Stay Amazed

“For a child has been born—for us! the gift of a son—for us! He’ll take over the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings” Isaiah 9:6 MSG.

Don’t allow what’s going on around you to cause you to forget how glorious the Lord is! He is strong and mighty. His presence is pure and holy. His love is amazing. He is abundant in mercy and is mighty to save! No evil can stand toe to toe with Him and win. Just the mention of His name gives the enemy a migraine. His love inspires sonnets and songs. His grace gives power to the weak and His peace surpasses all understanding. He is God and there is none greater. He is unstoppable and undeniable! No one can thwart His plans. No one can remove Him from His throne. He is the only wise, true and living God! He reigns and all of creation recognizes His supreme authority. His Word is unchanging and it never returns void. What an amazing God He is! Since this is who He is constantly, we have a reason to stay amazed constantly. No matter what you are going through in your life, turn your attention away from the situations that perplex you, and focus your amazement on the One that deserves it most—Almighty God!

Prayer: Father, thank You for helping me to remove my attention and amazement away from my circumstances, and focus my heart on You. I stay amazed at how wonderful You are! You are awesome, beautiful and glorious! What a blessing it is to be called Your own. I worship You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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30 thoughts on “Stay Amazed”

  1. How great Thou art! I stand in amazement at Your love Your faithfulness Your purity and Your Grace. You came from heaven to bring us Your joy and Your peace. How lovely are Your gifts bestowed on us. How prescious is Your thoughts towards us. We bow down in reverence of Your unfailing love toward us Your never failing provision and grace. I stand in awe and worship You for Who You are my King and Saviour. Receive my love and adoration as I worship in Spirit and in Truth at Your footstool Ame!

  2. Lord I’m amazed by you and all that you do. Who is like unto the Lord our God? There is none in the heavens above nor in the earth beneath. You are an awesome God. We love you and we worship you in the beauty of your holiness. Hail to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

  3. Than You JESUS for being my Everything. I live to love You JESUS and do Your will. Amen in JESUS name.

  4. Thank you Lord,
    For being my wonderful counselor, my Prince of peace. Father you reign supreme with total authority. Thank you for your undying love for me. You are strong and mighty and mighty in battle. You are Almighty God. Thank you for your saving grace.
    I am totally grateful that, you have assigned angels to me daily. All the glory and honor it belongs to you. Thank you Father for all things.


  5. You are amazing lord. Your love, your word, your power is limitless. You never hide it from us or take it from us. You bless us over and over again even through the difficult times. Thank you lord for loving me. For being my rock and my strength. I praise your glorious name.

  6. Thank you God you are so amazing and my life I really need this devotion just morning hallelujah Lord I put all my attention and focus on you, because you are so amazing in the midst of everything that’s going on. I focus and trust and believe in you God. Keep me cover in the blood of Jesus Amen

  7. No matter what my circumstances are You are the one who deserve the honor and praise. You Lord will see me through and I know this. I Thank You for each day and for loving me and my family. I love You Jesus. Amen.

  8. Thank you -DOT-K I needed this I was in a low place.And this really blessed me.Because I know that in Him do I live and in him do I breathe….

  9. Thank you Father are a awesome n mighty God created the heaven n earth n everything in made us in your image. You are amazing God. you are the creator of the universe. .you get all the glory n honor.I love you Father God ,Jesus .I thank you for my life n my family life. You are the air we breathe ..Jehovah Jireh my provider.glory to your name Jesus. Amen!

  10. Thank you Lord. For being who you are. You are the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, there is none like you. You are am, that I said I am. There is no one before you ,above you, or after you.Thank for your love, mercy,grace and peace. I worship you for who you are. You are my everything and Lord I love you with every part of me! Everyone have an Amazing Day!!

