“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7.
When you are set on fulfilling God’s purpose for your life, you must remember to release people and situations to God. Why? Because it will destroy you and will hinder your spiritual progress if you don’t. Obey God and release them. You can’t free them by your power. You can’t deliver anyone in your own strength. You can’t change anything about that situation by yourself. You can’t, but God can. And if anything miraculous is going to happen, it’s going to be by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.
Don’t take upon yourself a responsibility God didn’t give you. Don’t worry yourself trying to figure out what you can do to save them. Do only what God tells you to do and then release it to Him. I know it’s tough, but you must know that God cares for that person AND for you. Give it to Him and stand back and watch Him work.
God is saying by His Spirit, “I will do what I promised. Trust Me. Entrust them to Me. I can go where you can’t. I can see where You can’t. Nothing is hidden from Me. Release them to Me. Give it all to Me and You will see Me demonstrate My love and My power in ways You thought were impossible.”
A Challenge for You: Make a list of every person you are carrying on your heart and mind. Go down the list and say, “Lord, I release ____(say their name)___ to You. I entrust them to Your care. Have Your way in their lives. In Jesus name.”
Prayer: Father God, I care so much for the people in my life, and I want to see them experience the life and freedom that I am experiencing in You. I exercise the power You have given me through Jesus and I release them by faith into Your care. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you God and the name of Jesus Amen
Thank you lord for your powerful words this wonderful morning 🙏🏿
Thank you, Jesus for this message in truly trusting You! I really needed to hear this Word, cause I’m going through with my children and grandchildren. And I will obey the Word, In the Name of Jesus.
Thank you Jesus your word was so touching I realise in Jesus name amen
Powerful word I needed to read and pray out loud today.
Goodmorning my LORD FATHER GOD,” Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to KING JESUS.” Glory to GOD.” Yes my LORD i entrust everyone in my life family neighbors friends everyone in my path to YOU my GOD”my KING,” LORD HOLY SPIRIT,” reveal any other name’s i might not have lifted to YOUR Throne of Grace i say Yes to YOUR Prayers YOU have Prepared for me for us in YOUR MIGHTY GLORIOUS NAME KING JESUS.” AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN! Thank You Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD.” timely message indeed. Do LOVE & Appreciate You All GLORY TO GOD ” LOVE & GOD BLESS You All ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i United States AMEN AMEN AMEN ♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘
Thank you so much and this applies to what was happening with my job this week. I will release and cast my cares on God! Much needed this morning! God is good and right on time in our lives!
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extoll HIM, all you peoples. For great is HIS LOVE towards us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD.♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️⚘
This spoke volume to my spirit and I will continuously release the names to you Lord I know I can’t do anything without your help in JESUS’S NAME praise GOD and AMEN!!
Release is sweet. 🌹🍁🏵️🌺
Goood Morning Daughter’s of The Most High King well let me start by saying that I NO that everyday Is The Day That God Has Blessed and Birthed me/us into but OMG when I did get and read this massage before I did Anything this morning I NO It was ON TIME and for me I PASSED THE TEST y’all. C my Oldest Son gave me a Truck I Drove it home probably almost a 3hr. Drive(Smooth Good Drive NO PROBLEMS)and before I could get a chance to do anything I’d plan to do with it I let my licensed Baby Girl use it cuz it was a Holliday then she used it to go shopping the next day nd Blowed It up ok I didn’t get Mad Yes I got a little bit upset but I QUICKLY Got Over It. My Truck set in her yard for a month God Blessed me to get it fixed Now she just recently got a job for the second time in her life only this time she kept it longer than a day now here key I have 5 Grown kids(now remember my Oldest Son gave it to me)3 OF THE OTHER 4Expects me to give or sell it them cuz I have a car already Now this is why I’m Sooo PROUD OF MYSELF 😇😀cuz a few yrs ago I wouldn’t have passed this test with my Baby Daughter I would have gave into her Now she’s been on the JOB ONLY 4Days and now that I have my Truck Running again(No Thanks To Her)she misses her ride to work and calls me and INSIST that I have to get up and BRING MY TRUCK TO HER TO USE Then she Got Highly upset and Mad when I said NO I had to Turn my Phone Off cuz she had made her mine up that she was going to MAKE ME let her USE my Truck Thank God Yall I PASSED THE Test😁😇☺😀 cuz #1 I Ready Honestly DID NOT Let her make me Mad cuz less then a month ago I did that #2 I just Prayed and Pleaded The Blood of Jesus for her and on her Put it in God’s Hands and turned over and went back to sleep love yall and Lady let’s All keep each other up in Prayer Have a Blessed Day ☺😇😀I PASSED THE TEST😁😀😇☺☺ My Day Has Already Been Blessed
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Lillie💖!!!
