“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 34:4
My three-year-old daughter, Faith, loves to ride her bike around the neighborhood. One day while going down a hill, she fell. After that experience, every time we came to a hill of any kind, she refused to ride down. To help her with her fear, I took her to where she fell. I said, “Faith, bend down and feel the ground with your hands.” As she placed her hands on the concrete, I said, “Now say, I forgive you ground for hurting me, and I forgive you, Faith, for falling.” Well, it worked. The next time we came to a hill, she happily pointed her legs outward and rode down just as carefree as before.
Forgiveness is powerful, my sisters. It frees us. Sometimes we wonder why we’re stuck and unable to enjoy things we once enjoyed. It’s because unforgiveness can be in our hearts towards ourselves and others, and we don’t even realize it. Until we are enjoying life again the same way as before, we have to ask ourselves, has real forgiveness taken place.
What have you chosen to no longer enjoy because you are afraid of getting hurt again? The enemy wants to steal your life away by causing you to hold on to past hurts. But your Father loves you too much to let that happen. He’s going to help you with those fears. As His Holy Spirit reveals areas you haven’t enjoyed because of unforgiveness, you’re going to receive His help to forgive yourself and forgive others so you can truly live and enjoy your life!
Prayer: Father, the enemy wants to steal my life and things I enjoy because I’m holding on to hurts and choosing not to forgive. But thank you, Father. You deliver me from all my fears by helping me walk in forgiveness with myself and others. With your help, I forgive myself for falling, and I forgive every person who has ever hurt me. Thank you that I will live the abundant life you created me to live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
AMEN!! I choose to forgive others and myself with the help of the Holy Spirit! God bless You!!❤️
It seems to me that I have the hardest time forgiving myself. I watched a movie on HBO last night called Life Support with Queen Latifah. Afterwards, I cried. It made me realize that everyday other women are rising up from the ashes of regret and devastating pain and making a difference in their families and communities even in the midst of uncertain futures. Seeing their strength encourages me to rise up and be all that I was created to be. I am almost 40 but if I am still breathing there is still time to rise from the ashes and fulfill my destiny. How old we are does not matter. What matters is that in the time that we have left, will we do what we are called to do in this earth for God’s Kingdom? Jesus fulfilled his ministry in just three years. Do you know that all your experiences including your mistakes that you regret so much have prepared you to fulfill your destiny? Yes, they have. They are the very catalyst for your destiny. God can restore lost years. An online writing called God Can Restore Your Lost Years by Gospel Coalition really blessed me. Ladies we have to forgive ourselves and stop regretting our mistakes and wasted time or what we think was wasted time and move on. Everyday we spend in regret is a day we waste that we can be moving towards or walking in our destinies. Some videos that are helping me are Woman Thou Art Lose/It is Time For You to Break Out Spiritually by Junise Moise (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk4m6EXcIUk) and Desperate Faith by TD JAKES and Your Right Where You Need to Be by Priscilla Shirer and Wild Woman by Sarah Jakes. Today, I am going to be re-listening to these videos and more as I go about my tasks. Afterwards, I am going to get into prayer and fasting to break the chains of regret from past mistakes off my life so that I can fully move on once and for all without looking back. My destiny will not end up a stillbirth. I will deliver what I am suppose to in this earth, and I will start right where I am with what I have and with my greatest asset of all, the Holy Spirit. He who began a good work in me will complete it!!! Do what you have to do to forgive yourself and others. People need you to be delivered because in your deliverance, testifying and speaking about your mistakes and how God brought and is bringing you through is what is going to give them the courage to rise up. People are walking the streets calling out where are you?! Where are you (__put your name here__)?! Where is the one that they can relate to? The one who cannot only sympathize with their pain but can emphasize with them? Your testimony may very well be what pulls them out of their own pits of sinking sand regret that is threatening to suffocate the very life out of them. You must overcome to testify so that they can overcome. In addition to your past mistakes and regrets, people need to know about other experiences to include traumas and tragedies that you’ve endured and overcome. Sometimes people see you all pretty and accomplished and have no clue the hell you’ve been through and what you’ve overcome. If they did, they would have hope to believe that if you went through what they did and are where you are through Christ, they can arise and shine too! Lastly, some of ya’ll got books to write and messages to give that will be breathe upon by the Holy Spirit to give other women life. It’s your healing and consecration season. Step into it and then go! Go do and say what God tells you to. Love you all and stay strong and encouraged.
I meant that they are rising up in the midst of uncertainty not uncertain futures. I don’t know if the women are saved or unsaved but I do know that anyone who is in Christ, there future is certain in Him. I guess what I was trying to say is that we don’t always know exactly what tomorrow holds. But since we know who holds tomorrow, we need to move forward without fear and do what we are suppose to do while we are on this earth. We have no time for regret. Only time to impact this world for change through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The movie Life Support showed that women are rising up and making a difference in their communities despite past mistakes, and uncertainty.Some of them may know Christ. Some of them may not. Yet, they are all still making a difference. Us who know Christ and have been forgiven by Him, must forgive ourselves and others and rise up and fulfill our God given missions in this earth.
“ For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed” (Romans 8:19).
Amen, Amen, Amen. When God frees us its always to free others. Thank you my sister!!!
That giant of unforgiveness is coming down in our family, and real forgiveness is taking place!
We’re learning to talk to one another, listening and hearing hurts so we can become whole(being made well). God is a Good Father, and The Holy Spirit our Intercessor and Advocate stands in place of us as He defends us!! We are blessed because The Lord calls us blessed and we know that we have His “Favor” because of what He have brought us through and still bringing us to be triumphant in every place.🔥
Sister Kesha, your devotionals brings confirmation that The Lord hears my prays and as I make my requests known to Him. He Is A Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God bless💐❤️
We need to forgive each other