The harvest is great

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, β€œThe harvest is great, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:36-37, NLT.

People are hungry to know Jesus. They desperately want to see His love and His glory, but there are those that say, “If people are so hungry to know Him, why is it that everyone I encounter wants nothing to do with Him?” The truth is people are drawn to the light of God that shines through His people.

God is not the only one that resists the proud. People do too. The lost are repelled away from people who have forgotten how far God reached down to pick them up. People are looking for someone that is compassionate like Jesus, who serves with the heart of Jesus, cares about them like Jesus, and is merciful like Jesus. God didn’t call us to be mean and critical repellents, but warm and inviting people that reach out with a hand to embrace, rather than a fist to smash, or a mouth that condemns. Let God create in you a heart for the lost.

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank You for saving me and for changing me inside out. No one could do for me what You have done. Now Lord, make me a loving servant in this world. Fill my heart with compassion and an intense desire to win the lost, my neighbors, my co-workers, my family and friends. Shine in me Father brightly so all can see the loving God I serve. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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14 thoughts on “The harvest is great”

  1. Lord I want to be that vessel that you use to love your people and love them like you love me thank you father for changing me inside out only you could did this in jesus name amen.

    1. Use me Lord God in a mighty way for Your Glory and to build Your Holy Kingdom and bring Satan’s down all the way down to nothing I pray absolutely nothing in Jesus Christ name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen thank You Holy Spirit hallelujah amen

    1. Hello All,
      God”s blessings are unmeasurable before us in this life and the one he has st aside for those who are in acceptance of all his glory given through his only begotten to save us from sin and shame. We will bow and shower repeated joyful perfect songs before our God always when we are home in heaven. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Wow this is like the prayers that I have been saying Thank you for your daily devotion Lord you know your people Shine and me that my family,friend’s and Church members & co-workers can see the love of God and me that I have for the Kingdom of God Love and Jesus name Amen

  3. Yes thank you for this word today. So true. I want to be like Jesus to others.The Lord gave me a word a long time ago. “Don’t you dare judge someone else until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes” Thank you Jesusβ™‘

  4. Thank you God, put in me what I need help people see you as Christ Jesus..their help through you. In Jesus Name Amen πŸ•‡πŸ•‡πŸ•‡πŸ™

    1. Use me Lord God in a mighty way for Your Glory and to build Your Holy Kingdom and bring satan’s kingdom down all the way down to nothing I pray for it to be absolutely nothing in Jesus Christ name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen thank You Holy Spirit hallelujah amen

  5. Hello Family, Father, let my light so shine before men ,that they can see my good works and glorify you Father which is in Heaven!That is what I desire.In Jesus Name! Amen

  6. Thank You Lord Jesus for these devotions.
    Let my life be the proof of Your love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-7)
    Lord, give me a heart like Yours, full of compassion; so that others will see YOU in me & be drawn to YOU.

  7. Yes this is my personal favorite prayer as well , Lord let me be light that shine in dark places, I this could be good fruit, We don’t want to be like the fight tree….

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