One Day

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words…” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, Berean Study Bible.

Years ago, I had a dream that I was standing outside in an open field, and as I looked up at the sky, I began to go up in the air. As I went up, I could sense my Father smiling. The only thing on my mind was I finally get to see Him face to face. The only thing I was thinking about was finally I get to see the One who had been with me all this time. Nothing else mattered.

I know you’ve been in the trenches, trying your hardest not to lose heart. You’re trying to hold on until the end, and it’s been an unbelievable fight. God knows, and He promises as we wait on Him, looking forward to His return, we will receive renewed strength, and we will mount up with wings as an eagle. Waiting on God causes us to run and not get weary; to walk and not faint (see Isaiah 40:31).

Take a moment each day to think about eternity with the Father. There will be no more tears and no more pain. One day, you will see Him face to face. You will enter into His rest and see His glory. My husband imagines that he will find a tree somewhere and sit down next to it–taking it all in. I imagine myself running straight into the arms of Jesus!

What do you imagine yourself doing? I want to know.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving me new strength as I wait on you. Spending eternity with you sometimes seem far away, but I know it’s closer than I think. Help me to finish the work you’ve given me to do on earth. And when life gets hard as it often does, help me to think about all that awaits me in eternity with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

31 thoughts on “One Day”

  1. I love this devotional, when I get to heaven besides seeing Jesus first and loving on Him, I want to see the sights(pearly gates,streets of gold etc)I want to see if it’s true that I’ll be able to fly or think about where I want to be and transport myself there, I love looking at the sky now so I want to see the bright vivid colors that are nothing like the ones here on earth. I look at my place in heaven as the ultimate eternal vacation

  2. I will bow at his feet, THANKING him for saving me, being with me through it all, and GRACING me to spend eternity with HiM!!!🙌🏽

    1. I will bow at his feet, THANKING him for saving me, being with me through it all, and GRACING me to spend eternity with HiM!!!🙌🏽

  3. I think about seeing Jesus and hugging Him and feeling the complete peace and wholeness that we will have when we are there. I also think about seeing my loved ones who have gone on before me

  4. I’ve always imagine myself like a small child who hasn’t seen her Daddy in a very long long time, running to her Papa Jesus and jumping into his arms as we hug each other with his warm embrace. 😃. Lord can’t wait for that final moment to see you face to face as tears of joy rolls down my face .🙏🏽❤️

  5. I truly await the day that I see Jesus face to face and for me I will, as you, Sis run straight into His loving arms. I have often felt His arms wrapped around me and Him caressing my head but I know that day will be special and glorious. HALLELUJAH!!!!

  6. I’ll run to Jesus and cry and cry. I’ll bow to God at his thrown and thank them both for saving even when I didn’t know they were even there.

  7. All this is absolutely beautiful and I believe one day we’ll see our Father face to face, it will be glorious but……here’s where I struggle with wanting to go home…..see, my life here on earth hasn’t been easy , I struggle every day with the headache of my daughter not wanting anything to do with me. I don’t have a clue of what I did to her for her to treat me like this. She won’t tell me. So how am I suppose to leave her behind and go home? How am I suppose to long for that day when the only thing I long for is my daughter? I’ve missed so much and the memories we’re suppose to have together break my heart daily! I’m not ready to leave this earth when so much has been taken. How can I think about heaven when the promises God has promised me haven’t been fulfilled?

  8. First, I want to hug Jesus and see his big beautiful smile. Then after that , I want to sit in a field of flowers by a stream and take it all in.

  9. I imagine myself dancing with Jesus as He twirls me into His loving embrace. It is so intimate and personal. It’s like no one else was there except for Jesus and I.

  10. I often imagine myself running to hug Jesus and celebrating the victory! Shouting that It was all worth it to see his face. Then, I would go and find my mom, gradmothers and all those who are resurrected in christ.

  11. I want to take a nap , and rest from this world hurting me. I’m tired. But I want to worship Jesus first and thank Him, then I really want to see my mom I miss her so bad. Then I will take a nap and rest.

  12. I picture my grandpa’s house when all of our family would come together laughing and smiling and everyone was healthy and Jesus standing next to my grandparents praying over our meals.

  13. I would be rejoicing with ALL my might… Tears of joy… dancing saying “I FINALLY MADE IT IN!” I MADE IT

  14. I imagine myself with Jesus in a high valley under a tree looking at the water. We’re walking and talking in different parts of heaven as he’s taking me to different areas and we’re just taking it all in and I’m calm down relax and nothing else matters because he’s right there walking with me and I’m there.

  15. I imagine myself giving Jesus a hug and thank Him. I also imagine Jesus leading me into the room He has prepared for me. It is so beautiful with diamonds all over. I can only imagine how peaceful, beautiful it will be but, also am looking forward to resting from the tribulations of the world. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽

  16. I have always imagined since the day I was saved that Jesus and I would dance along the shore lines of the ocean. I can not explain it but I have seen it and felt it and every time I am moved by the Holy Spirit I am reminded of this image. ✌️❤️🙏 And I get perma grin.

  17. When I get to Heaven, I can’t wait to walk hand in hand with Jesus! I often, when I go for walks hold my hand open next to me so that He has space to do the same. It happens when I drive in the car too. When I actually get to do that in Heaven, I will know what it feels like to really hold His hand.

  18. If I was blessed to be able to be in the kingdom of ABBA Father God, I wish I could sit on my ABBA Father‘s Lap and talk to Him and my Savior Immanuel Jesus Christ is holding my hand, with His Hand and my The Holy Ghost Comforter is holding my other hand with His Hand and The TriUnity is loving me as the child that I am in ABBA Father’s Kingdom, and a child in this world. That would be my wish I would like to happen.

  19. Good morning Keisha,
    Thank you for the devotionals. They are such a blessing to me and so many others.

    You asked what we see ourselves doing when we get to heaven. I see myself climbing into the Father’s lap and being held and loved just like a child. No fear, no shame, just finally back home where I belong.

  20. I can only imagine, What it will be like When I walk by Your side
    I can only imagine, What my eyes would see When Your face is before me
    I can only imagine

    Surrounded by Your glory, What will my heart feel?
    Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still?
    Will I stand in Your presence Or to my knees, will I fall?
    Will I sing hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all?
    I can only imagine

  21. I cant think of anything better then seeing our precious Lord and saviour Jesus and all the people from scripture who made it to Heaven can you imagine meeting Moses and David and Paul and actually sitting down and talking to them …bring on the rapture and eternal life in Heaven …AMEN!!!

  22. I believe God Is and will do what He says He’ll do. I believe the promises He has made to His children but….when asked about going to heaven, I have a difficult time. I “can and do” imagine what it will be like when we are face to face but I can’t imagine leaving this earth .. yet. My daughter and I have had so much happen between us from a divorce, her father hiding her from me then reuniting and now something happened where she won’t speak to me. She won’t tell me what I’ve done and I have no clue at all what I’ve done to deserve this treatment. It could be coming from her father since he has had a tremendous influence over her life from an early age. I have fought for her, given all I could to her excluding all my time at a drop of a hat, I was there. I live with a broken heart everyday. I believe God will restore all that’s been stolen as He has promised. Thus is why when I’m asked about going to heaven I can’t say I’m ready to go. How can I when so much has been taken from me and God promises He will restore so for me to leave this life before that happens seems to go against the promises He’s made. Right? How can I be excited to be in Heaven when so much here is undone?

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