The Lord is teaching you how to live.

“I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalms 27:13

When all you’ve known is a destructive life, it can be difficult to see yourself living a victorious life in Christ. Because you can’t see it, you don’t move forward in it. It is a fear of the unknown that hinders you from pursuing Him and His purpose with reckless abandonment. This is the part when you trust Him to teach you how to live.

What does it look like for you to overcome and let the Lord have His way with you? What does it look like for you to live victoriously? What does it look like for you to walk in His purpose for your life? Take a moment and imagine yourself victorious in every area. Imagine yourself doing what He has called you to do. Imagine every trial you face making you stronger and wiser.

My sister, I believe you haven’t scratched the surface of the vision, purpose and plan God has for your life. You have only tasted a small portion and seen a tiny glimpse of the life God wants to give you. You will be speechless at His love for you. You will be amazed as He helps you be the woman you’ve always dreamed of being. You will learn how to live, and you will watch God be greatly glorified in your life!

Prayer: Father, I receive these rich words of life. Plant them deep in my heart and cause them to produce visible, tangible fruit in my life for your glory. Yes, Father, I want you to teach me how to live. Thank you in advance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read John 10:10; Psalm 103:1-5)

9 thoughts on “The Lord is teaching you how to live.”

  1. Thank you so much for this prophetic devotional. I could not have spoken these words any better in my time of need. It speaks volumes into my life. Thank you again. Many blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽❤📖🙏🏽

  2. Please teach me how to live Lord. I want to see myself living a victorious life in Christ. Help me to continue moving forward in you as I leave the past and bondages behind. Thank you for guiding me towards the promised land in which you have waiting for me.

  3. O’Lord, Thank You!
    I Praise YOUR HOLY NAME and I Pray 🙏🙏 for Renee ❣️ Krum ❣️ and Emilie ❣️ Bless Me to be who and how You want Me to Be!! AMEN 🙏🙏

  4. Please teach me Father. I don’t know how. Didn’t have anyone to teach me how to live. Thats enough to make one desire death. In the name of Jesus teach me Yahweh.

  5. Amen! My Belief is that I have tasted a small portion and seen a small glimpse of the life God have planned for me to bring Him glory in the earth. That’s why I’m pressing forward to make the difference He wants me to be. Father, may I seek You and find You. Receiving, learning, and growing in every area to flourishing and bring fulfillment. Not my will, but Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 🙏❤️❤️❤️

    *Prayer: Father, I receive these rich words of life. Plant them deep in my heart and cause them to produce visible, tangible fruit in my life for your glory. Yes, Father, I want you to teach me how to live. Thank you in advance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
    God bless and I agree 💕💐💜💕💐💜

  6. Thank you Lord for this timely devotional on learning how to live life on purpose. I want to live life on purpose according to the plans you have for my life. I know how to survive from past experiences, and march to the beat of others drum, but now it’s my turn to live and enjoy life. Help me be open to new ideas, and opportunities Most of all, as you are teaching me how to live, I will trust you and lean not to my own understanding. In Jesus Name🙏🏾💕🧘🏾‍♂️🌊🏝☀️💃🏾🚘✈️🌺🙌🏾

  7. Thank you so much for this on time word! I truly appreciate you and I needed to hear this word this morning!!!thank you for your obedience to be lead by the voice of God❤️🙏

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