  11. Hello, my Love!
    I am looking up!
    Lifting my hands up!!!
    Whoop! Whoop!!
    Bout to jump up!!
    Lord, my friend says JUMP,
    because Jesus Understands My Pain!!
    Hallelujah!! This is Gospel Truth!
    Look up, world!
    Look up despairing hearts!
    Look up, brokenhearted ones!
    If you’re crushed in spirit,
    He is near to you! Hallelujah!
    God catches my tears in His bottle,
    And pours them out on me
    In a flood of blessings!
    Hallelujah!! My God is Jehovah!
    My God is the Awesome Power
    That conquers all evil!
    My God is the Strength of nations!
    He is Strength in weakness!
    My God is the maker of Heaven and earth!
    What’s yo god worth??
    My God puts me to the test,
    Then supplies sufficient grace,
    throughout the process,
    unto complete success!
    What’s yo God’s Name??
    Can yo God do that???
    Come on Kingdom girls!!!
    Let’speak for our Lord!!!
    I shall my Lord!
    Not because of any power of my own!!
    But because My God defends me!!
    What can the darkness do to me??
    I am holding the sovereign hand leading me!!
    I am starting to believe in a way that I never did before!
    Who that hand is that’s leading me!!
    Oh, Holy, Holy, Holy!
    I am following I AM!!!
    Oh, wow!
    I stepped out, didn’t I, my Lord!
    Oh, my! I didn’t even see it
    for what it really was!
    Just grabbed Your sovereign hand and held on tight!
    And when I slipped in the night,
    You grabbed ahold and held tighter!
    You have made me a fighter!!
    Oh, my soul, let go and praise the Lord!!
    Holy Spirit, loose every single noose on me and around me!
    Go ahead, confound me!
    We were dumb and dumber!
    Then became numb and number!
    You had my number though
    didn’t You, my Lord!
    Stepped off that plane and looked around for my number!
    Seven, you said!
    Yes, You are perfecting me unto completion!
    A heavenly number it is!!
    The enemy has to return sevenfold what he stole from me?
    Isn’t that what You said to me?
    My enemies rose up and came against me
    In one way, but shall go out in seven ways!
    Hallelujah!! Thank You, Jesus!!!
    Help me more in my weakness! My Lord, Your power is more!
    Your strength truly does work best in weakness!
    Your amazing grace, certainly is sufficient!
    That number eight is a mystery yet.
    Back and forth, in my mind.. seven, eight, seven, eight,
    seven, eight?
    What does it mean, my Lord?
    Eleven, twelve, eleven, twelve, eleven, twelve!
    Delve unto the depths of my soul and help me let go!
    Help me see and believe!
    Help me believe to receive!
    Help me receive to achieve what it is You have for me to do!!!
    I am looking for the clues to the riddles You whisper in my ear.
    God, bless my gifts more.
    God, free my heart more!
    God, we are on our way, You and me!
    You are more than my Savior now!!!
    You are more than my Master and Friend!!
    More than my Lord and King!!!
    More even than my Everything!!!
    You, Jehovah Nissi are my God!!!
    My God loves me!!
    My God defends me!!
    My God created me for a purpose and I shall believe in it,
    to receive it, to achieve all things, according to His Will for me!
    All I have to do is bow under His sovereignty!
    I will, my Lord! I DO, MY LORD!!
    I can’t do this on my own!
    I am just a little shepherd girl,
    with a heart that beats hard for You!!
    I am just a little shepherd girl with a bag full of stones of prayers to throw at Goliath’s head!!
    I need You to aim them for me!!
    You already supplied my bag of prayers to serve as stones to throw at the enemy!!!
    Now, God, go and defend me!!
    I am just a vessel of weakness!!
    Blow Your holy sails on me!!!
    I am drifting unto the battlefield of my Lord!!
    Who shall defend me there??
    My LORD, my God, the Almighty One!!
    The One Who made the moon’ stars and the sun!!!
    Oh, and don’t forget the Son of Man, Who sits at the right hand of the Father!!!
    My God, loved me so much,
    he took a part of Himself and
    entrusted it to Himself on earth,
    to fulfill divine prophecy to see His children saved and redeemed, all for His Glory!!!
    He walked the path of a sinner to rescue me from the strongholds that keep me bound up!!!
    I am rounding up the wolves, my Lord!!!
    No more sheep in wolves’ clothing to eat me up!!!
    Who defends me??
    The King of kings and Lord of lords!!
    My God is always more!!
    The enemy’s lies die in the distance!!
    They aren’t getting through!!
    God bless You, King Jesus!!
    God bless You, Jesus, unto perpetual glory!!!
    You are the essence of radiant glory!!!
    King Jesus, You rescue lost souls!!
    King Jesus, You plant hope down in the barren souls!!
    King Jesus, You erase the memories that fight for a right to sleep with us at night!!
    No more nightmares, my Lord!
    Can’t get through my head in the day, nor in the night!
    Only, You, Lord shall wake me from my slumber!!

