Six Kids Later (grab some tea…this is a long one)

“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases.” Song of Solomon 2:7

When I was 12, my mother found her true love while he was jogging along the sidewalk. She came home and shouted to me and my sister, “I found my husband!” And that she did. They’ve had their share of ups and downs, but they are as in love today as they were when they first met. I loved watching how they not only held hands while in the car, but they would caress their hands together. I loved how they not only danced with eachother, but they swayed across the floor as though they were the only two people in the room. I loved how they would be upset with eachother one minute and then laughing the next. As I watched them, I was taking notes of what my marriage would one day be.

I met my forever boyfriend in 1998 in college. My Mom had told me, “Don’t you go down there and talk to any boys. Focus on your work.” I met Bernard the first week. He was with some friends inviting people to the campus ministry Sunday service. I soon found out he was the president. His eyes. His smile. His laugh. His heart for God. He stood out from everyone else. From day one, we knew there was something between us. He was the cool senior, and I was the young freshman. On our first date, I grilled him with questions and let him know I believe in God and would like to save myself and my kisses for my wedding day. He said, yeah, me too. And for five years, we put our intimacy on hold so we could develop a strong friendship. And for the almost 20 years we’ve been married, that friendship has proven unbreakable by God’s grace.

I remember on our wedding day, we kissed for the first time, and kissed the entire one-and-a-half-hour flight to our honeymoon destination. Two people, madly in love and happy we waited for eachother. It was my first time experiencing a man, and he had been celibate for some years in preparation for his future wife. Our story is real and can happen to anyone who is determined to do things God’s way. We have six kids because we can’t keep our hands off of eachother. Spicy is how we describe our love for eachother. Yes, at times, real-life problems has tried to break us, but we face them together and keep on loving each other.

To my married sisters, keep it spicy. Don’t let yourself go. Look good for yourself and for that blessed man. Discover new ways to have fun. Laugh a lot. Keep developing your friendship by doing things together, and be open and honest when expressing true feelings. To my single sisters, while you’re waiting, keep observing healthy marriages. Learn all you can from them. When dating, put sex on hold so that you can have your mind clear to see every possible red flag and develop a strong friendship. Sex complicates everything. If he is the one for you, there will be a grace from God to wait. But you have to do your part too and avoid compromising situations. Be happy with yourself and know who you are. That man’s job is not to make you happy or complete you.

God wants to bless you, and the more you learn what it takes to have a healthy marriage, you will position yourself to be blessed big time. Our marriage isn’t perfect, but it’s strong, and it’s solid because of our friendship and our commitment to God and eachother.

Now, about that pole we’re having installed in our bedroom… Sorry, y’all know I couldn’t resist. HA!

Prayer: Father, thank you for your love and your grace to wait on the man you have for me. I would love to experience real love in a marriage. Help me to do this your way and not mine. Help me to be complete in you and happy with myself before meeting him. Help me keep sex out the picture so I can make a sound decision. Help us develop a strong friendship that will stand the test of time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

46 thoughts on “Six Kids Later (grab some tea…this is a long one)”

    1. You’re an inspiration. Your Devotionals have encouraged me so many times. God bless your and your family.

    2. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½Glory to God this is so beautiful. Go on Sis.

    1. Thank you for sharing the rest of your story, and for being you….oh, love your sense of humor too! God bless you!

  1. That is soooo beautiful. I’ve been searching for my “forever friend”. It’s time for me to stop looking and let God send him

  2. Good Morning,
    God has blessed you both ❣️

    I’m finally learning to wait and I know God hears and knows my heart’s desires to be loved His way not mine.

    Have a Blessed Sunday!

  3. Blessings to you. Thank you for being transparent. Thank you for sharing and giving life changing experience and wisdom to us all. God Bless you my sister.