Our Children, Our Children…where did this sense of “entitlement” come from?!! I KNOW mine weren’t raised to believe things are just “given” to them..but I have ONE that THINKS the world owes her something..WRONG, WRONG, WRONG..I’m CONSTANTLY telling/reminding her..”you better humble yourself, before life humbles YOU”
Thank You Lord for the POWER OF RELEASE🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏!!!
WE HAVE To Keep EACH OTHER Encouraged My Sister!!🌹
Love Always💕
Amen Help me Lord to release my loved ones to your care.
The Lord our God is soooo Great. This devotional spoke directly to me, I will release and Trust in the Lord. Hallelujah Amen
Thank You Holy Spirit! !!!!!
O just 1 more thing that little book I shared with yall the mean KEY Thing Is ANGER that’s been an Generational Curse passed down through my family and I AM BREAKING IT IT HAS TO STOP cuz a lot of The Body of Christ don’t realize how Dangerous anger can be I could have killed my Cousin when I was about 10 or 11yrs old ANGER IT’S NOT B Taken Lightly again Have a Blessed Day yall
What a great reminder! Amen and Amen!
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister K K💖!!!
YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Lord for the POWER OF RELEASE🙌🙌🙌!!!!!
Loving You ALWAYS💕
To God Be The Glory Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!!👐 praise God Almighty! Lord I Thank you, I trust you, I give it all to you Lord! I release it all in your hand. In the mighty strong and powerful name of Jesus Amen!!!🙏💝😇
Thank you for this word our sister. Yes Father my children and grandchildren really can get so heavy on my heart and our sister is right, it’s hard to let them go, to release them totally into your care. Help me Lord, cause I know that is the only place where the miracles can happen. I love them but Lord I know you love them more. Thank you my Jesus. I love you 💜
Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne💖!!!
Thank You Lord for the POWER OF RELEASE🙌🙌🙌
Loving You ALWAYS💕
Thank you Lord Jesus I received this message for me my daughter and her family my grandchildren my sister and brother and family members and friends and others in Jesus name we pray we give you all the honor and Glory amen amen amen
Ohhh Lord My Soul Cries Out..THANK YOU LORD🙌🙌!! Oh How I Thank You Lord👏👏!! I Thank You..I Thank You..I Thank You for the POWER OF RELEASE!! THANK YOU LORD🙌🙌!! Lord, I CAN’T do it without YOU!! I TRUST YOU LORD WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING!! And I THANK YOU LORD for making me WISER & STRONGER!! Strong enough to be able to just say..”NO”..without a “guilty feeling” or “questioning myself/decision”..I’m learning once I release it/them to You Lord..DON’T TAKE IT BACK!! No matter how “pretty” they come back or how “eloquent” they may sound..In the words of Dr. Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”..by my releasing it/them & KNOWING what it is & who they are..it saves me from a whole lot of unnecessary hurt, pain & disappointments! THANK YOU LORD FOR THE POWER OF RELEASE!! I BELIEVE & RECEIVE THIS BLESSED, MIGHTY & TIMELY CONFIRMING WORD!! THANK YOU LORD for speaking DIRECTLY to MY heart!! I sooo needed THIS CONFIRMING WORD, to KEEP moving forward in Jesus’ Mighty & Precious Name..AMEN..AMEN..AMENNN🙏!!!
🎤I Love The Lord..
He heard my cry..
And pitied every groan..
Long as I, I live..
And troubles rise..
I’ll hasten to His Throne..
Ohhh I Love The Lord🎶
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
Thank you my Father and my friend.
Thank you, Father!!!!!!!!