    I shall figure this out, my Lord!
    You shall show me and teach me what these numbers mean to me.
    Divine mystery revealed to me!
    Holy Spirit wisdom and discernment!
    All power and acknowledgement to the King of kings and Lord of lords!
    Oh, my Lord, what a whirlwind this is!
    You shake me up in this whirlwind here!
    I grab my spear to defend me and You say, “Drop that, now, My beloved! Come near!”
    I dropped it, my Lord!
    I dropped it, my Lord!
    I trust that You are always more!
    My Mighty Jehovah is God of all!!
    He stands tall in the great expanse as the Lord of the dance!
    His love puts me in a trance!!!

    Who put the rhyme back into a heart that lost all sense of time??
    Come, my Lord, dance with me!!!
    I am dancing my way unto Your throne, my Lord!
    I am crawling to Your throne, my Lord!!

    Stand up, You say!
    Okay, my Lord.
    Holy Spirit, speak to a stubborn and prideful, yet passionate heart like mine!!
    You are the rhyme, aren’t You, my Lord?
    You are the rhythm and the rhyme of the rain, as it pours blessings on my hands and body and my feet, my Lord!!!
    You say, “Look up! Remove the umbrella that you think has holes in it! It is whole, can’t you see it? Do you not perceive it?
    The holes that are there are holes of holiness, to let My Spirit in! Remove it, now! And I shall give you more!”