  4. Thank you for being transparent. I am stepping into a new level if faith leadership and ministry in my life. I had 7 children i lost one last year. I am learning how to be all God wants me to be and your openess without judgment and condemnation helps me to follow the leading and indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Thank you in Jesus name

  5. πŸ™πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

  6. Thank you for sharing. I bless God for my best friend and my laughing partner husband of 39 years. I give my marriage to God everyday. Only by God’s grace! God bless you! ❀️❀️

  7. Loving your transparency. Always have as it’s a huge blessing to those who can receive it. Myself included!
    Keep being Kesha. And keep dancing for your man lol!

  8. This devotional is very encouraging. Thank you for sharing your success within marriage. I will take hold of your advice as I wait to be found by whom the Lord has prepared me for. Until then I will remain content and in the Hands of the Lord. Beautiful love story. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.πŸ™β€πŸ™β€πŸ™

    1. Such a beautiful story. Has anyone told you that you resemble each other. You are his true rib. Glory to God. Stay forever blessed of God.

    2. Omg, I am sincerely just seeing this after writing a reply earlier. I told you, you would be back!! Nevertheless, I declare & decree Isaiah 54:17& John 10:10

      Your trolling NOW! I told you Genesis 50:20, God gave her a quick peace & now Mrs. Kesha is able to laugh, Revelation 12:11 O how I praise him. I love when Jehovah- Nissi comes through.

      Be healed. Be Whole.

      * Don’t try replying because I have seen victory over the attempt of darkness.
      It is doneπŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ. It is finished πŸ‘.

  9. Amazing testimony!!! I can testify to this πŸ’―
    Beloved Sisters in-CHRIST, we are to wait patiently on the LORD. There is purpose in our waiting. GOD isn’t going to waste our waiting ✝️
    I’m 8 years and 8 months married, and we are still honeymooning.
    It’s the grace of GOD and having JESUS at the centre of it all πŸ”₯πŸ€—πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ

    Shalom πŸ™

  10. Good morning Sis Kesha beautiful messages that you share of your true blessing relationship with your family πŸ™πŸ½βš˜πŸ’žπŸŒ·

  11. Beautiful stories of you and your mother’s. Honey, get the pole because that’s for you and your husband.
    Continue to enjoy the love you have for one another. Praise God! Thank you for sharing.

  12. Thanks for sharing, it’s so important to KEEP CHRIST as the CENTER.. Enjoy the pole, it’s a holy blessing to enjoy one another completely. The reason so many men & woman turn to other worldly things is because they forgot to KEEP THE SIZZLE in their marriage bed. When in doubt read SONG OF SONGS, study & be free with your mate in complete confidence that The LORD delights in your healthy sex life..

  13. Our Father is truly amazing and faithful!❀ Thank you for sharing your testimony. It gives me hope and comfort in knowing that God fulfills his promises to his children. God bless you both. πŸ™

  14. Thank you for that testimony I’m single and still waiting on God to blessed me with a husband that loves❀ God, that I can pray with and go to church with and live a Christian life in Jesus name I prayer. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Amen. If he did it for you I know he will do it for me.🌹

  15. As a single 42 years woman, I thoroughly enjoyed these testaments and stories about the importance of doing marriage God’s way. And it causes me to hope as I await for for man that God has for me. In the meantime, I will focus on being whole and on the mission God has for me.

    Not the pole, sis! LOL

    May God continue to bless your marriage!

  16. Hi Kesha!

    This is one of the very reasons I continued to read these devotionals despite my personal internal opinion on the pole/party bus.

    Kesha, you are not here to please LaFrance’ or nobody else for that matter! I/we are not in the place of God and you are accountable to *Him*! I am going to stay on my path and mind my business. I have my own issues and how dare I judge and condemn a sister that has repented to Father. That would make me a bonafide hypocrite and self-righteous modern-day Pharisee. Like David said in Psalm 51, “against thee and thee alone have I sinned”. That pole in your bedroom will be a beautiful addition to your love affair with your husband. This post made my heart SMILE!!!! Love it! Love it! Love it! Keep on displaying the healthy side of black love. I love Kingdom Marriages!

