choose to spend quality time in prayer, praise, and meditating on God’s promises, which is the breeding ground for a disciplined and well-trained mind.

Prayer: Father, I love you. Thank you for loving me. Cause me to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Help me fill my mind with all the right things that glorify you. I submit to you and resist every lie from the enemy. I receive your truth, your wisdom and your grace to walk this out in my daily life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read 1 Corinthians 2:16; 2 Corinthians 10:5)

17 thoughts on “No More Stinking Thinking”

  1. I submit to you and resist every lie from the enemy. I receive your truth, your wisdom and your grace to walk this out in my daily life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  2. Good morning God almighty! I focus on You, most high, everyday! But I do realize that it’s not all day. I thank You for Your word, because it reminds me of Whom I’m supposed to be focused on! Thank You Father God! You are my rock and my redeemer! I love You Gid! These things I pray in Jesus name, Amen! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  3. Yes, I needed this today. I still deal with anxiety in the mornings. But I know God is with me. I am saddened know this but in my heart I want the pain to end.
    I needed this, I don’t feel alone in this matter. I feel like it’s a job to keep the trash out my mind.

    1. Amen you will conquer all read and train your mind, I struggle with anxiety but in reality we have to not let our feelings and emotions rule over us God bless you sister in a special way.. You got this πŸ’œπŸ™πŸΎ

  4. Amen ty Lord for confirmation I declare victory in this area and to not allow my feelings and emotions to have rule over my mind blessings Minister Teshia T.. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  5. I too have a stinking thinking problem, so the Holy Spirit stepped in to lead me to Proverbs 4::23 earlier this week. I am vigilantly guarding my heart so that I can maintain my peace and joy that hopefully spill into others.. We must act with diligence because the enemy is ready to kill, steal, and destroy. Again behind thee…you are not wanted here! The Trinity is on my side!! β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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