    God, help me now!
    Help me in the great expanse!
    Take me to the dance floor, my Lord!
    I shall lift up my face, and have You pour Your anointing power there, my Lord!
    Your grace is my own sustenance!
    You, my Lord, sustain me!
    You, my Lord, retrain me!
    You, my Lord, refrain me from those things that hurt me!
    I don’t have to depend on me, my Lord!
    You are my sweet victory in ALL things!!
    I stand on my foundation of faith!
    I shall not be shaken!!
    Though earthquakes may shake my world,
    my foundation is in the Lord!
    My God is always, in all ways, infinitely and immeasurably more than I ever expect Him to be!! Glory, glory, glory!
    Glory to God in the highest!
    Glory to God, the Most High!
    Glory to God, Who sits high above the world on His mighty throne of mercy and justice!
    My God, Your love for me is relentless!
    I find my peace and solitude in You!
    I find my rest and rejuvenation in Your arms, my Lord!
    The dawn is approaching!
    I see a pink glow, my Lord!
    I hear the smell of dew in the air!
    Spring shall come forth in blossoms of love!
    That’s what You say!
    I wait to see what beautiful blossoms of love You grow from the barren well of my soul,
    as it is filled unto overflowing with living waters that flood the world around me!
    I am in the valley, but not my heart, my Lord!
    My heart is soaring on eagle’s wings with You!
    I finally dropped that big fish!
    Glory to God!
    You work at Your own pace, my Lord, and I like it best!
    Your timing fits my heart and life best!
    I love the way You keep on rhyming Your way unto my soul,
    more and more and more and more!!!
    Oh, my Lord!
    Break out and multiply this blessing unto my heart more!!!
    God, bust out the box I created for You!
    I know it is not containing You!!
    You have been so patiently waiting for me to ask You out of my own containment chamber!
    Oh, savor the holiness in the air!
    His love is relentless!
    God bless the process!
    Such miraculous healing, my Lord!
    Beautiful restoration in songs and sonnets, my Lord!!
    You are the live story!
    You are the words that pour from me!
    My gifts are nothing without my Lord to infuse His strength and empowerment in immeasurable grace and merciful favor!
    Did I get that out right, my Lord?
    Let me speak. Holy Spirit, help me!
    God, You are marvelous and spectacular in all of Your nature!
    I am in awe of Your nature and the way You carve Your way right into my heart!
    The worms of purpose spell out the truth on my heart.
    I shall read it and receive it,
    and understand it in wisdom and discernment!
    You, my Lord, shall give me understanding beyond my years and training!
    You, shall confound the wise, with a deaf and dumb spirit, walking in deliverance, my Lord!
    You shall shock the prophets, who shall stand back and say,
    what is this that the Lord says today?
    These shall be the words of the Lord!
    My time of miracles is here!
    Reach out and take ahold of one of your own!
    Not just a homophone, my Lord!
    Your words supply infinite meanings!!
    I knew that You would make me new,
    I held on to the holes too long, didn’t I, my Lord?
    You are here to hear me and make me whole!
    Right, my Lord! You are LORD!!
    I want to be happy, happy, happy,
    like Si on Duck Dynasty!
    Teach me, teach me, my Lord!
    I am all Yours!
    I give it all up for this chance to dance with You on the dancefloor of life!
    Together, our steps erase all pain and strife!!
    I dance for joy in the Lord!!
    No one I want more to dance with me!!
    Yes, my Lord, let’s dance and celebrate our sweet victory, my Lord!!
    My God is my Lord!!
    My God is my Master and King!
    My God is my Savior!
    He is my Everything!
    My God is the masterpiece
    that He, Himself created, King Jesus!
    Jesus is my very best friend!!
    My God is my Friend!!!!
    My God is my very best friend!
    He walks and talks with me throughout the day and the night!
    In the heat of the fight and in the cold of night,
    He is always there!
    He never deserts me in my weakness!
    He never leaves nor forsakes me!
    Oh, this love is too much for me to touch sometimes, my Lord!
    Make my hands and feet, eyes and ears, and mouth and heart more relaxed and at peace with You, so that we can snuggle closer than before!!
    I want to actually smell what Your wings smell like!!
    Let the aroma touch my nose and let my eyes blink in Your feathers, my Lord!
    Let me get closer, my Lord!
    You erase the shame and disgrace, and I smell the aroma of grave in there!
    I dare to go deeper in there, my Lord!
    I shall not fear what You are doing here!
    I shall not fear Who beckons me in!
    I am not covered in sin, oh, my soul!
    I am covered in the blood, oh, my God!
    You prepared a way for me to dwell as Your holy temple!
    Step in with me, my Lord!
    You cleaned up this heart for me!
    This heart is Your home, my Lord!
    The words pour from me as my flesh says, “silly, silly little girl!”
    I am in a whirlwind now, my Lord!
    Grab me quickly! Defend me!
    No, You say, my Lord?
    It is a whirlwind of divine purpose!
    This is a stance You must make for me, my Lord!
    I am just as weak as can be, when You are not using me!
    I am just a useless utensil without You, my Lord!
    Can’t even fulfill the purpose of wood!
    So burn me down in this refining fire completely, and keep me in,
    until I am an instrument of gold for Your divine purposeful use, my Lord!
    It is You, I walk and talk with in the fire, my Lord!
    It is You, that shuts the mouths of the lions’ in this den!
    It is You, that shall rise from these ashes and conquer me completely, in Your sovereignly beautiful and providential awesome way!!!
    I am sitting in Your lap on the throne, my Lord!
    Running around Your throne, chasing the lies away!!!
    Hide and seek, they say!
    I say, “No, my Lord, no more hide and seek! Bring the meek out to play!”
    Humility dances right all over pride’s face!!!
    Humility erases my disgrace!!!
    Humility lets me taste the dessert at the end of the meal!!
    Humility lets me dance on this dance floor with my Lord with a smile on my face!!
    Humility knows my name now!
    I bow down and worship You, my Lord!
    You are beyond comprehension and words to defend Who You really are to me!
    Holy Spirit, I am in the Presence!
    Let me feel the essence of Your love unto fullness and completion!
    Deletion of sins, pain, strife, regret, depression, suppression, repression, hopelessness, despair, unforgiveness, bitterness, harshness, aggressiveness outside of the Lord’s will, oppression from the enemy, and strongholds that think they still have ahold of me!
    Oh Holy, Holy, Holy !!!
    Use Your Holy eraser to erase the disbelief and doubt that still hangs around!
    All spirits and principalities that grab hold of the foot of me, die in the fire!
    I am rewired and remade to be a new creation, wholly and completely, in the Lord!
    I am signing up, my Lord!
    I am here for You to use.
    You don’t have to draft me anymore, my Lord!
    I am signing up!
    I am going to war for You, my Lord!
    I am being built up in an army for the Lord!
    I am Your princess warrior,
    And I shall just stand up and look pretty in my armor
    that You so graciously and beautifully supplied me,
    All while You defend me on this battlefield, my Lord!
    Oh, Hallelujah!
    I am the recipient and You are the giver of all good things!
    I love You, my King!
    Jesus, You reign!
    You stamp Your Name of Supreme Authority and miraculous power on this prayer here!
    And I just let You flow through my ear,
    and out through my hands,
    and then I discover Your sovereign plan!
    I just lay down and let You write Your love story all over me!
    I receive it all, according to Your sovereign Will, my Lord!
    The walls of Jericho are coming down, my Lord!
    Should I run for cover, my Lord!
    “No, no, My dear child, don’t run for cover! This is a takedown! Bring others along with you, My beloved!”
    You make Crystal Marie stronger! You really do, sweet Jesus!
    Use me, my Lord, I am all Yours! Selah.

