The Power of Release

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7.

When you are set on fulfilling God’s purpose for your life, you must remember to release people and situations to God. Why? Because it will destroy you and will hinder your spiritual progress if you don’t. Obey God and release them. You can’t free them by your power. You can’t deliver anyone in your own strength. You can’t change anything about that situation by yourself. You can’t, but God can. And if anything miraculous is going to happen, it’s going to be by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Don’t take upon yourself a responsibility God didn’t give you. Don’t worry yourself trying to figure out what you can do to save them. Do only what God tells you to do and then release it to Him. I know it’s tough, but you must know that God cares for that person AND for you. Give it to Him and stand back and watch Him work.

God is saying by His Spirit, “I will do what I promised. Trust Me. Entrust them to Me. I can go where you can’t. I can see where You can’t. Nothing is hidden from Me. Release them to Me. Give it all to Me and You will see Me demonstrate My love and My power in ways You thought were impossible.”

A Challenge for You: Make a list of every person you are carrying on your heart and mind. Go down the list and say, “Lord, I release ____(say their name)___ to You. I entrust them to Your care. Have Your way in their lives. In Jesus name.”

Prayer: Father God, I care so much for the people in my life, and I want to see them experience the life and freedom that I am experiencing in You. I exercise the power You have given me through Jesus and I release them by faith into Your care.  I trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Posted in: Uncategorized

13 thoughts on “The Power of Release”

  1. Thank you Jesus for this release help me by the power of the Holy spirit my helper. To love, but know when to give my love ones and friends over to you amen..

  2. Gm my sister, thank you for the timely words this really for me.
    !at the the Lord continue to bless and used in such a beautiful way.
    How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings,that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good ,publisheth salvation; that unto Zion,Thy God reigneth!
    God bless you.

  3. Thank you Father for this reminder again. I know worry is a sin, and robs our peace. I give all my love ones to you and believing when I pray you send the Holy Spirit to do the work that I cannot. Thank you for your sweet peace in Jesus name ♡

  4. Thank you for continued confirmation! The hardest part is letting go. Stand firm and watch God deliver you and them!

  5. Thank you God because I trust you with everything around me I fully understand your power and your Love and the Love of our saver Jesus Christ Thank you God My My whole family is and your hands and the name of Jesus Amen

  6. Thank you sooooo much for reminding me of God “s sovereignty. I have been worried about so many things. My husband’s illness, the work place unfair treatment of me, not being able to find another position, my single young son who Pastors a church , my oldest son who is working 12-14 hours daily, my swollen foot, and so much more. I am praying, but not releasing it to the one who is well able to take care of everything. Lord I must turn it over. I have to take my hands off of it. Pray with and for me DOTK.

  7. release is sweet! Lord, “I cast all of my cares upon you. I lay all of my burdens down at your feet. And anytime I don’t know what to do. I will cast all my cares upon you.” Amen

  8. I felt it in my heart, that this was said to me derrectly because this is what am going through. now i decided to put my love ones in his hands and let God work in them according to his will. I will wait and trust God to work it out . Thank you God for releasing me. I will not do it on my own, i will not get in your way i will trust you. forgive me lord and give me wisdom Amen.

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