    Lady, I am glad you did not leave your post because of the opinions of men/women/children! I try to inform leaders that you will never please 100% of your audience; however, it is vitally important that you concern yourself with pleasing YAHWEH! Humans are fickle, one day they are celebrating and the next criticizing. Don’t allow your character to change because people change (thick skin is needed in this day and age of the cancel culture). So glad we serve a God that is immutable!

    Have fun with your hubby lady…life is short! Make every second count! WOOHOO!!!

  17. I love you both, thank you for sharing your story. Now others can see if we follow A good example and keep sex out of the picture to make wise decisions.
    May God continue to Bless your family ❀️❀️

  18. Your story has blessed me as I continue to trust God in my marriage. Please don’t change for NO ONE! You’re truly anointed and this ministry has helped me in so many ways you can’t even imagine. Kesha, you’re a beautiful person inside and out and should only be concern about pleasing our Father and not man. It saddens my heart to see other believers being judgemental on this platform that God birthed out of you to advance His kingdom. God bless you woman of God!

  19. I can’t relate much cuz I’ve never Ben married plus I’m gay. But I’m happy for you and some of the tips are good re. Healthy relationships. If Churches stopped excluding lgb people then maybe we could relate to ideology such as no sex before marriage. But it’s hard to relate cuz y’all believe we gonna burn in Hell . Like being straight prevents you from ever burning in Hell is y’all’s logic. Anyhoo some lgb Churches exist but very few and often their theology islaking eg. LGBT Catholics worship Mary but that is blasphemy cus she was a human not a God. So I stay alone reading this blog with no Church. Nice tiny lil violin huh . Thank u for ur blog tho it’s Great. [If u gay, read “the bedkeeper” by brain Anthony Bowen as no doubt Churches have taught u lies errors of Scripture interpretation and self hatred.]

  20. Dear Sister Kesha, you and your husband look like you belong together. May God continue to bless your marriage with His amazing grace shine about your family.
    Take good care πŸ€—πŸ™β€β€

  21. Amen great love story keep telling it to remind yourself and your kids the love that God puts together let no man tear apart. Pulling a heart apart hurts and is left broken
    And every time you give your heart away a piece is broken off
    When God holds your heart everything has to go through the Father He won’t just let you give it up so easy
    Love is Jesus if and when HE lives there nothing else can get in the way
    Jesus love will over flow and pour out on others
    Thank you for sharing your True Love Story ❀️

  22. Love your app! Love God’s innate Love in you for Him and The service you lend through your experiences, word and prayers! Your app was recommended to me by a friend who has struggled with addiction and its been a blessing to her, me and others I recommended to get your app. Praise God! May all along go to Him alone! And to you blessings and ty for sharing your heart!

  23. Thank you for sharing that part of your life. I’ve been single for over 15 yrs and have found the man I would like to marry. We both agree on staying pure before God. So now I know that kissing is off the table. Im 68 he is 72. We will see each other soon after reconnecting with each other after over 11 years. We attended the same Christian singles group over 11 years ago. God bless.

  24. After a very short marriage the first time when I didn’t follow God and literally had to leave with suitcases and my dog and what I could pack in my car and start life with over at 31, seven years God worked on me and now I am married to the most amazing man in the world and we celebrate 3 years tomorrow and have a 2 year old (honeymoon baby) and even though this has been the toughest year for us with him losing his job almost a year ago and our daughter have Neuro issues at 14 months and my health issues – our love and faith has never waivered…we hope to hear back about two jobs soon and our daughters health is improving and so is mine so tomorrow we thank God for blessings…

    Congrats to you Kesha, I love your story…

  25. Here I was praying that God would help me experience the love in my marriage that He speaks about…. and this link was shared with me…and oh what a beautiful love story it is! I πŸ˜€ all the way through….especially the part about the hour long kiss! May I truly experience that honest, open, selfless, forgiving love… 14 years in and I’m still hopeful ❀

  26. This was jjust an encouragement DOTK I know this can be done. I too want my Soul mate. Yes Iam 59 years old but I know its not too late. I have been married before. However I want this. Thank you for being such an inspiration. May God Forever your union.

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