    1. Amen to that sweet Cricket! Hi surely ar talented. May He be with yu always, tke yu to places you’ve never been before and He fill the voids in your life. Lv yu my dear sister

  12. No doubt, GOD is amazing. I am guilty at times I take my focus off God and try to handle my circumstances on my own (forgive me God) God always step in and give me a word. That’s the kind of God we serve he’ll always step in and give you Grace and Mercy. He’ll show you the way. He said it. That’s why I have to remind myself to let God do it, his will not mind. Thank you God for always being there and speaking to my heart for me to do what’s right. In Jesus Name Amen I Love You.

  13. Good Moring my Sisters in Chris and Daugthers of God. God is our Amazing Grace our King of King & most of All he is our ALL and ALL The UNLIMTED GOD

  14. Hallelujah glory be too God
    Sing your love song before the Lord
    Speak in.tongues before the Lord
    Lay on your back side this afternoon stretching out your legs
    Give birth on this afternoon go back to the labor room
    Push out from your belly just began to travel began to cry out
    Deliverance is coming to your home
    Deliverance is coming to the jail cell
    Deliverance is healing your bodies
    Deliverance is going to your children children
    Deliverance is.going to your church
    Deliverance is going to your bank account
    Deliverance is touching your
    Mind, body and soul
    Deliverance is making you a believer in Jesus Christ
    The teraviling.. woman
    The interceding…
    The prayer warriors
    With all you got pull it out of your bellies pray in tongues cry out loud before the Lord with all your might speak in tongues don’t mind getting ugly
    It’s for your life
    It’s for your freedom
    It’s for your victory
    It’s opening close doors
    Come on SISTERS in Christ
    Lay your hands back pushing out travel cry out,shout out
    Glory hallelujah your being released to a whole new level of prayer this afternoon
    There is a fasting anointing being released on your life
    Now give God the praise!
    It’s salvation is being released on your family
    It’s that Jesus may be glorified hallelujah!

    Believe me you’re never be the same again glory hallelujah!
    Now sing your love song
    Before jesus’feet
    Glory hallelujah thanks be unto Jesus the son of the living God
    Bless your name hallelujah!
    used to be in darkness
    Found you
    I lived my life in blindness
    But now I am found

    I’ll sing,
    I’ll sing (because)
    I love you so
    I’ll sing,
    cos the world can’t take away
    Your love

    You found me in weakness
    But you came to me in kindness,
    Now I live

    I’ll sing,
    I’ll sing (because)
    I love you so
    I’ll sing,
    cos the world can’t take away
    Your love
    I’ll sing,
    I’ll sing (because)
    I love you so
    I’ll sing,
    cos the world can’t take away
    Your love

    I’ll live my life for you Lord
    For all you’ve done
    I’ll give my life to you Lord
    For all you’ve done
    I’ll give my life for you Lord
    For all you’ve done
    I’ll give my life to you Lord
    For all you’ve done
    I’ll give my life for you Lord

    I’ll sing,
    I’ll sing (because)
    I love you so
    I’ll sing,
    cos the world can’t take away
    Your love

    Can’t take it away
    Can’t take it away
    (The world didn give it to me)
    The world didn give it,
    give it to me,
    can’t take it away
    can’t take it away
    (This love that I have, this world didn give it to me)
    The world didn give it, give it to me
    Can’t take it away, can’t take it away
    (This love that I have)
    the world can’t give it, give it to me
    Can’t take it away, can’t take it away

  15. You’re wonderful Lord nothing can compares to you and your works and this beautiful earth you’ve created. Thank you for being my foundation; I’m amazed by all your works, you’re worthy in all the earth dear Lord. Amen 🙇🙏

  16. Thank you sweet Jesus for.sending a prayer. Warrior. To me. You touched my grieving heart knowing how much I needed to feel your hand in my life I aam amazed you are amazing I so love you diane

  17. WOW!!! How Amazingly on time for me this word was today. I have recently been diagnosed with a medical condition which I’ve never heard of. Last night and into this morning, I searched the net for information/support. I found myself overwhelmed and getting depressed. But then a still small voice within siad “But God!” Right then, I shifted my attention back to my Almighty God, my Prince of Peace, Wonderful Protector and Awesome Healer. Thanking God for DOT-K. Luv u much.

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